llinois’ Governor Signs Abortion Bill Far Worse than New York’s

partialbirthabortionThe Illinois Senate just passed SB 25, the Reproductive Health Act, by a vote of 34-20. The bill expands abortions through 9 months and requires insurance companies to provide coverage. The bill has already passed the House and Gov. Pritzker has said he will sign it… (IBSA Twitter Feed)

That was the Illinois State Baptist’s Tweet in response to a recent piece of legislation that Illinois passed that allows babies to be legally aborted up to nine months. It removes a number of restrictions and allows the procedure to be covered by insurance.

So, to those who believe that Abortion is an acceptable practice…

Let’s first consider abortion in the aftermath of rape.

Rape is an issue, but it’s not a reason to increase the number of innocent victims by killing the child. And I’m not dismissing the burden and the risk represented by carrying that baby to term, but that’s a human being in your womb who is depending on you for all that he or she needs in order to be born. The one who assaulted you is the one who needs to be punished for having violated you, not the innocent baby that wants nothing more than a chance to live.

As has already been mentioned in this thread, the number of abortions that are a result of rape are less than .5%. So to disagree with those who aim to protect the rights of the unborn by citing rape is statistically irresponsible and a cheap tactic used to distract from the real reason why most have an abortion and that’s because they’re not ready for a child.

The only way in which you can justify sucking the brain matter out of an infant’s skull or, in the case of Illinois and New York, to euthanize an infant who is no longer dependent on their mother in order to breathe on their own, is to proclaim yourself as your own Absolute and thereby feel completely at ease deciding who gets to live or die.

Your right to “choose” is limited to whether or not you “choose” to be intimate with another human being knowing that there’s a chance that your actions will result in the conception of a child. Should you become pregnant it is the responsibility of both the mother and the father to ensure that baby is given the chance to live and thrive in the context of an adopted family. And by the way, currently there are 36 families for every one child who is put up for adoption.

Here’s the bottom line: Abortion is a sick and twisted way of justifying murder. It is a godless and altogether evil practice that is revealed for what it truly is when you take the time to read and / or watch what happens when a baby is killed.

“Planned Parenthood,” “Right to Choose…” These are words whose meaning has been hijacked by the Left in order to further the bogus narrative that man can be his own deity and define the essence of life. And let me reinforce that assertion by directing your attention to a couple of verses that demonstrate God’s Spin on man killing his own in the name of convenience.

First of all, Psalm 139:13:

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.” (Ps 139:13)

Every child is a sanctified and intentional gift that has a holy worth and a Divine sense of significance attached to it that is completely distinct from the manner in which they were conceived. It is not your “body.” Your pancreas doesn’t have a pulse, your gall bladder does not have a mind of its own. You have a life growing within you that is worthy of your protection and your care. It is not a piece of unwanted garbage that you dispose of just because you don’t want to take responsibility for your actions.

Secondly, Genesis 25:21-23

Isaac prayed to the Lord on behalf of his wife, because she was childless. The Lord answered his prayer, and his wife Rebekah became pregnant. The babies jostled each other within her, and she said, “Why is this happening to me?” So she went to inquire of the Lord. The Lord said to her, “Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples from within you will be separated; one people will be stronger than the other, and the older will serve the younger.” (Gen (25:21-23)

If this verse were written in the vernacular of Planned Parenthood, it would read, “Two random pieces of flesh are in your womb and two disposable pieces of tissue from with you will be separate; one piece of waste will be stronger than the other…”

You get the picture.

If you’re a fan of “Pro Choice,” you are oblivious to the actual practice of abortion. You don’t associate the word with the actual technique and the very real picture of a baby squirming in pain. If you are, then you have no conscience and you need take an honest inventory of your soul.

All of the arguments submitted in the context of a “woman’s right” and the “ultimate well being of the child” are sips taken from a glass held by the devil himself. Six million Jews were killed during the Holocaust. Since 1973, over 50 million lives have been snuffed out all in the name of convenience. It is a wicked and twisted practice used by people who want to cover their tracks at the expense of an innocent life.


God’s Definition of Success

whiteboardI was stoked! I was listening to an excellent teacher deliver a sermon on the discipline of meditation. He elaborated on the word “hagah,” which is the Hebrew word for “meditate” as it’s found Joshua 1:8:

Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful. (Josh 1:8)

While it’s interpreted as “to meditate,” it also is used to describe the contented growl a lion makes as it consumes its food.  The idea being that you’re not just studying content as much as you’re enthusiastically embracing what you perceive to be something that’s going to make a huge difference in the way you process yourself and the world around you as well as in the way you perform.

I had memorized this verse a while back and when I first came in contact with it as something that immediately resonated as a Biblical mandate to pursue a standard of excellence in all things at all times – something that’s reinforced throughout the Word of God.

And what’s so motivating about all this is that when you make a point of ensuring that everything you do, think and say merits the Divine Stamp of Quality that we’re all commanded to strive for, the benefits are both practical and profound.

  • Joseph was an amazing administrator (Gen 39:23). The warden knew it and so did Pharaoh (Gen 41:38) and they both attributed Joseph’s ability as being the result of the Spirit of God.
  • Moses was able to accomplish all he did because of the way God worked in and through him (Dt 34:10-12).(Joshua was given the spirit of leadership and wisdom – again, it was the Spirit of the Lord (Dt 34:9).
  • Gideon lead an incredibly successful military operation against the enemies of Israel because of the way the Spirit of the Lord directed and empowered him (Jud 6:34).
  • Samson was able to tear a lion a part with his bare hands because of the Spirit of the Lord (Jud 14:6).
  • David defeated Goliath and became king of Israel because the Spirit of the Lord “came powerfully” upon him (1 Sam 16:13).
The ability to produce wealth comes from God (Dt 8:18). The wisdom necessary to keep your priorities in line (Matt 6:33), to administer, to lead, to prosper and succeed – all of this comes from God.

Some might want to argue that there are plenty of examples of individuals who have done very well for themselves and could care less about Christ. But their success still comes from God whether they want to acknowledge Him or not (Job 21:16-17; Ps 73; Prov 21:1; Dan 2:21). And however they may seem to have it going on, theirs is a house of cards measured by a collection of goal posts that never stop moving (Ecc 5:10).

