The Real Contest

Before moving to the United States in 1984, Os was a freelance reporter with the BBC. Since then he has been a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies, a Guest Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum and the EastWest Institute in New York. From 1986 to 1989, Os served as Executive Director of the Williamsburg Charter Foundation, a bicentennial celebration of the First Amendment. In this position he helped to draft “The Williamsburg Charter” and later “The Global Charter of Conscience,” which was published at the European Union Parliament in 2012. Os has spoken at dozens of the world’s major universities and spoken widely to political and business conferences on many issues, including religious freedom, across the world. He is currently a senior fellow at the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics and lives with his wife, Jenny, in the Washington, DC, area. (read more at

359278-contestI don’t care what side of the political aisle you sit on, praying for your leaders is right out of Scripture:

I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people 2 for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all people to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Tim 2:1-4)

So, when you’ve got a number of pastors gathering around President Trump to pray for him – that God would give him wisdom and insight –  how is it possible that another pastor would refer to that as “theological malpractice bordering on heresy?

I’ll tell you how: When your platform is more about your agenda than it is those Absolutes that govern all of mankind, both Republicans and Democrats.

More and more the political tension that we’re seeing is becoming easier to discern as a contest between those that look to Divine Absolutes for the bottom line and those that would have nothing to do with any absolute save the absolute of themselves. 44% of Democrats go as far as to say that they believe church is detrimental to the nation.

If you pop the hood on that statistic, what you have is a scenario where close to half of your political constituency is antagonistic to Christ, grace and the concept of sin. Forget the incalculable love proven on the cross, never mind the Power represented by the empty tomb. Neither of those Realities are considered credible. The only thing that matters from a philosophical standpoint is the priority of self and from a practical perspective the only thing that matters is the acquisition of power.

Perhaps that seems a little harsh, but consider some of the talking points of the Democrat party: Abortion, Same Sex Marriage and the Doctrine of Entitlement. All three of these are antithetical to Scripture. But what makes it even more sinister is that they’re not “topics” as much as they are ultimately “tactics.”

Even Racism, in the way it is touted as a current stain on the fabric of American culture and indicative of our nation’s dark past as an enterprise built on enslavement, theft and cruelty, is more “strategy” than it is “substance.”

But if you can demonstrate the America is built on something sinister, then you can easily segue into what appears to be a viable reason to reconfigure the philosophical paradigm that America is built upon. In other words, if you can retool America’s heritage – if you can redefine morality and redo the foundational impetus of personal responsibility – you can establish a government based entirely on Humanism.

At first brush, perhaps that doesn’t seem like an especially dramatic scenario. But the end result is something truly heinous.

Os Guiness was born in China during WWII. He moved with his family to England and completed his undergraduate work at the University of London and completed his doctorate at Oriel College, Oxford. A sought after speaker and a prolific author, he sums up America’s political status apart from it being founded on a Divine Absolute in his book, “Last Call for Liberty“:

The framers also held that, though the Constitution’s barriers against the abuse of power are indispensable, they were only “parchment barriers” and therefore could never be more than part of the answer. And in some ways they were the secondary part at that. The U.S. Constitution was never meant to be the sole bulwark of freedom, let alone a self perpetuating machine that would go by itself. The American founders were not, in Joseph de Maistre’s words, “poor men who imagine that nations can be constituted with ink.”  Without strong ethics to support them, the best laws and the strongest institutions would only be ropes of sand.

He makes a strong argument for the way in which the “pursuit of happiness” unchecked by the responsibility one has to be moral translates to disaster. And while it’s not always obvious, as far as the true essence of why our political climate continues to deteriorate into violent protests and little regard for the rule of law, it is nevertheless the foundational curse upon which their rhetoric is based.

…there is a deep irony in play today. Many educated people who scorn religious fundamentalism are hard at work creating a constitutional fundamentalism, though with lawyers and judges instead of rabbis, priests and pastors. “Constitutional” and “unconstitutional” have replaced the old language of orthodoxy and heresy. But unlike the better angels of religious fundamentalism, constitutional fundamentalism has no recourse to a divine spirit to rescue it from power games, casuistry, legalism, litigiousness—and, eventually, calcification and death.1

If you position yourself beneath the banner of Progressive thought and liberal politics, take a moment and pop the hood on what your party pushes as “compassion” and “equality” and realize it’s nothing more than a ploy to retool morality and redefine true freedom. Your champions are godless, your clergy is heretical and your platform is toxic.

If you want to argue the disaster of socialized medicine, it you want to debate the credibility of perversion, if you want to challenge the rule of law – fine. But if you fail to acknowledge the true source from which this philosophical approach proceeds, you’re either a fool or a fiend. It’s not about politics as much as it the One Who governs the affairs of men. It was that Reality that the Framers based, not only their case for independence, but also for what equated to an entirely new approach to government. Jefferson references this in the Declaration of Independence (“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal. that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.“). Adams mentions it in his commentary on the Constitution (“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”). And Benjamin Franklin references this fact in some comments he made recorded by James Madison in the “Records of the Federal Convention of 1787“:

I have lived, Sir, a long time, and the longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth – that God governs in the affairs of men. And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without his notice, is it probable that an empire can rise with his aid? We have been assured, Sir, in the sacred writings, that “except the Lord build the house they labour in vain that build it.”2 

Regardless of how you want to base your rhetoric on judiciously selected snippets of history in order to create a fictional account of the role Christianity played in our nation’s conception and legislative framework, the volume of evidence that proves your narrative to be false is overwhelming. However you would attempt to assault someone’s character simply because they don’t agree with the spin you put on current events and our nation’s heritage, your perspective is revealed for the poisonous platform that it is when you’re confronted with a comprehensive perspective on the news and history that forces you to think beyond your liberal talking points.

And however you want to present yourselves as the champions of freedom and enlightened thinking by referring to Trump supporters as fascists and racists, your strategy fails miserably once your tactics are exposed, your labels are revealed and your motives are recognized.

The real contest today is not defined in the context of political parties. Rather, it’s a fight between a mindset that seeks to justify its morality by asking “Is it Constitutional?” as opposed to “Is it right?” It’s not whether or not you have the Constitutional right, it’s whether or not you are morally right in doing whatever it is that you’re attempting to justify.

And where do go to determine a behavior’s moral value? Now you have the true essence of the debate. Either God is the Absolute that you default to or you simply default to the absolute of yourself.

That is the real contest.

1. “The Golden Triangle of Freedom”, Os Guiness,, accessed October 4, 2017 2. “The Records of the Federal convention of 1787 / ed. by Max Farrand, New Haven: Yale University Press, 1911”

2. “The Records of the Federal Convention of 1787”, James Madison,;view=1up;seq=487, accessed October 4, 2017)

Hate Speech

hate-speech-is-not-free-speechHate Speech

That’s something you hear a lot these days and unless you’re prepared to quickly dismantle that tactic, it can absorb a lot of time and emotional energy and the real issue gets buried.