Fact is, life is measured by more than your business card and your bank account. If you want to be both prosperous and successful, you best bet is to align yourself with the One Who offers wealth without tension (Prov 10:22; Is 26:22; Lk 12:20), love without compromise (2 Sam 12:8; Prov 5:18) and power without pride (Jud 7:2; Zec 4:6; Phil 2:13).

Who wouldn’t want to sign up for that?

But here’s where it can be both disappointing and frustrating.

The speaker’s content is building to a crescendo and he’s got the attention of most of the males in the room right up to the point where he qualifies Joshua 1:6 by saying that by mediating on God’s Word you’re able to realize…


The military strength of David and Gideon? The sanctified pleasures described in the Song of Solomon? The status, position and abilities of Joseph? The ability of Christ to stare down an entire mob determined to kill Him (Lk 4:30)? The craftsmanship of Bezalel (Ex 36:1)? The money making work ethic described in Matthew 25 (see also Dt 8:18)? The kind of talent that earns you the attention of kings (Prov 22:29)?

Remember: All of this comes from the Spirit of the Lord. The things that a man uses to define himself based on the way that he was created – his reputation (his name [Gen 5:2]), his occupation (Gen 2:15) and his appeal (his bride [Gen 2:22-25]).

But what does the speaker say?

He says we meditate on Scripture in order to realize…

“God’s definition of success.”

At that point, most of the guys in the audience that probably exceeded a couple thousand people all checked out.

A lot of times, “God’s definition of success” assumes a life that resembles the caricature of Christ Who is portrayed as a celibate pacifist who is broke, weak and quiet.

Rather than acknowledging Him as the Creative Agent that invented romance and intimacy (Gen 1:27-28; Col 1:16), it’s assumed that because Jesus didn’t have a wife and a family, celibacy therefore equates to righteousness. You may be more independent than someone who is unmarried (1 Cor 7:32-38), but you are not more righteous than your married companions. And while Paul provides a biblical endorsement for those who choose to be single, both Genesis and Song of Solomon makes it abundantly clear that a healthy marriage is a Divine Institution and sex is something that God created as something to enjoy in the context of healthy relationship between a husband and wife.

Industry, creativeness, ambition, wisdom – these things were deployed by multiple individuals throughout the Scriptures and the result was both profitable and profound. Making money only becomes a problem when profit takes precedence over Principle. The Bible tells of numerous individuals who were wealthy. Piety is not synonymous with poverty any more than abundance equates to corruption. When Christ said, “Blessed are the poor,” He was not congratulating those who were impoverished, nor was He suggesting that a nominal income was something to be pursued. He was assuring that those that society had labeled as cursed because of their meager cash flow were just as qualified to receive the Kingdom of God as their wealthy counterparts. The bottom line is, and always will be, obedience (Josh 1:8; Dt 28:1-14; Rom 12:1-2; Col 3:23). When your commitment to excellence is based on your work environment and / or your paycheck, your performance is subject to fluctuate should either one of those dynamics prove to be less than inspiring. But when you’re looking at your Redeemer as the One who both justifies and empowers your personal best, the results are both consistent and substantial – the kind of results that motivate employers to promote to a position of greater influence and with that greater compensation.

No, Jesus didn’t fight nor was He here to lead an armed rebellion. But His Purpose was to destroy the thing that prevented mankind from being able to rate the perpetual favor of their Creator. To do that, He had to voluntarily and willingly submit to a death that was as excruciating as it was humiliating. He had access to the military of Heaven and would’ve been both Just and Moral had He chosen to use it (Matt 26:53). Violence is only wrong when it’s deployed in the context of something sinister. When it’s utilized to either protect or advance something noble, that’s heroic and you see that throughout the Word of God.

Wealth, Violence and Sex are all well within the sphere of godliness when they’re engaged according to a holy paradigm. They can be easily twisted, however, into something dark and even lethal. While it’s easier to adopt a legalistic approach and dismiss them altogether as sinful, that is not the approach that is expected in the context of a saving relationship with Christ (Rom 8; Titus 1:15). We have both the responsibility and the privilege of recognizing the opportunities represented by being obedient. God’s definition of success is not a specific dollar amount or any one particular victory as much as it’s a mindset that looks beyond tangible trophies in order to live out a holy existence that facilitates the character and the ability that produces BOTH spiritual maturity and material blessings (Matt 6:33; Jn 10:10).

Christ is not a means to an end. He is the Filing Cabinet and not one file folder among many. Nor does He represent a “spiritual” line item that somehow cancels out the consequences of poor decision making. He is, rather, True Muscle, True Love and True North.

An Open Letter to Those Who Question My Walk With Christ Because I Support Donald Trump | Part Two -> Trump’s Manner

ctThis is from Christianity Today in an article dated December 19, 2019:

To the many evangelicals who continue to support Mr. Trump in spite of his blackened moral record, we might say this: Remember who you are and whom you serve. Consider how your justification of Mr. Trump influences your witness to your Lord and Savior. Consider what an unbelieving world will say if you continue to brush off Mr. Trump’s immoral words and behavior in the cause of political expediency. If we don’t reverse course now, will anyone take anything we say about justice and righteousness with any seriousness for decades to come? Can we say with a straight face that abortion is a great evil that cannot be tolerated and, with the same straight face, say that the bent and broken character of our nation’s leader doesn’t really matter in the end?

This is a letter written by Stephen R. Haynes, a professor of religious studies at Rhodes College and theologian-in-residence at Idlewild Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tennessee. It’s entitled, “An Open Letter to Christians Who Love Bonhoeffer but (Still) Support Trump,” and it was written January 10, 2020. Haynes would like to believe that the evangelicals’ support of Trump is reminiscent of Germany’s support of Adolf Hitler in the 1930’s. While he’s very quick to say that he doesn’t equate Hitler with Trump, he stately proclaims his concern that Christians today are supporting a fundamentally flawed leader just like the Germans did during Hitler’s rise to power. Here’s a portion of that letter:

I accept your claim that you could not, as Christians, vote for Hillary Clinton. I regard this as a principled stance rooted in the belief that behavior and character matter, as well as certain political convictions that for you are nonnegotiable. If you are one of those evangelical Christians who simply could not, as a Christian, vote for Hillary, I will not ask you to consider what role Russian propaganda played in your view of the Clintons. I will simply acknowledge that you found yourself in a truly difficult situation in which party loyalty became less important than the moral burden of having to choose between the “lesser of two evils.”