Fact is, it’s brilliant tactic. In order to avoid being chastised, I’m going to assert the notion that I’m being victimized. The content of the criticism is subordinated to the supposedly sinister motivation behind it and just like that, I’m the victim and anyone who would be critical of me is a villain.

Whether it’s homosexuality, the transgender issue or any one of a number of other moral train wrecks – topics of discussion are circumvented by the deployment of tactics that are designed to shift the focus off of the accused and instead challenge the character of the one making the accusation.

“You can’t judge me” is another such tactic. The fact of the matter is, we’re supposed judge one another. The often misquoted passage in Scripture that says “Do not judge” contains more than three words. It’s Matthew 7:1-2 and the message is not to be silent, rather it’s not to be hypocritical.

Other verses like John 5:24,  Ephesians 5:11 and 2 Timothy 4:2 make it evident that we’re helping each other by highlighting those areas that constitute blind spots. “Judging” ourselves and those around us according to the Standard of Scripture helps us keep it between the lines and avoiding those things that would otherwise result in a big mess.

What we’re seeing in our culture, as far as wisdom and morality being dismissed as wicked and hateful, isn’t especially new. The Bible is loaded with instances where those who were being rebuked attempted to dismiss God’s Final Word as being an antiquated and heinous. On more than one occasion, Israel scoffed and sneered at those who spoke up on God’s behalf (Jer 17:15-16) and some tried to twist the word of the prophets into something evil.

But God doesn’t play that:

Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! (Is 5:20)

Should you ever find yourself in a situation where you feel compelled to speak up and someone tries to shut you down by accusing you of being “hateful” and “judgmental,” respond to them by saying:

How I ‘feel’ about what you’re doing is secondary to what God says. If you want to dismiss the Authority of Scripture, that’s your choice. But don’t try to shift the focus off of what you’re doing to what I’m supposedly thinking and miss what God is saying.


If they don’t believe in God or they want to question the Authority of Scripture, awesome! Now you’ve got a conversation. Before all you had was a tactic. At least this way, you’ve got them conceding the fact that the only Absolute they’re willing to acknowledge is the absolute of themselves. And regardless of how passionate or dogmatic they may be, that kind of self absorbed disposition doesn’t look or sound good and may lead to an opening where you can lead them to a place where they’re talking to God instead of ignoring Him.


Reek of Excellence | Part I

V01p466002Being born again translates to a motivating mindset in that you recognize that, as a believer, you’re perpetually poised on the threshold of great things (Jn 14:12; Eph 2:10). We were created to make a difference and not just an appearance. And it’s in the context of that “difference” that we find the sense of fulfillment and significance that makes every day something to look forward to.

When you’re able to get your philosophical paradigm aligned with what Scripture commands as far as a godly mindset, you find yourself pursuing a standard of excellence in everything you do (Col 3:17). And when you make a point of doing your best, regardless of what it might be, even the most menial task takes on a different dynamic in that you’re no longer just trying to “get through it,” as much you’re now “getting to it!”

This all stems from your awareness of how God has a purpose embedded in every waking moment of your life.


There’s nothing wasted. Every triumph and every trial has His Signature on it and when you’re engaged in a quality spiritual training program that has you constantly learning and growing, you become more consistent in filtering everything through the Reality of His Purpose and His Power as opposed to your perspective and your abilities.

Years ago, I was fresh out of the military having recently completed a very successful musical tour where I was playing drums in front of arenas filed with thousands of people. Upon completing that tour, however, I was in need of some income but wanted a situation that provided some flexibility so I could continue my pursuit of a career in music. A friend of mine at the church I attended owned and operated a fast food franchise in the mall and offered me a job. I chose to accept it believing it to be a very temporary situation but it wasn’t long before it became my primary source of revenue.

Mind you, just a few months prior to all this I was a Staff Sergeant in the USMC. Yet, here I am now smelling like a chicken nugget, wearing a name tag and taking orders from a High School Senior. In addition, my musical career appeared to be at a standstill which made my current position at Chick Fil A seem all the more frustrating.

I was contemplating all of this as I was walking into the Food Court one morning and I chose to encourage myself with the fact that I had yet to be asked to clean the commode. While that was hardly a professional accolade, it was nevertheless something that I could point to as evidence that it could be worse.

As I made my way into the restaurant, my manager greeted me with a green scouring pad and a can of cleanser. “Morning, Bruce! I’ve got a job for you…!”

So, there I am, on my hands and knees, scrubbing the floor surrounding the upstairs toilet and having a very frank exchange of ideas with my Heavenly Father.

Me: Are you seeing this?

God: Yeah, how about that?

Me: Do You not remember the “Young Messiah Tour” and the commissioning service that we had at my church in Virginia before I left? I thought I was on my way to something amazing and look at me, Lord! I’m scrubbing urine off the deck of the upstairs bathroom at Chick Fil A at Rivergate Mall! I’m broke, I’ve got no real prospects and I smell like a Waffle Potato Fry!

God: Let me ask you something.

Me: Please.

God: Would it make any difference if it had been Me asking you to clean the commode this morning?

Me (very aware that any request coming from my King is going to get my full attention and inspire my best effort): Well, certainly!

God: Well, guess what…

Among the Scriptures I had recently committed to memory was Psalm 139:16 where it says that, “All the days ordained for me were written in your book before they came to be.” I liked that verse because it gave every nuance of my life a sense of Divine Purpose. There was nothing wasted and I could rest assured that even the most laborious task had something Significant attached to it in that it was scripted by my Heavenly Father.

I hadn’t been thinking about that verse when I first knelt down to clean the toilet, but now after having been reminded of what this moment was from a Divine Standpoint, I was looking at it much differently. Mind you, it’s still urine and I’m still broke and I’m still longing for the day when I can make a living as a musician. But there’s a new spring in my step and I’m resolved to make this toilet sparkle.

Bear in mind this is not just profound little “twist” you can superimpose on a situation that would otherwise resonate as a mindless chore.

When I was stationed in Virginia, I played drums for the Norfolk First Baptist Church Choir. Larry White was the Minister of Music and he did a great job of putting on a wonderful program for Christmas and Easter and every Sunday was an intentional and well planned worship service that represented the best of what he and the players he was responsible for had to offer.

I enjoyed it immensely, although there were moments when the issue of volume was frustrating and there were also times when you looked at the chart you were being asked to play and you found yourself wishing for something that asked more of you in terms of musical prowess. Still, even the most basic song can, and should, inspire your best. And as far as the volume, well…you’ve just got to reign that in sometimes.

What’s significant about all this is that you would never expect something as commonplace as a church orchestra gig to result in an opportunity to go on tour with a “who’s who” of Contemporary Christian musicians and singers. But there was a gentleman in the audience named Norman Miller who had an idea for a modernized version of Handel’s Messiah. He called it the “Young Messiah” and in 1990 it distinguished itself as being the most successful and well attended tour in the history of Contemporary Christian Music. I was the drummer on that tour. I never auditioned, I simply served every week in the church orchestra. Norman saw me play and decided that I would be a good fit for the idea that he was putting together.

Do you smell that?

That’s the aroma of excellence!

When you make a point of processing whatever it is that you’re doing as something God has scheduled for that particular moment, by default it becomes something that warrants your best effort. And by being obedient, you inevitably wind up benefiting in that the clock seems to tick a little bit quicker when you’re taking pride in your work and it’s not out of the question that your resolve to turn in a quality performance – regardless of the size of the audience –  could translate to an opportunity that exceeds all of your expectations.

God’s in charge. There’s a Plan in place and everyday represents, not just another series of tasks to weed through. Those tasks are a part of the Plan! You’re not on the bench, you’re not in some kind of “holding” pattern. You’re in the game, you’re making a difference and putting  points on the board even when you’re scrubbing toilets. That’s what justifies a legitimately optimistic perspective, a motivated mindset and an energized disposition.

Reek of Excellence!

Click here to read “Reek of Excellence | Part II”

How Do You Refute an Argument Based on Facts?

clarkeIt can catch you off balance when you hear something that you know to be wrong, yet because of the way it’s articulated in the context of facts and statistics, you’re not able to refute it directly. It’s a strategy that is often used by the media and in the context of debates where topics are subordinated to tactics.

How do you refute an argument based on facts?

With a platform based on Truth.

Loaded questions and agenda-driven campaigns can be difficult to navigate. It’s especially challenging when what’s being communicated is offensive to the point where you feel a certain amount of anger welling up inside you. Even if you’re able to respond with something effective, unless it’s stated in measured tones and in a manner that sounds confident and well thought out, it can pale in comparison to a well rehearsed collection of bullet points, however nonsensical they may be.

A good example is an interview with Sheriff David Clarke conducted by CNN’s Don Lemon. Don begins by saying the that message of the “Black Lives Matter” movement is one of peace and bringing the country together. He then asks Sheriff Clarke, “What’s your message?”

The question is brilliant because however Sheriff Clarke answers, if it’s distinct from the message of “Black Lives Matter,” the implication is that it’s something other than peace which is precisely what Lemon and his compatriots at CNN want to promote in that it gives credibility to the notion that our country is fundamentally flawed and needs to be recast in the image of something more liberal.

It’s more than racism. It’s same sex marriage, it’s the doctrine of entitlement, it’s the eradication of any notion of an Absolute save the absolute of yourself. It’s amoral, it’s godless and it’s twisted. And what makes it especially lethal is that it’s incessantly promoted with words such as “compassion” and “equality.” Should those tactics prove to be ineffective, then words like “fascist” and “neo-Nazi” are deployed in an effort to distort the message of Conservatives so that it appears cruel and irrational.

The interview between Lemon and Clarke was conducted in the aftermath of some demonstrations that happened earlier that month (July of 2016). Lemon’s question was particularly offensive to Sheriff Clarke given the fact that in Dallas, a “Black Lives Matter” protest deteriorated into a violent scene of carnage as 12 police officers where shot. Sheriff Clarke looked at Lemon with an expression on his face that revealed the disdain he had for Lemon’s apparent, if not obvious apathy, for the cops that were shot and his simultaneous support he had for a movement based on a distorted perspective on the facts.

What Sheriff Clarke demonstrates is the way in which you handle an argument based on facts. You dismantle it with a platform based on Truth.

When you ask the wrong questions, you inevitably arrive at the wrong conclusions and the accuracy of your answers is in direct proportion to the accuracy of your perspective. You see this in the context of social justice, in politics and you see this in matters of theology.

Know what you believe and why (1 Pet 3:15-16). And when you’re confronted with a compelling sounding piece of fiction that fans the flames of a godless perspective, be ready to dismantle their argument with something other than a strategically collection of facts. Rather, respond with the Truth – a comprehensive picture of the issue as it truly is that acknowledges the substance of their platform while at the same time reveals it as a flawed and incomplete disposition in light of the bigger picture.

While Sheriff Clarke didn’t respond to Lemon by simply saying “The Truth,” his rebuttal was just that. It was “The Truth.” By asking Lemon if he really believed the message of the “Black Lives Matter” platform is one of “peace” and going to ask if there was any outrage on their part as far as the deaths of the policemen that were killed during their riot – this reveals the inconsistency of their mantra.

You don’t evaluate a system according to the way its abused. Where there is corruption, you address it in the context of the individuals that are guilty, not the entire institution they represent. Furthermore, the indignation that supposedly serves as the philosophical foundation for the “Black Lives Matter” group is based on intentionally falsified accounts of what really happened in order to give their rhetoric credibility (,, That is the truth and while it may not sway those who are determined to cling to a lie because of the way it reinforces the view they have of themselves and the world around them, for the sake of those who are on the outside looking in, it’s a needed breath of fresh air to keep the smog of Progressive thinking and godless convictions contained and revealed for what it genuinely is.

How do you refute an argument based on facts?

With a platform based on Truth.

Well done, Sheriff Clarke…

Be a Part of a Group of Guys Doing a Trial Run of 90 Day Fitness Program!

Muscular Christianity:90 Day Workout Plan

Here’s an open invitation to jump in with a group of guys who are going to be doing a 90 Day Workout Plan.

It comes from the content in the book, “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan” which is brand new. The idea is to get some guys together, hold each other accountable to the diet and workout strategy, meet once a week to workout together and just knock it out of the park.

Six paychecks! That’s the timeframe. And listen, it’s free! You can buy the book if you like, but you get immediate and free access to the content if you follow the links below.

If you’re interested, let me know! See you next Saturday!

Hey, boys!

It starts Monday, August 21st.  The thing you’ll want to have in place is a set time for when you’re going to exercise / do your devos. You’ll also want to have your diet established and ready to be engaged come Monday. By that I mean, have your calories calculated and your meals planned so you can hit the ground running.

Here’s the book in digital form: You’ll need the password, “Hardcharger” to open it up.

The way I’ve got it set up is outlined here: Basically, you’re spending some quality time with your King first thing. Those devos start on page 164. They’re short, but they’ll give you a quality boost.

Whether you want to work out first thing in the morning or later in the evening is totally up to you, you just want to make sure you get it done!

To get to the workouts, head out to and create a profile. After you’ve logged in, you’ll be taken to a page that gives you access to all of the downloadable material. Download it, import it into your itunes and you’ll be squared away.

For your diet, here’s a quick and dirty plan to get started:

This is coming from “Men’s Fitness” magazine and it’s good! Most of what they’re recommending you’ve already got in your grocery cart. Go through that and be ready to hit it Monday.

Another resource you can check out is Click on any of the days on the calendar and you’ll see exactly what I ate and how I exercised. The results were noticeable, but I’m thinking you take that dynamic and extend it over 6 paychecks and it’ll be even better!