But if you truly felt that both candidates might be “evil,” I would point out that you were obliged as a Christian—to extricate yourself from this moral quagmire, either by refusing to vote at all, or by risking a vote for one of the candidates and, depending on how that person governed, being prepared to renounce him or her. In other words, you were obligated to do everything in your power to ensure that the evil you had unwittingly helped unleash on the country would be mitigated by people like yourself who still believe in evil and believe it must be resisted.

Finally, here’s an article that recently ran in USA Today written by John Fea, a history professor at Messiah College in Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania.

At one point in his speech, Trump rattled off the names of the Fox News personalities who carry his water on cable television. The crowd roared as the president read this laundry list of conservative media pundits.

This rhetorical flourish was all very appropriate on such an occasion because Fox News, more than anything else, including the Bible and the spiritual disciplines, has formed and shaped the values of so many people in the sanctuary. Trump’s staff knows this. Why else would they put such a roll call in the speech?

At times, it seemed like Trump was putting a new spin on the heroes of the faith described in the New Testament book of Hebrews. Instead of Abel, Enoch, Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Sarah, Joseph, Moses, David and Samuel, we got Sean (Hannity), Laura (Ingraham), Tucker (Carlson) and the hosts of “Fox and Friends.”

I am used to this kind of thing from Trump, but I was stunned when I witnessed evangelical Christians — those who identify with the “good news” of Jesus Christ —raising their hands in a posture of worship as Trump talked about socialism and gun rights.

I watched my fellow evangelicals rising to their feet and pumping their fists when Trump said he would win reelection in 2020.

Trump spent the evening mocking his enemies, trafficking in half-truths in order to instill fear in people whom God commands to “fear not,” and proving that he is incapable of expressing anything close to Christian humility.

His evangelical supporters loved every minute of it. That night, Christians who claim to be citizens of the Kingdom of God went to church, cheered the depraved words of a president and warmly embraced his offer of political power. Such a display by evangelicals is unprecedented in American history.

I usually get angry when members of my tribe worship at the feet of Trump. This time, I just felt sad.

Here’s my initial thought:

Grow up.

Grow Up!

When I say, “Grow up,” I’m referring to what is an immature wielding of the Word of God in that you’re asserting your preferences as Divine Absolutes (see Phil 3:1-15; 2 Tim 2:15). If you think for a moment that you make your point by citing the Washington Post or the New York Times more than you do the Word of God, think again. And to assert the ridiculous notion that support for Trump is reminiscent of Germany’s support for Hitler, you’re completely overlooking the fact that Hitler outlined his political ideology in “Mein Kampf” before he took over as Chancellor. In that book, you can see his diabolical disdain for the Jews articulated in plain sight. Germany’s support of Hitler was not based on a willingness to overlook a lack of decorum as much as it was a willingness to ignore an insidious hatred of those considered to be the apple of God’s eye.

I’m familiar with Diedrich Bonhoeffer. I’ve read “The Cost of Discipleship” as well as some of his other writings. I know that he was a brilliant theologian and I’ve been to place where he was executed because of his involvement in the attempt to assassinate Hitler. Frankly, I believe that Bonhoeffer would be a staunch supporter of President Trump because Bonhoeffer would’ve identified the Democrat party as the godless force that’s attempting to strip every bit of Divine Truth from our national history as well as it’s current consciousness and he would’ve cast his vote in favor of the one whose platform best facilitated 1 Timothy 2:1-2.

Grow up!

Mimicking a press corps who has nothing but contempt for our President by accusing him of being a pathological liar demonstrates your ignorance more than it does your attentiveness to current events. The New York Times published a piece that occupied the entire front section of their publication in June of 2017 that detailed a list of 101 lies the President had supposedly told since taking office. It’s typical of what the MSM wants to label as lies by being intentionally incomplete in their reporting. Every one of their 101 accusations has another side that when reviewed results in a very different conclusion than the one they want to force upon the public. Click here to see a detailed response to every one of their indictments.

Mere Appearances

John 7:24 says:

Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly. (Jn 7:24)

Everything you know about Donald Trump is based on second hand information oftentimes being relayed to you from the perspective of someone who’s disdain for our current President is as intense as it is nonsensical.

Grow up!

Stop staring at a screen that’s giving you nothing but a biased rendition of the facts rather than a comprehensive view of the truth.

And by the way, to even suggest that you’re deploying a righteous approach to the voting booth by excusing yourself from voting, simply because you’re not “comfortable” with any of the candidates…

Know this: Failing to vote wisely is a vote being cast for the worst possible option. You do yourself nor your family nor your country any good by being irresponsible and then attempting to justify it with a verse taken out of context that mirrors your spiritual lethargy more so than  a Biblical Absolute (1 Chron 12:32).

As far as Trump’s “blackened moral record” and “immoral behavior,” again I would say that you need to grow up.

The F-Word Used Like a Comma

I was in the Marines for nine years. Some of the best leaders I ever served under used the “f-word” like a comma. While I didn’t applaud their vulgarity or any of their other character flaws, I knew I could trust them implicitly to provide the needed leadership to accomplish whatever it was that needed to be done. Mind you, I’m not talking about character flaws in the context of something criminal. Rather, I’m talking about the kind of behavior that’s unbecoming to a champion of moral excellence (Matt 5:48). But I would much rather work for a man that’s “leads” rather than “manages” any day. And that doesn’t constitute a compromise of my faith, it’s an expression of it in that I’m being wise in the way I counter the efforts of my enemy by supporting a leader that God has positioned for “such a time as this (Esther 4:14; Dan 2:21).”

And one other thing to consider: You are walking in lockstep with those who are aggressively working to silence any reference to Christ not only in the political arena, but also in the marketplace and in our culture in general. If you’re bothered by Trump’s tweets or his checkered past, remember this: Paul wasn’t always especially refined when he was condemning the spiritual immaturity of some of his flock. No, he didn’t cuss, but if you extend the line of your reasoning to its inevitable conclusion, then there’s a good chance you would’ve had a hard time listening to Paul because of the way you want to focus more on the way something is being communicated rather than what’s actually being said.

It galls me no end that certain members within our ranks turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to the things that President Trump has done that champion biblical Truths and  yet you refer to his administration as an “evil that has been unleashed on this country.”