Stoked, boys!

The first workout by the way involves free weights ( It’s the “Iron Mike” workout. I’m doing that Monday nite at the Rec Center at 6:45 pm. It’s $8.00, so if you want to knock it out that way, perfect.

If you don’t have weights, just be watching for garage sales. It’s amazing how many people are wanting to unload fitness equipment that they don’t use. If you find yourself scheduled to do some weights and you don’t have any, you can do another workout (you’ve got 12 to choose from), but do try to honor the schedule in the book just so when we’re wrapping up and we’re looking at the “after” pics, we can say that the results came from the program.

One more thing: Rather than working out at 5:215 am this coming Friday, let’s do the PFT on Saturday morning. That’s 3 miles, situps, pullups, pushups and jump rope. We’ll start at my house and then move to the Thompsons Station Park. How about we meet at 7:30 am? Let me know if you can do that.

Here we go!

Dirty Glacier


“Dirty Glacier” is an apt illustration of what happens when you’re considering a particular issue that’s being presented according to a collection of very judiciously selected facts. Or it could be something that’s weighing on you and, either because you’re too tired or you’re too emotional, rather than seeing your scenario in a way that’s founded on the Reality and Power of God, you restrict your perspective to only that which you can see and the end result is depressing.

What makes it challenging is that the accuracy of the data that’s being perceived is intact, it’s just that the data itself isn’t complete. It’s like a dirty glacier in that you’re only seeing the dirty “facts” that are being communicated / considered while the bulk of the information that’s needed to formulate a truly accurate conviction remains intentionally hidden.

Jesus said in John 7:24

Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.

 Get past the dirty glacier and make an effort to access what’s below the surface. Whether it’s a current event or something going on in your own life, when confronted with a dirty glacier, pop the hood on that thing and “judge correctly.”



Muscular Christianity Six Pack Seminar

sixpack_emblem_rgbIt’s not about being a “Christian” as much as it about being a godly man and having the top button of your Identity in Christ fastened in a way where the Purpose, the Peace and the Power of God in and through you translates to a paradigm where you reek of excellence in all things at all times… 

…including what you’re doing in the gym and at the dinner table!

The Muscular Christianity Six Pack Seminar starts with a monster round of calisthenics executed according to a different approach to physical training that will wear you out and fire you up all at the same time! 

Throughout the evening, you’ll be exposed to training techniques as well as approachable dietary practices. And while you are wiping the perspiration from your forehead, you’ll also be hearing how to peel back that film of normalcy that tends to cling to the every day moments our lives and see the Divine Imprint of Significance that transforms every waking moment of your life into something genuinely motivating! 

For $25.00, you’re getting:

  • monster workout session Friday nite
  • instruction on how to train and eat so you’re realizing your fitness goals rather than merely pursuing them and performing better, faster and longer than your best
  • learning how in Christ you are never on the bench, you are always on the field and empowered to reek of excellence in everything you do, think and say in order to draw attention to your King
  • over $50.00 worth of downloads
  • copy of the book, “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan

Be there, be stoked and be ready! 

Half Truths and Loaded Questions | Part I – Why Doesn’t God Do Something?


I) Intro – If You Ask the Wrong Questions…

If you ask the wrong questions, you inevitably arrive at the wrong conclusions and the accuracy of your answers is in direct proportion to the accuracy of your perspective.

To the right you see a series of accusations coming from the mindset of an indignant unbeliever. On the surface, one might stumble a little bit as they attempt to articulate a response. After all, some people who professed Christ as their Savior have justified some heinous acts and perspectives according to a quasi biblical sounding rationale. How do you respond and is it possible to effectively refute the indictments leveled against Christ by unbelievers who are looking to justify their lack of reverence for God?


Everyone of these questions / indictments can easily be dismantled by recognizing that they’re all designed to shift the burden of responsibility from man to God and in that way insist that God is to be held accountable for the sinful actions of the persons involved.

This is a technique that is fairly common. You see it in other scenarios as well. They’re not legitimate objections as much as they are clever strategies. Consider the following:

Question: How can a loving God send someone to hell?

Answer: How can a rational person say “No” to a loving God?

Question: How can God wipe out an entire people group including women and children?

Answer: How vile was that community that they would warrant God’s wrath to that degree?

Question: Do you think you’re better than me?

Answer: It’s not whether or not I’m a better human being, it’s about whether or not your current situation could be dramatically improved by making different choices.

Question: Doesn’t the Bible say you’re not supposed to judge?

Answer: Doesn’t the Bible say that what you’re doing is wrong?

Question: Do I not have the right to be happy?

Answer: Do you not have the responsibility to be moral?

In each instance you have a tactic being deployed where the focus is redirected from the person being evaluated – be it their character or their actions – to the person doing the evaluation. It’s a brilliant scheme in that, not only are you able to minimize the substance of the offense, but by judiciously selecting your verbiage the accused is now the victim and everyone else that would be critical is now the villain.

This is where you get the intellectual sounding justification for the phrase “hate speech.” This is how unbelievers seek to, not only justify their atheism, but diminish the Presence of God in the marketplace in general. This is how the critics of the gospel are able to remove prayer from schools, manger scenes from public spaces and our nation’s Christian heritage from academic textbooks.

What makes this issue so crucial is that even the most casual Christian has as their philosophical starting point a respect for the reality and the necessity of Absolutes: The rule of law, a respect for a person’s office, an approach to morality that’s founded on something that transcends cultural norms…

The very essence of our country is based on the fact that we are “endowed by our Creator with certain inalienable, human rights.” We justified our independence by appealing to the Absolute of the Divine Imprint that is stamped on each one of us as individuals. When you remove God from the equation, the only absolute that remains is the notion that there are no absolutes and therefore no moral barrier to stand between you and your definition of what is best and reasonable.

There are only two religions in this world: Either God is God or man is god. While it’s possible for a person to be moral apart from God, it is nevertheless their definition of morality that they subscribe to and it is their choice whether they abide by it or not. In short, they are their own absolute.

Not all Republicans are born again and not all Democrats are unbelievers. But 69% of atheists identify themselves as Democrats which makes sense given some of the talking points that are championed by the Democrat party:

The point is that this is not a “theological” discussion. This is about the philosophical foundation upon which one builds their convictions pertaining to morality, government, finances – the human experience in general. When you pop the hood on the debates, the protests, the headlines and the political rhetoric that shapes our culture, it is one’s regard for Divine Absolutes that forms the basis for a person’s convictions.