Grow up!

Contraceptive Mandate

Let me ask you something: Are you aware that in 2011, Obama defined pregnancy as a “disease” that justified preventive care? That’s how they were able to compel all health care companies and employers to subsidize birth control for women ? It’s called the Contraceptive Mandate.

That means that, as an employee, I’m now indirectly funding what amounts to scenarios that are potentially immoral if not incredibly foolish.

Not to mention, contrary to the Word of God (1 Cor 6:18; Heb 13:4).

If you want to be sexually intimate with someone, that’s your decision, but it is not my responsibility. And that’s just a practical objection. I could also make a strong case for the fact that you are compelling me to subsidize something that’s contrary to my religious beliefs.

In 2017, Trump rolled back that mandate and made it possible for employers to comply with Federal standards and yet not be required to provide birth control for women.

This is but one of many things that Trump has done that champion Biblical values.

It’s Not My Relationship with Christ…

It is not my relationship with Christ that needs to be questioned given my support for Trump. Rather, it’s yours.

Jesus said you know a tree by its fruit. The harvest of Trump’s accomplishments are not just noteworthy, they’re spiritually on point.

You complain about his lack of decorum, you cringe when you ponder his past, but you don’t look at what God is doing in and through him. As a result, you’re judging by appearances, you’re asserting your preferences as substitutes for biblical Absolutes and you are elevating yourself to the position of a bogus judge who cites Scripture without actually applying it.

It’s not uncommon for Progressives to hijack the power of words in order to speak into existence something that’s not real, nor is it uncommon for Liberals to spew all kinds of vitriol in an effort to illicit an emotional response so as to distract from the lack of substance that characterizes their platform.

But that kind of strategy should never come from someone who has access to the Holy Spirit when it comes to discernment and political savvy.

Grow up…

To read Part One of this series, click here.


An Open Letter to Those Who Question My Walk With Christ Because I Support Donald Trump | Part One -> Unity

unity_wolfLet’s talk about “unity.”

In 1 Corinthians 11:18 it says:

In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. 19 No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval. (1 Cor 11:18)

What Paul is saying is that while petty conflicts need to be dealt with and dispelled (1 cor 1:10-17), the tensions that come from good and evil factions interacting with one another are not to be avoided as much as they are to be embraced as indicators of what is genuinely True and Just.

Those who want to lump all of the varying opinions that exist within our culture as being morally equivalent to one another are making a huge mistake. Moreover, to long for “unity” in the absence of first evaluating the moral bottom lines that characterize the different parties involved is to risk a tolerance of a toxic element that left unchecked will translate to something lethal (Prov 16:25; Rom 6:16).

In some cases, this is an honest mistake made by those who recognize the utility and advantages of a collaborative environment where everybody’s able to work and exist together peacefully and want to see that sense of friendly community adopted by those on both sides of the aisle. It sounds great on the surface, but at what expense? If the end result is a willingness to allow an evil element to endure, that’s not “unity,” that’s a vulnerability that will prove disastrous in the end.

At what point shall we expect the approach of danger? By what means shall we fortify against it?– Shall we expect some transatlantic military giant, to step the Ocean, and crush us at a blow? Never!–All the armies of Europe, Asia and Africa combined, with all the treasure of the earth (our own excepted) in their military chest; with a Buonaparte for a commander, could not by force, take a drink from the Ohio, or make a track on the Blue Ridge, in a trial of a thousand years.

At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.

(Abraham Lincoln, Lyceum Address)

In other instances, insisting on “unity” is an intentional strategy deployed by some in an effort to shut down any honest debate that threatens to reveal the lack of moral substance that characterizes their platform. Dialogue happens only when both parties are willing to converse. The problem these days is that more and more Conservative speakers are being shut down by labeling them as purveyors of hate.  So if there’s not any real dialogue and what content that constitutes an opposing viewpoint to what’s incessantly presented as “fact” is either dismissed or demonized, than what is “unity” if not yet another noble sounding word used to disguise a sinister resolve to silence dissenting opinions?

1 Chronicles 12:32 describes the men of Issachar as those “…who understood the times and knew what Israel should do.” John 7:24 says, “Stop judging by mere appearances, but instead judge correctly.” Put those two verses together and you have a solid “one-two” punch as far as what should be motivating you to be aware of what’s going on in our country politically and culturally.

The bottom line is Truth isn’t gauged by how some facts can be manipulated as much as it’s how all facts are being evaluated. And to arrive at that bottom line you have to be intentional about not succumbing to the pleasant songs of those who long for “unity” when their melody is more often about strategic ignorance and a lazy tolerance than it is a wise awareness and a just response.

Click here to read “An Open Letter to Those Who Question My Walk with Christ Because I Support Donald Trump | Part Two -> Trump’s Manner


Two Headlines – the Essence of Fake News

headlines24 Enemies disguise themselves with
their lips, but in their hearts they harbor
deceit.25 Though their speech is
charming, do not believe them, for seven
abominations fill their hearts.
26 Their malice may be concealed by deception,
but their wickedness will be exposed in the
assembly. (Prov 26:24-26 [see also Prov 6:26])But in your hearts revere Christ as Lord.
Always be prepared to give an answer to
everyone who asks you to give the reason
for the hope that
you have. But do this with gentleness and
respect…(1 Pet 3:15)

Imagine two headlines. First headline:

Jesus Rises From the Grave!

Second headline:

Pharisees Doubt the Resurrection of Christ

Both headlines represent quality journalism in that they capture their readers’ attention and make them want to read more. But in order for the articles to resonate as truly accurate, the journalist in question would have to ensure that both sides of the story are being given equal exposure.

Yes, Jesus rose from the grave, but there were a number of people who saw Him die yet never saw Him walking the streets of Jerusalem, so not everyone was convinced that Christ had somehow come back to life (Matt 27:19-23; 1 Cor 15:3-8.

On the other hand, there were some sinister characters who knew that the disciples hadn’t stolen the body, yet were determined to circulate the idea that the whole thing was a farce and needed to be dismissed as pure fiction (Matt 28:11-15).

Here’s where journalism can either be a tremendous help or a toxic distraction.