According to the Pew Research Center, the number of atheists in this country has doubled since 2014. When you look at:

  • the legislation that is being passed
  • the godless practices that are being promoted as acts of moral heroism
  • the increasing amount of violent protesters who force speaking engagements to be cancelled
  • the murder of those who march beneath the Republican banner
  • the public figures who “jokingly” advocate the assassination of the President of the United States

…this is more than just a discussion of one’s metaphysical temperament. This is a contest between those who would retool the moral and spiritual fabric of our country and those who seek to preserve the spiritual foundation upon which we’re built. And it’s no longer a conversation characterized by respectful dialogue nor is it limited to Executive Orders and the federal government. It is a war between those who insist that man is God and those who maintain that God is God. Either God is the Absolute Who we look to for both policy and salvation or man is the bottom line for this life and the next. Never before has the tension been more palpable and rarely has the sense of urgency surrounding the ability to defend one’s faith been more intense.

This is part one of a series of installments that will look at some of the half truth and loaded questions circulated by atheists in an attempt to undermine the substance and the advantages represented by the Gospel. While we will look at the questions in the introductory graphic, let’s start with one question that is often heard: “Why does God allow the innocent to suffer?”

II) Why Does God Allow the Innocent to Suffer?

According to the image you see to the right, God is cruel and indifferent. While He has the ability to step in and protect children who are being beaten by abusive fathers, He doesn’t. Instead, He ignores their pleas and allows them to be emotionally scarred and physically damaged. If God exists at all, He is worse than a joke, He’s despicable.

Going back to the observations made in the Introduction, while it’s a clever strategy it is nevertheless a pointless tactic to try and shift the blame from man to God when it comes to the sinful and heinous acts of humanity.

gods_waysThe first question should not be, “Where is God?” The first question should be why is Timmy’s dad beating his son to begin with. It’s Timmy’s father that needs to be held accountable for what’s happening in the home and not God.

Beyond that, however, C.S. Lewis once said, “There is nothing so self defeating as a question that is not fully understood when it is fully posed.” This is an example of a question that is not fully understood in that you’re saying that unless God prevents Timmy’s father from abusing his son, then God is not the Just and Powerful Deity that the Bible proclaims Him to be. He is Just and He is Powerful, but it’s up to mankind to acknowledge Him as such. God does not force man to comply, He gives him the ability to choose and it’s that freedom of choice that defines the human paradigm.

God is not oblivious to Timmy’s situation (Matt 10:29-31) and Timmy’s father will have to answer for the way in which he has treated his son (Ps 94:23; Heb 4:13).

Secondly, while Timmy is obviously being hurt, ultimately the One Who Timmy’s father is sinning against is God (Ps 51:4; Lk 15:18). Here is where the question being asked is revealed as something that goes beyond Timmy’s welfare.

As a human being, Timmy’s dad has the ability to choose whether to honor God or to rebel. It is his job to love and protect his son (Eph 6:4). It is also his choice (Josh 24:15; Gal 5:13). Protecting Timmy, in this instance, means more than God simply preventing Timmy from being hit. It means that He has to alter the terms of the contract that He has made with every human being as far as giving them the option of either loving Him or despising Him.

And that’s not going to happen (Gen 2:16-17).

On the surface, that is not an entirely satisfactory answer. Timmy still has scars. It would be great if God stepped in every time something heinous was about to occur:

  • prevent that doctor from performing that abortion
  • stop that individual from getting drunk before he gets into his car
  • change the minds of those two “consenting adults” before they commit adultery

Now you have a situation where some will attempt to qualify when God asserts Himself, but you can’t have it both ways. You’re either a human being with the ability to choose, or you’re programed organism that’s obligated to comply.

The great thing about having an option is that when you choose to love God, it is love and the things that God designed to occur within the context of that voluntary relationship between Himself and His Creation can happen (Jn 10:10). But if it’s nothing more than a prearranged affiliation, it isn’t love. There’s no relationship, there’s no interaction – there’s no pulse.

But on the other hand, in order for love to be possible, indifference and even hatred have to be viable alternatives. And the greater the distance between you and God, the more likely the thoughts and actions of one who perceives himself as his own absolute stand to become more sinister and damaging.


It’s not God’s fault that man chooses to rebel against Him. The questions atheists ask in an attempt to discredit God intentionally sidesteps the human element that is to be held accountable. And even if God were to assert Himself in order to prevent the sinful actions of humanity from occurring, He would have to alter the contract He’s made with the human race that allows love to occur in the context of a choice. Having that option, while necessary, also allows for the antithesis of reverence and obedience to flourish. In the end, it’s not, “Why doesn’t God do something?” It’s, “Why does mankind choose to loathe his Creator, his Redeemer and his King?”

If your evaluation of God assumes the presence of human flaws, then His Actions can never fully resonate as Holy let alone Just.


I Want to Win!

rockwell_dad_churchDo you think Jesus was a good carpenter?

Imagine the quality of one’s craft it wasn’t tainted in any way by the influence of sin.

Stellar work ethic, perpetual pursuit of excellence, impeccable character…

Paul says in Philippians 3:14:

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14)

The “prize” he refers to goes beyond business cards and checking accounts. It’s a mindset that focuses on something greater than one’s self that leads to a life well lived and subsequently directs people to Christ having earned the right to be heard by reeking of excellence (Matt 5:16).

Being obedient to Christ means that I am laboring to defeat all of those tendencies within me that limit the Purpose, the Peace and the Power of God working in an through me (Phil 2:13).

I want to win (Eph 6:12).

I want to win the contest that occurs every waking moment of my life between the strengths that lead me to the mountain top and the excuses that put me in the gutter. I don’t want to merely prosper as much as I want to succeed for the same reason a runner wants to  run a good race and not simply run a good lap (Josh 1:8).

The gentleman that you see pictured above suffers from the all to common approach to discipleship that restricts the application of God’s Spirit to noble acts of ministry. While it’s not uncommon to categorize life either as a secular or sacred activity, salvation was not engineered to be either / or but both /and. It’s when we make a point of recognizing the Divine Signature of Purpose that’s attached to every second of our existence, it’s then we’re able to experience the motivation, the energy and the passion that defines the difference between getting “through it” versus getting “to it.”

This is why I make a point of spending some time everyday with my King. If I have access to a Resource that’s 100% right 100% of the time and has my best interests at heart, why would I not want to pick His brain every chance I get? This is why I’m a diligent student of Scripture (2 Tim 2:15), this is why I maintain a constant line of communication with my Heavenly Father (1 Thess 5:16-18). This is why I “press on” to be spiritually ripped.

I think Jesus was an amazing carpenter. I think He crafted furniture in a way that was nothing short of exemplary simply because He was obedient to His Father who asks that we do everything to the very best of our ability (Ecc 9:10; Col 3:17). Fact is, Jesus wasn’t the kind of man you would want to hire, He was the kind of man you would want to promote.

Don’t deny yourself the perpetual optimism, the steady confidence and all the practical advantages that a relationship with Christ brings to the table. When you target Him as both your Reason to succeed as well as the Source of all that is needed to succeed, there isn’t anything in your life that shouldn’t be exceptional and worthy of imitation (Jn 10:10; 2 Cor 9:8).


The Accuracy of Scripture | Part II – The New Testament

I) Introduction


We looked at prophecies that were fulfilled to the letter, the scientifically accurate observations being made by inspired individuals that were way ahead of their time and also the way in which contemporary archaeological finds have validated the claims of Scripture.

The conclusions that can be drawn from the evidence that is readily available are as certain as they are substantive. Bottom line: The Old Testament can be embraced as, literally, the Word of God.

This week we look at the New Testament using the same approach. We’ll look at its content, we’ll consider the way it was assembled and finally, examine its consistency – the way in which the manuscripts we have available to us today match up with each other thus resulting in a text we can revere as truly Inspired.

II) The New Testament

     A) Content

It’s appropriate to rehearse what it is that we’re actually trying to deduce from the evidence that is available to us, as far as, not only the accuracy of Scripture, but the reasonableness of the Bible’s claim about itself to be the Word of God:

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Num 23:19)

As for God, his way is perfect: The Lord’s word is flawless; he shields all who take refuge in him. (2 Sam 22:31)

The law of the Lord is perfect, refreshing the soul. The statutes of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. (Ps 19:7)

Every word of God is flawless; he is a shield to those who take refuge in him. (Prov 30:5)

16 All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God[a] may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Tim 3:16-17)

20 Above all, you must understand that no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet’s own interpretation of things. 21 For prophecy never had its origin in the human will, but prophets, though human, spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. (2 Pet 1:20-21 [2 Sam 23:2] )

Given Scripture’s Divine Audacity, as far as it refusing to accept the label of “accurate,” but instead insists on it being Inerrant, let’s start with the content of the New Testament and look at it in terms of being historically accurate.

heel       1) Archaeology

Pontius Pilate Inscription

In 1961 the archaeological world was taken back to the first century Roman province of Judea. A group of archaeologists, led by Dr. Antonio Frova were excavating an ancient Roman theater near Caesarea Maritima. Caesarea was a leading city in the first century located on the Mediterranean Sea. A limestone block was found there with a surprising inscription. The inscription, on three lines, reads:


The inscription is believed to be part of a larger inscription dedicating a temple in Caesarea to the emperor Tiberius. The inscription clearly states, “Pontius Pilate, Prefect of Judea.”1

Heel of Yehohanan

The practice of crucifixion in antiquity was brought to life as never before when the heel bones of a young man named Yehohanan were found in a Jerusalem tomb, pierced by an iron nail. The discovery shed new light on Roman crucifixion methods and began to rewrite the history of crucifixion in antiquity.2

“In the plaster of this pool were found coins that establish the date of the pool to the years before and after Jesus. There is little question that this is in fact the pool of Siloam, to which Jesus sent the blind man in John 9.”3

Pool of Siloam

In 2004, some repairs were being done on a large pipe in Jerusalem when engineers stumbled upon a series of steps that led to a first century pool. By the end of 2005, archaeologists were able to confirm that this was the Pool of Siloam referenced in John 9.

Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD

In the book of Matthew, not long before He was put to death, Jesus prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed:

Jesus left the temple and was walking away when his disciples came up to him to call his attention to its buildings. 2 “Do you see all these things?” he asked. “Truly I tell you, not one stone here will be left on another; every one will be thrown down.” (Matt 24:1-2)

Today you can look at an area in Jerusalem that was originally unearthed in the 1838. As the area was further excavated, you could see the massive stones that had at one point been part of the Temple’s structure that had been pushed over by the Romans when they destroyed in 70 AD.

To summarize, Nelson Glueck, the renowned Jewish archaeologist, wrote: “It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has every controverted a biblical reference.” He continued his assertion of “the almost incredibly accurate historical memory of the Bible, and particular so when it is fortified by archaeological fact.”4

What makes the New Testament such a standout, however, is not so much the way in which it can be validated from an archaeological standpoint, as much as it’s the narrative of Christ’s death and resurrection.

          2) The Resurrection

While the Resurrection can’t be proven via footage and voice recordings of eyewitnesses, the Biblical record can be substantiated by using other historically credible resources.

Josephus was a Jewish historian that lived from 37 to 100 A.D. He was employed by the Romans and he mentions this about Jesus in his “Antiquities of the Jews”:

Site of “Robinson’s Arch,” originally discovered in 1838 where you can now see the massive stones amidst the rubble left over from the Romans’ destruction of the Temple in 70 AD

At this time there was a wise man who was called Jesus. And his conduct was good, and [he] was known to be virtuous. And many people from among the Jews and the other nations became his disciples. Pilate condemned him to be crucified and to die. And those who had become his disciples did not abandon his discipleship. They reported that he had appeared to them three days after his crucifixion and that he was alive.5

Another example that demonstrates the historical reality of Christ’s resurrection that comes from a secular source would be the account of Ignatius who lived from 50-115 A.D. He was the Bishop of Antioch, a native of Syria and a pupil of the apostle John. Enroute to a martyr’s death, he wrote his “Epistles,” and this is what he said of Christ:

He was crucified and died under Pontius Pilate. He really, and not merely in appearance, was crucified, and died, in the sight of beings in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth. He also rose again in three days…”6

Something else that’s interesting about the historicity of Christ’s death and resurrection is the eclipse and the earthquake that’s referenced in Luke 23:44 and Matthew 27:54.

Greek historian Phlegon wrote: “In the fourth year of the 202nd Olympiad, there was an eclipse of the Sun which was greater than any known before and in the sixth hour of the day it became night; so that stars appeared in the heaven; and a great Earthquake that broke out in Bithynia destroyed the greatest part of Nicaea.”7

These accounts don’t necessarily prove that the Resurrection did occur, but what they do provide is an objective and historical reinforcement of the Biblical record.

     B) Construction

          1) Apostolic Origin

Thallus is perhaps the earliest secular writer to mention Jesus and he is so ancient his writings don’t even exist anymore. But Julius Africanus, writing around 221AD does quote Thallus who previously tried to explain away the darkness occurring at Jesus’ crucifixion:
“On the whole world there pressed a most fearful darkness; and the rocks were rent by an earthquake, and many places in Judea and other districts were thrown down. This darkness Thallus, in the third book of his History, calls, as appears to me without reason, an eclipse of the sun.” (Julius Africanus, Chronography, 18:1)

In the last session, we showed how some doubt the content of Scripture, believing it to be a patchwork of judiciously selected writings that happened to corroborate a message that could be used to manipulate the masses. But when you look at the criteria that was used to identify the books of the Bible, the end result is a very, very short list because of the required prophetic credential as well as the necessary fulfillment of any prophecy that was articulated. The Old Testament is what it is, not because of preferences or subjective rulings, but because of the substance of the content and the proven credibility of the human author.

The New Testament is no different. The criteria used to determine what book qualified as Scriptural was whether or not it was “apostolic” in origin. So, if the book in question was either written by an apostle or with the endorsement of an apostle, it was considered Authoritative. Otherwise, it was discarded.