If I, as a reporter, am cynical and perhaps even antagonistic towards the idea of a would be Messiah coming back to life, I can still resolve to report the Resurrection without passion or prejudice and give my readers the opportunity to formulate their own conclusions based on a presentation of the facts that is both complete and thorough.


I can allow my bias to dictate the integrity of my article and emphasize the facts that cater to my preferences and gloss over those things that have the potential to refute my personal opinion.

I can be ethical without being forthcoming…

…and the more credible my reputation the more damage I can do in that many of my readers will assume that my analysis is comprehensive and go on to adopt a viewpoint that is fundamentally flawed all the while believing that is informed and irrefutable.

This is the essence of fake news.

It’s not that it lacks in accuracy as much as it’s intentionally incomplete and when you’re dealing with a culture that tends to hear with their eyes and think with their feelings, it is an incredibly effective way to shape the mindset of an entire society to the point where everything from their morals to their politics is based on facts more so than truth.

But here’s something to keep in mind: While irresponsible journalism may be a problem, it isn’t the reporters that are responsible for the way we live or think. Yes, they do need to be held accountable,  but it’s up the individual to research things for themselves to the point where they can explain what they believe and why they believe it…

…and not be compelled to admit their whole paradigm is based on two headlines.

The Arrogant Drum Student

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What follows is an exchange I had on Facebook with someone who was brought up in a Christian environment, but decided later to side with those who see Christianity as ridiculous if not toxic.

His comments and his indictments are loaded with vitriol – which is not uncommon for a person who’s as determined as they are desperate to look into the expanse of the universe and try to explain everything with a chemistry set and a calculator.

Arguing with these types can be an exercise in futility. You’re not dealing merely with an academic argument. There’s a host of brilliant scientists and philosophers who’ve looked at the same data and come to a conclusion that’s lines up with Scripture rather than deviates from it as far as the origin of the cosmos and man’s dependence on God. So, from the standpoint of academia, Atheism is not the superior argument that it’s advocates would have their audience believe by saying that only intellectual weaklings could subscribe to the idea of there being a God in Heaven.

What you have is an argument laced with emotional cyanide in that they’re determined to kill any notion of an absolute beyond themselves. This is manifested in a form of arrogance that is similar to the kind of disposition you run into from time to time when you’re giving music lessons to a person who sees themselves as beyond the need for any kind of instruction.

I used the illustration of, “The Arrogant Drum Student” to make my point as I responded to this individual. 


For five years I was a Drum Instructor at the Armed Forces School of Music. Bar none, it was one of the most rewarding experiences in my professional career.

It could be a little frustrating, however, when you had to contend with a student that refused to believe there was room for any improvement in the way they played. They were their own Absolute. And if they were confronted with a situation where they were obligated to concede that they weren’t “all that,” instead of embracing it as an opportunity to learn and improve, they would criticize the curriculum and / or assault the character of whoever was trying to teach them something. Nothing was allowed to upset or threaten the universe they had created for themselves where the only measurement of quality was the one they themselves had instituted.

In some instances, it proved professionally lethal because when it was time to take their final audition, inevitably they weren’t prepared and they would fail. But even as they were headed out the door, they were cussing everybody and everything except their own refusal to acknowledge any standard apart from the standard of themselves.

This is not only an apt description of an arrogant student, it’s also the philosophical disposition of someone who refuses to believe in God.

I hesitate using the word, “atheist.” Reason being is that your “god” is whoever you default to when it comes to defining your morality, your destiny, your origin and your purpose. If you maintain yourself as your own deity, everyone of the aforementioned dynamics are defined and processed according to a purely self centered paradigm. Creation is a lucky accident, morality is a matter of preference, life after death is a subjective fill-in-the blank and purpose is nothing more than however you choose to invest your time.

Even when you attempt to enhance your definitions of things like justice and compassion with words that imply a commitment to the common good, you are still in control and your allegiance to whatever convictions or institutions you’re currently subscribing to remain intact for only as long as they appeal to your personal preferences.

The very idea of God is heinous to the atheist because it necessitates them having to relinquish their “throne” and install Him as the rightful King of their lives and the Divine Bottom Line for all things related to the human experience. And just like the self absorbed student, when they find themselves having to scramble in order to make their hollow standards sound more substantial, they default to criticizing the Curriculum (the Bible) and assaulting the Instructor (God Himself).

…god will burn you for eternity if you don’t love him enough

For someone who supposedly read the Bible multiple times, you should know it’s God’s grace and not your performance that translates to a relationship with Christ. And that grace really is “amazing” when you consider the fact that even on your best day, you’re still light years removed from being holy, yet that’s exactly what God sees when you accept the fact that Christ died for you rather than maintain it either as a myth or a hollow tradition.

Well, you believe he drowned his children though? And ordered genocide on them? I mean…

I believe that it’s possible to engage in a form of evil that is so vile, that God can, and will, end your life. It’s a form of Divine Capital Punishment that’s coming from a Perfect Judge and if you want to question that, you can, but it requires an willingness to believe that you’re wiser and more just than God Himself.

WHO CREATED YOUR CREATOR? lol Real easy to not actually think, and just say silly nonsense. Big bang is pretty well accepted, do you even know what red shift is? Nope.

And where did you get your gravity from? It you’re going to start with the cosmological equivalent to the null set, you don’t have time, you don’t have matter and you don’t have space. Moreover, you don’t have chemical properties or the laws of physics. You don’t even have a blank screen. You think you’re revealing some mortal flaw in Christian’s view of creation by asking who created God. You don’t even have a chemistry set, champ, yet you’re suggesting there was an “explosion…?”

I willing to believe that there was a Big Bang, but when you consider the Cosmological Constant and even the words of Einstein, the notion that this was all a result of random forces, let alone the presumed preexistence of systems and material necessary for a “big bang” is bogus. Furthermore to subscribe to the idea that there wasn’t Somebody Who orchestrated those forces in a manner that reflects the resulting precision and elegance of the created order is asinine.

See the difference here is.. I don’t say I know what was before the Big bang. Most likely the Universe is on a cycle…One thing is for CERTAIN. The imaginary god, of a blood cult of sacrifice, from mythological texts from the Iron and Bronze ages, didn’t create ANYTHING. lol

What, did you take a selfie of you and the starting point of the universe? Your adherence to Evolution and the idea that even the precise nature of a single cell is a result of purely random forces is more of a leap of faith than me believing that there had to be a Creator. And it is faith. What you cling to is not based on a scientific method because a “billion years” cannot be observed let alone quantified. You don’t explain the laws of nature by bending them and then walk away thinking you’ve got it all figured out. You actually have more question marks than you do exclamation points regardless of how dogmatic you try to sound.