An “apostle,” in the broadest sense of the word, is someone who had seen Christ alive after He had been crucified. That included more than the original Twelve. Paul had his encounter on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19) and James, the brother of Jesus, saw Him alive according to 1 Corinthians 15:7. Luke, John Mark and Barnabas were close associates of Paul and Jude, being the brother of Christ, while they weren’t apostles, because of their association with those who were, were recognized as credible representations of apostolic credibility.

Given that dynamic, consider the books of the New Testament:

Book(s) / Author Bio
Matthew One of the original 12 disciples (Lk 6:15)
John Mark Close associate of Peter and Paul (2 Tim 4:11)
Luke Paul’s associate & physician (Col 4:14; Phil 1:24)
John; 1-3 John; Revelation
John One of the original 12 disciples (Matt 10:2)
Luke Paul’s associate & physician (Col 4:14; Phil 1:24)
Romans; 1-2 Corinthians; Galatians; Ephesians; Philippians; Colossians; 1-2 Thessalonians; 1-2 Timothy; Titus; Philemon
Paul Paul encountered the risen Christ on the road to Damascus (Acts 9:1-19)
Barnabas Associate of Paul and cousin to John Mark (Acts 12:25; Col 4:10)3
James Brother of Christ and referred to as an apostle by Paul (Gal 1:19).
1-2 Peter
Peter One of the original 12 disciples (Matt 10:2)
 Jude Brother of Christ (Jude 1:7 [describes himself as a brother of James, which is most likely the author of the book of James)

In A.D. 393, a Church Council was convened called the “Synod of Hippo.” “Synod,” (pronounced “SIN-ed”) comes from a Greek word that means, “assembly.” Hippo is the city of Hippo Regius, which is the ancient name of the modern city of Annaba, in Algeria. Their purpose for meeting was to officially define the books of the New Testament. You can see how most of their work had already been done simply by filtering everything through the qualifier of “apostolic origin.”

When we read the New Testament, we’re reading the Inspired words of God written by people who had either seen the risen Christ personally or were close associates of those who had. Bear in mind, too, that most gave their lives in defense of what they believed and what had been written through them.

That’s strong!

          2) Textual Criticism

The evidence to support the authenticity of the Scriptures, as far as them being an accurate rendering of what was originally written, is more than adequate.

When evaluating works of antiquity from a textual perspective, you’re looking at two things:

  • How many original manuscripts (MSS) do we have today?
  • How long was it before the first copy and the initial writing of the text in question?

The Iliad, by Homer is considered to be classic and was a standard in intellectual circles for centuries. Look at how the two works compare with one another in terms of textual integrity:

Textual Integrity of the New Testament
work when written earliest copy time span # of copies
Homer (Iliad) 900 B.C. 400 B.C. 500 years 1,757
New Testament 40-100 A.D. 125 A.D. 25 years 23,769
originally quoted from “Evidence that Demands a Verdict” and since updated according to “The Bibliographical Test Updated


Dr F.F Bruce was the Rylands Professor of Biblical Criticism at Manchester University after having served in various posts where he taught Greek after having served as head of the Department of Biblical History and Literature at the University of Sheffield in 1947.He says:

 “Scholars are satisfied that they possess substantially the true text of the principal Greek and Roman writers whose works have come down to us, of Sophocles, of Thucydides, of Cicero, of Virgil; yet our knowledge of their writings depends on a mere handful of manuscripts, whereas the manuscripts of the New Testament are counted by hundreds, and even thousands.8

 Dr. Dan Wallace is Senior Professor of New Testament Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary. He has written, co-authored, edited, or contributed to more than two dozen books and is internationally known as a Greek New Testament scholar. He says:

The wealth of material that is available for determining the wording of the original New Testament is staggering: more than fifty-seven hundred Greek New Testament manuscripts, as many as twenty thousand versions, and more than one million quotations by patristic writers. In comparison with the average ancient Greek author, the New Testament copies are well over a thousand times more plentiful. If the average-sized manuscript were two and one-half inches thick, all the copies of the works of an average Greek author would stack up four feet high, while the copies of the New Testament would stack up to over a mile high! This is indeed an embarrassment of riches.9

     C) Consistency

Dr. John MacArthur is a pastor as well as a prolific author and renowned theologian. He’s authored more the 150 books including the “MacArthur Study Bible.” He’s been the pastor of Grace Community Church in Sun Valley, California since 1969 and is the current president of the Master’s University in Newhall, California as well as the Master’s Seminary in Los Angeles, California.

In one of his sermons, he said this:

What you hold in your hand right now, your Bible, I can tell you is an accurate, English translation of the original manuscripts written by the authors of the Bible. It is accurate. If I didn’t believe that we had an accurate translation of the original text of Holy Scripture, why would I endeavor to explain it verse-by-verse and word-by word? It’s very, very essential and very foundational to understand that what you have in your hand in a twentieth century, if you had the NAS, or twenty-first century if you have the ESV, English translation is an accurate translation of texts that originated thousands of years ago. And the reason that I can say that is true is because I understand the science and the history of manuscripts and the passing down of Holy Scripture. That is one of the most important things you learn in seminary because if you have any wavering in your confidence about the integrity of your translation of the Bible, it will suck the conviction right out of your heart. That is why those who attack the truth, attack first the veracity of Scripture. Because if the Bible can be shown to be inaccurate, or an inadequate translation, or wrong, then we have no assurance of anything.10

He goes on to say that there are errors were made in the copying of Scripture…

One of the scholars that I’ve studied in years past, is a man named A.T. Robertson. You’ll see his name connected to matters regarding biblical scholarship. A.T. Robertson says, “The vast array of manuscripts has enabled textual scholars to accurately reconstruct the original text with…listen to this…more than 99.9 percent accuracy.” That’s pretty good. More than 99.9 percent accuracy.

What’s so amazing about this, these are all hand copies…hand copies. Now you say, “You mean, in all of that there are no errors?” Oh, I didn’t say that. They made errors. They put in a wrong word, put in a wrong spelling, left something out, occasionally they even tried to clarify something, some of these scribes. But guess what, we have so many manuscripts, we know when they’re doing that. We know when we’re doing that. Plus, if something shows up in a later manuscript, and it’s not in any of the earlier ones, we know it was added later. It isn’t brain surgery.11

God is not only the Author of Scripture, He’s also the “preserver.” Because we have access to so many hand written manuscripts, we can easily identify where there are differences and stay on course with what represents the obvious text.

Bear in mind, we’re not talking about passages that serve as foundational Truths upon which our creed is based. You won’t find any discrepancies when it comes to the virgin birth or the Resurrection of Christ. But passages such as verses 9-20 in the last chapter of Mark are speculative. The content isn’t inconsistent with the whole of Scripture, but there are some manuscripts that don’t have those verses.

Another example is the number 666. Revelation 13:18, in the more reliable manuscripts documents it as 666, but a papyrus about the size of a postage stamp discovered recently had the number written as 616.