Are you aware of the Doughnut / Orange / Torus Universe theories?

Yes. And everyone of those theories assumes a collection of ordered systems within which those theories can function. You don’t explain the ORIGIN of anything by circumventing questions like where your Periodic Table came from.

My opinions are based on facts, when new facts are discovered, my opinions change, based on those FACTS…

No. Your opinions are based on theories. It’s called the “Theory of Evolution” because there’s even less evidence to support it today than when he first wrote “Origin of Species” and the same goes for the lion’s share of what atheists cling to in order to explain their existence. And anytime those theories are adjusted in order to compensate for their lack of substance, your convictions have to be amended as well. Your need to adjust your perspective is not based on academic humility as much as it’s based on intellectual desperation.

Know what IS NOT A FACT? That ANY of you are one way telepathic pen pals, and possible ‘best friends’ with the creator of all existence.

No, here are the facts: I’ve got over 2,000 years worth of architecture, art, literature, music, archaeology along with over two millennia worth of dramatically changed lives to justify a solid conviction that Jesus really did live, He really did die and He really did come back to life. When He did that, He validated everything He ever said as being absolutely True and when I make a point of following the Instructions on the Box, I benefit. in that my Purpose goes beyond my business card, my morality goes beyond my appetites and my destiny goes beyond my tombstone,

Know what else is a fact? Blood makes things dirty, not clean. Know what else is a fact? Pretending to drink human blood, and eat human flesh, to please an imaginary god, is BONKERS… What sort of “all powerful god”, needs something to die, so he has a way to avoid burning a very slim percentage of his creations, for eternity? Good grief dude, it is 2020 in less than 30 days. Just stop spreading this nonsense.

The Bible never advocates blood as a detergent. Transubstantiation is bonkers, but it’s a Catholic distortion and not a Biblical precept. When Christ presided over the Last Supper, He was speaking to the symbolism represented by the Passover and how it was seeing its ultimate manifestation in His death and resurrection. God doesn’t “need” anything, it’s the sinner that’s broken and needs to be fixed. Hell is not a forgone conclusion, it’s a choice and it’s not a “slim percentage” that requires redemption, it’s anybody that’s ever breathed.

And let’s pause here for a minute…Hell IS a choice. Atheists love to ask, “How can a loving God send someone to hell?” when the real question is, “How can a rational human being refuse the grace offered by a loving God?”

I mean, sure it’s totally normal for a god to be obsessed with the removal of foreskins in a bloody snip, foreskins that he purposely created, to be chopped off.. BRILLIANT.. This is the base event, that Christianity binds itself to. Abraham hears voices in his head, cuts off the end of his and his sons genitals, and only stops from murdering his oldest son when angels fly down out of the sky. Because your all knowing god, needed him to almost murder, to prove his loyalty… Brilliant.. Please stop pandering to this nonsense.

Circumcision is not the base event that Christianity binds itself to, it’s the Resurrection. Abraham wasn’t hearing a voice in his head, he was hearing the voice of God and Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son was a picture of the way in which God would sacrifice His Son. The only difference being is that God didn’t intervene at the last minute and instead watched His Son die for individual like you who refer to it as “nonsense.”

Here’s the bottom line: You want to maintain yourself as your own deity and anything that can’t be explained empirically is instead defined according to outrageous probability values and a host of assumed variables. You observe the created order and insist that it came from chaos, when confronted with the obvious limitations of science, you nevertheless declare it as irrefutable and instead of processing humanity as a reflection of his Creator, you reduce him to a self absorbed accident desperately trying to explain and validate their existence before their expiration date.

It’s Christmas, man! Christ’s mass. You say you’ve read the Bible several times, well go back and read Romans 1:20 (origin), Ephesians 2:10 (purpose), Hebrews 9:27 (destiny), Psalm 19:7 (morality) and don’t miss Romans 5:8! It’s the most wonderful time of the year because what was closed door has been flung open wide by God agreeing to pay the penalty that we would otherwise have had to pay ourselves. That’s something to celebrate! But it will never make sense let alone be welcome to that person who maintains themselves as their own absolute just like that drum student who dismissed any standard save the standard of their own ability.


What If…?

bible-with-boots-on-colorWouldn’t it be great if there was a resource out there that got your entire congregation genuinely interested in studying the Word of God, spending time in prayer and being genuinely engaged and not just present when it came to church attendance?

I want to believe that what I’m getting ready to propose could do just that.

Now, I know what you’re thinking…

You’ve been leading long enough to know that campaigns and strategies rarely deliver when it comes to facilitating an enduring commitment to spiritual maturity.

I know.

But let me ask you a question: If you were to create a billboard that promoted a relationship with Jesus Christ and you couldn’t reference heaven or hell or how Jesus helps you with your problems, what would that billboard say?

Most people find it hard to come up with something right out to the chute. Intuitively, they know there’s more to Christianity than just a “go to” Resource when you’re at the end of your rope. But conventional church culture typically predicates everything it does in terms of evangelism and discipleship on the assumption that you’re in desperate need of Divine Assistance.

And we are.

Anybody with even a rudimentary knowledge of God’s Word can reference Romans 6:23 and John 15:5 as far as our being destined to eternal damnation and the fact that, apart from Christ, we can do nothing.

But more often than not, that’s where our “marketing” stops. And while it’s absolutely needful to recognize our spiritual and practical destitution apart from our Redeemer, it’s just as crucial to embrace the Purpose, Peace and Power He makes available to us that’s designed to be applied in a way where we reek of excellence in everything we do, think and say.


If you were to apply Colossians 3:18 in the way you perform at work, you would be more than the kind of person an employer would hire…

You’d be the kind of person they would promote.

Second Corinthians says that God is able to make available to you all that you need so that you can knock it out of the park in “all things at all times.”

Salvation was never intended to be relevant only in the context of your funeral arrangements or as a Divine Emergency Kit. You want to be on top of your spiritual game so that at the end of the day, you’re…

  • …not just smart, you’re wise
  • …you’re not just busy, you’re productive
  • …you’re not just moral, you’re excellent

You’re the kind of person people want to work with and work for. You light up every room you walk into and it’s not because of who you are but because you’re given the One Who lives inside of your free reign over every aspect of your life.

Do you see where this is going?

Christianity is not just playing defense where you’re constantly bracing yourself for the next temptation or the next attack. It’s about moving the ball down the field, putting points on the board and not being satisfied with merely being “nice,” but being stronger, deeper and better than you could ever hope to be on your own.

And that is how you get the masses fired up about reading the Word of God and drawing nearer to their King! You show them the Practical Result of Discipleship so they’re perceiving prayer and Bible Study as invitations and not just obligations. Show them that billboard that has things like…

  • Prepare to Win
  • It’s All Good
  • He Will, He Can, He Does and He Is
  • More Than You Know
  • On Your Feet

And mind you, this is not a “prosperity gospel!” In the end, it’s not about you. It’s about Him in and through you and it’s that ever increasing desire for more of Him that translates to a greater degree of excellence in the way you perform, the way you speak and in the way you think.

And that’s what Muscular Christianity is all about.

It’s not just fitness. It’s a paradigm.

We’re not looking at diet and exercise as yet another means by which we can gratify ourselves. We’re establishing a Source of Inspiration that motivates us beyond that point where we would otherwise make concessions.

We’re making a point of ensuring that everything we do, think and say rates the Approval of our King and that’s going to apply both to the gym and to the dinner table.

We’re going to surround ourselves with Accountability Partners and in that way deploy a Biblical strategy that applies to every discipline we engage and not just our workout schedule.

And we’re going to pop the hood on the Word of God and get to a place where we can explain what we believe and why we believe it. We’re going to develop a perspective that intentionally blurs the lines that would otherwise distinguish the sacred from the secular and we’re going to unpack the Reality that says we become and we accomplish so much more when we realize that it’s not about us and it’s all about Him.

You ready to do this? You want to fly solo or do you want to do this in a group setting? You want to kick this off with an introductory session, or how about a Sunday morning service?

Click on any of the links for more information.

Muscular Christianity 90 Day Fitness Plan

➢ the book on amazon.com

90 Day Bible Study Guide

➢ the book on amazon.com

Muscular Christianity Blog

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You Are Responsible For Your Actions, But…

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Good Will Hunting | “It’s Not Your Fault”

I’m a firm believer in that you are responsible for your actions, You can play the victim card as convincingly as you want, but in the end if you do the crime, you do the time.


There are a couple of videos that make me weep because I see in them a sinister seed that takes root in a young person and it just grows and grows. It never stops sapping the life out its host and it surfaces in behavior that is as nonsensical as you can imagine.

That’s part of what makes the actions of a punk or a thug so hard to process. You want to understand what it is that drives them so you can better refute their argument or talk them down off the ledge before it gets ugly.

But you’re not going to “figure them out.” Because lurking in the shadows, a million miles away from the situation, yet close enough to hear it breathe is a monster that started out as a seed but is now a fully matured beast that whispers lies and smiles as its victim just goes along with what it says.

It’s just like math.

I’m talking about Dads who abandon their sons and daughters.

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Kelly Clarkson | Piece by Piece

I was listening to Larry Elder being interviewed this morning. He’s called every name in the book by the Black community because he insists that the biggest problem facing African Americans today is the rate at which the single parent family is growing. And by “single parent,” I mean a single mom because Dad has moved on.

And it’s not just the Black community, it’s everywhere. And Dad doesn’t have to be gone, he can just be absent in the context of being a loving, selfless father who places the needs of his family above his own.

It doesn’t sound that significant, does it? We live in a society where the headlines are constantly touting the idea that there are no real absolutes. Homosexuality, Transgenders, the Rule of Law – even the idea that a person is responsible for their actions – is constantly undermined while the notion that man is his own deity is aggressively promoted.

You won’t hear it articulated that way, but that’s the bottom line.

And it sounds good! No restraints, no consequences, no responsibilities. Just your passions and the ever ready excuse that you’ve been somehow denied or violated is poised on the tip of your tongue with a thousand reporters and activists ready to agree with you and publish your story on the news.

Of course you’re responsible for your actions and there are moral Absolutes. Yeah, Jesus did die and He did come back to life so the Bible is not merely the topic of some debate show that wants to sell you on some garbage that says the Middle Ages equates to the gospel.

But put all that aside for a moment and take a moment to appreciate the fact that there are some truly tragic souls walking around today. Whatever their disposition may be, as far as their politics or their definition of social justice, there’s that “seed” that was planted several decades ago and there’s no way you can ignore it and there’s no way you can separate it from their rhetoric or their behavior.

A solid father figure is irreplaceable. However noble or effective a woman may be as a single mom, there’s a gap in a person’s psyche that is designed in such a way where the only thing that can authentically fill it is a responsible, loving father.

It’s that person that’s going to love and encourage you. He’s going to set an example and he’s going to show you what strength and honor looks like. He’s going to be a reflection of your Heavenly Father and it’s the combination of your mother and your father that you’re going to embrace the Truth of Absolutes and benefit from the way those Absolutes provide a psychological and emotional foundation that will allow you to love yourself and others.

There are no substitutes.

And this nonsense that says it’s all about being happy and that you can create your own game board and play however you want?


Happiness is more than a mood. And if everything you’re depending on to make you happy represents a collection of goal posts that never stop moving, then you’ll never be happy. You’ll just be distracted.

And as far as making up your own rules?

If Jesus had never died and come back to life, you might have a point. But the Resurrection qualifies everything. If you’re going to be truly happy, you have to follow the instructions on the box. And that’s not another list of rules and restrictions as much as it’s a couple of quality guardrails that prevent you from driving off into the gutter and getting hurt.

And the thing is, you know all of this. Deep down, you see the stars in the sky, you see the evidence of Something and Someone greater than yourself but there’s a hole in your heart that aches and it’s hard to believe that there can be a happy ending to virtually anything because you’re caught up in a plot where where the monster seems to always win.  You’re just so accustomed to it that you don’t think about it until something triggers a memory. It could be a song or maybe a scene from a movie where art suddenly becomes a shaft of light that shines on the beast and you’re reminded of how all that should be in place is desperately absent.

And it hurts.

A therapist can’t fix it and a good cry isn’t going to settle it.