In the second century, Iranaeus, an early church father, wrote a commentary acknowledging his awareness of the number, but went on to say that the more reliable manuscripts had the number written as 666. That’s significant because Iraneus mentor was Polycarp who was a disciple of John.

The bottom line is: God works through seemingly commonplace processes to accomplish His Purpose. In the instance of a manuscript that documents something distinct.

III) Conclusion

The following quotes were referenced in Part I of this discussion, but they’re worth repeating:

You have searched the holy scriptures, which are true, which were given by the Holy Spirit; you know that nothing unrighteous or counterfeit is written in them. (Clement of Rome)12

The Scriptures are indeed perfect. (Iraneus)13

The Scriptures have never erred…The Scriptures cannot err. (Martin Luther)14

The statements of holy Scripture will never be discordant with truth. (Tertullian)15

The Scriptures are holy, they are truthful, they are blameless. (Augustine)16

If anyone preaches either concerning Christ or concerning his church or concerning any other matter which pertains to our faith and life; I will not say, if we, but what Paul adds, if an angel from heaven should preach to you anything besides what you have received in the Scriptures of the Law and of the Gospels, let him be anathema. (Augustine) 17

For I am sure that if I say anything which is undoubtedly contradictory to holy Scripture, it is wrong; and if I become aware of such a contradiction, I do not wish to hold that opinion. (Anselm of Canterbury)18

When one insists that the Bible is flawed, they don’t merely undermine contemporary scholarship, they refute the assertions of the early church fathers – some of whom gave their lives rather than recant their convictions.

There is no good reason to doubt the authenticity of God’s Word – specifically in the way it presents itself as the inerrant Word of God.

Some will try to dismiss the testimony of Scripture when it comes to the way some will try to use the Bible as way to certify itself. They label it as a circular argument and therefore inadmissible in the court of public opinion.

But the Bible is not merely one book, nor is it one voice. Yes, it is the Word of God, but it’s expressed through over 40 different authors writing over a 1,500 year time span and distributed over three different continents. The Bible doesn’t represent one witness, but many witnesses scattered over several centuries.

Dr. MacArthur highlights the importance of a healthy regard for Scripture by saying:

It was A.W. Tozer who famously stated, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us.” The reason for this, Tozer went on to explain, is that deficient vies of God are idolatrous and ultimately damning: “Low views of God destroy the gospel for all who hold them.” And again, “Perverse notions about God soon rot the religion in which they appear…the first step down for any church is taken when it surrenders its opinion of God.” As Tozer insightfully observed, the abandonment of a right view of God inevitably results in theological collapse and moral ruin.

Because God has made himself known in his Word, a commitment to a high view of Scripture is of paramount importance. The Bible both reflects and reveals the character of its Author. Consequently, those who deny its veracity do so at their peril. If the most important thing about us is how we think about God, then what we think about his self-revelation in Scripture is of the utmost consequence. Those who have a high view of Scripture will have a high view of God. And vice versa – those who treat the Word of God with disdain and contempt possess no real appreciation for the God of the Word. Put simply, it is impossible to accurately understand who God is while simultaneously rejecting the truthfulness of the Bible.19

Archeology, Science, Textual Attestation – it’s all there. There is no good reason to doubt the authenticity of the Old Testament.

Still, to accept the Bible as Divine requires more than just what can be gauged by the senses. To embrace something as supernatural, you have to deploy the same kind of intellectual extrapolation that scientists do when confronted with things such as the boundary of the cosmos or the origin of gravity. Some things we are just not capable of quantifying simply because it lies beyond the human capacity to measure or observe. That’s not to say we can’t make intelligent assessments, but there is, in some instances, an empirical certainty that exists beyond the limitations of the human paradigm. The empirical dots that can be connected are those that exist in terms of that which happened in the past. Our perspective is that of a rear view mirror. We can’t stop the car and witness those events in the present and build our convictions on having personally witnessed the parting of the Red Sea or the Resurrection. It’s in those moments when we have to place our trust in something we cannot see. The Bible calls this faith.

The Bible says in Hebrews 11:6 that without faith, it’s impossible to please God. Not because He expects you to disengage your intellect when surmising the evidence that validates His Identity and His Word, but because there are historical realities that cannot be observed today, only accepted as fact based on the evidence those events have left in their wake. In other words, we have to be willing to go forward in our convictions based on what we cannot see.

To embrace the Bible as nothing more than a fascinating text is to strip it of the Role it asserts as the Word of God. And it’s not just for the sake of information as much as it’s about the supernatural transformation that occurs when you realize that His Word is His Message to you personally (1 Cor 13:12; Jas 1:23).

God, through the Scriptures, requires a response beyond a positive intellectual endorsement. It asks for the kind of obedience that God Himself facilitates through you by His Spirit (Phil 2:13). You become the permanent home for His Holy Spirit by accepting the Message He proclaims in His Word (Rom 10:17) and that ultimately requires faith.

Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. (Rom 10:17)

Not a blind faith, but faith nonetheless. Faith in Him, what He can do and…

…the Integrity, the Substance and the Truth of His Inerrant Word.

Click  here  to go to “The Accuracy of Scripture: Part I – The Old Testament”

1. Credo House,–-6-pontius-pilate-inscription/, accessed April 23, 2017
2. Bible History Daily, “A Tomb in Jerusalem Reveals the History of Crucifixion and Roman Crucifixion Methods”,, accessed April 23, 2017
3. Premier Christianity, “9 Archaeology Finds that Confirm the New Testament”,, accessed April 23, 2017
4. “Evidence That Demands a Verdict”, Josh McDowell, Thomas Nelson Publishers, Nashville, TN, 1979, p65
5. Ibid, p82
6. Ibid, p185
7. Astronomy Today, “Eclipses from Ancient Times – Part Three,, accessed April 23, 2017
8. “Evidence That Demands a Verdict”, Josh McDowell, Here’s Life Publishers, San Bernardino, CA, 1972, p45
9. “Jesus: How Contemporary Skeptics Miss the Real Jesus and Mislead Popular Culture”, J. Ed Komoszewski, M. James Sawyer, Daniel B. Wallace, Kregal Publications, Grand Rapids, MI, 2006 p82
10. “Grace To You”, “The Fitting End to Mark’s Gospel”,, accessed April 23, 2017
11. Ibid
12. “Do Historical Matters Matter to Faith?”, James K. Hoffmeier and Dennis R. Magary, Crossway, Wheaton, IL, 2007, p140
13. Christian Theology, Millard J. Erickson, Baker Academic, Grand Rapids, MI, 1998, p252
14. “Evangelical Lutheran Synod”, “Luther and the Word of God’,, accessed April 25, 2017
15. “The Inerrant Word: Biblical, Historical, Theological and Pastoral Perspectives”, John MacArthur, Crossway, Wheaton, IL, 2016, p124
16. Ibid, p125
17. Ibid, p126
18. Ibid, p125
19. Ibid, p12