It’s only the problem solving, life transforming Power of God’s grace that changes the way you see yourself and the world around you that breathes new life into your heart and the monster that was looming large in the corner…

Is gone.

Here’s the thing: In some instances, life is a lot harder than it needs to be because of the Dad that was never there. But you do have a Father in Heaven and the more you know Him, the more you can take what would otherwise be an ever present mountain of pain and let it go.

Weakness is exchanged for Power, fear is exchanged for courage and angst is exchanged for true and enduring peace.

And while the memories are still present, there is now an eternal Perspective that allows you to process it and move on rather than be crushed by it and never heal.

You are responsible for your actions, but…

Before you attempt to assume responsibility, take attendance. Look to see if that monster is present and tell him that his lease is over and he needs to leave. He’s not going to listen to you, but he will bolt the moment you invoke the Name of Jesus and allow the Power of the One Who put you on the map to begin with cure, solve and heal all those things that would otherwise weigh you down and ultimately destroy you.


Why Did God Create Man?

Earth-withWhy did God create man?

It’s not an easy question.

Some ask feeling like, given the amount of pain and suffering in the world, God’s inspiration to create human beings couldn’t have been that noble. Why do it if it’s going to bring about the kind of trouble that’s typical of the human condition?

And then there’s the idea that He “needed” companionship or some kind of adulation in order to feel complete.

Either way, apart from an answer that makes sense, you’re looking at something that looks profoundly weak and therefore a reason to doubt the substance of God’s Deity and the purity of His Character.

The short answer is…

He wanted to.

God takes great delight in creating, blessing, redeeming, choosing and loving the human race (click on each of words in bold to see its corresponding verse).

It’s hard, sometimes, to process the idea of God “wanting” anything because as those that belong to the race of mankind, our desires aren’t always especially noble nor are they always proceeding from a position of strength.

We want to eat because we’re hungry, we want some companionship because we’re lonely and we want activities because we’re bored.

God isn’t burdened with those kinds of frailties or requirements. “Holy” means “complete” so anything that God would want is going to be based on a Divine Desire – something that flows from a totally self-sufficient and morally perfect paradigm – as opposed to a human appetite that’s characterized by a collection of crucial needs, legitimate insufficiencies and, in some instance, sinister ambitions.

It’s ironic that some would question God’s impetus for creating man because of the amount of suffering that humanity has to sometimes contend with when the hardship that man has to deal with is oftentimes a result of his own poor decision making. And on even a more profound level, the amount of grief that God has experienced because of mankind is incalcuable.

Why did God create man?

Why do it when He knew beforehand that it would cost Him the Life of His Son in order to compensate for humanity’s toxic desire to destroy itself by rebelling against its Maker?

He wanted to.

And to ponder the amount of Love required to create Adam and Eve knowing that it would necessitate the excrutiating pain of Calvary reveals a level of compassion for the human race that is nothing short of overwhelming.

What does please God? Where does God find His pleasure? Where does He find His delight? Amazingly that takes us down to verse 32. “Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has chosen gladly to give you the kingdom.” He didn’t say He’d give you something out of the kingdom. He doesn’t say He’d give you resources from the kingdom. He says He’ll give you what? The kingdom. Your Father has chosen gladly, eudokeō, to delight in, to take pleasure in. And that’s a wonderful translation. He’s chosen gladly. What delights God is to give you everything you need, every resource in His kingdom. And in Romans 14:17 it says, “The kingdom of god is righteousness and joy and peace in the Holy Spirit.” Everything that brings about righteousness and joy and peace, every resource in the kingdom your Father delights to give to you. (John MacArthur)


Remember Why!

usmcHere’s a recent letter I wrote to a hardcharger that’s just now hitting the real challenges at Parris Island.

While it pertains specifically to a military paradigm, it resonates regardless of what the challenge may be.

And it’s Biblical, too!

Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. (Gal 6:9)

Enjoy and get it done…



…even when you can brave the physical and mental tests of Basic Training, you still have to keep it together in your gut because that’s where everything else is getting its fuel from (see Prov 4:23).

By “gut,” I’m talking about your heart. It’s where you answer the question, “Why?”

Scripture talks about it in the context of what it is that makes you tick – what it is that makes you the person that you are. In the most practical sense, it’s where you answer questions like:

  • What do I believe and why do I believe it?
  • Why am I doing this?

You can endure pretty much anything as long as you can mentally default to a “reason” for what it is that you’re having to contend with that makes it worthwhile.

One of the reasons people wind up pursuing their fitness goals rather than realizing them is because the inconvenience of the gym and the discipline that goes along with a strategic diet becomes a burden and they just quit.

On the other hand, the people who wind up losing weight and getting in shape are those that have a reason for getting ripped that goes beyond their reflection in the mirror. Athletes are training for a victory, actors are training for a role…

…and you are training for a title that you’re going to have for the rest of your life.

That title represents discipline, fitness, patriotism, sacrifice, maturity and a host of other noble characteristics that you find in all branches of the military but the Marine Corps especially because of the way in which the USMC Basic Training is constructed.

And you’re feeling it right now.

People who are interested in nothing more than a pretty uniform and an impressive title aren’t really interested in anything other then their vanity.

But guys like you see more than that.

You see the legacy of the Corps, you see the purpose for the USMC and the reason WHY training has to be like it is in order to ensure someone who’s mentally, physically and – wait for it – spiritually prepared for your career as a Marine.

I say, “spiritually,” but it’s your heart, your gut – it’s that place where you have answered the question, “Why!” And because you can answer that question, you can keep moving forward with a legitimately positive disposition…

  • when the DI is on your back
  • when you’re feeling sick
  • when you’re missing your family
  • when you’re missing your wife and kids
  • when you’re in a lot of pain
  • when your fellow recruits are acting like total butt socks…
  • when you don’t get the job

You get the idea.

Remember why you’re doing this and be intentional about removing those things that are self serving. Not because “self serving” is necessarily bad all the time, but because gratifying yourself is a lot easier in the context of quitting or overeating or being lazy. Even if your subconscious doesn’t process it that way, it’s a hidden cancer that will short circuit every goal you ever establish in life.

Remember why and get it done!

Go get ‘em, hardcharger!

Let me know when you get home so we can go to Red Robin!

Semper Fi, Devildog!

You’re almost there!