
The Butterfly Effect

andrews_tbe“The Butterfly Effect” is a book written by Andy Andrews. He starts off by introducing Edward Lorenz who presented a hypothesis to the New York Academy of Science. He is theory was that:

“A butterfly could flap its wings and set molecules of air in motion, which would move other molecules of air, in turn moving other molecules of air – eventually capable of starting a hurricane on the other side of the planet.”(1)

As you might expect, his ideas were laughed out of the venue. But thirty years later, his theory as revisited and found to be true ,to the point where it was accorded the status of a law, now known as “The Law of Sensitive Dependence Upon Initial Conditions.”(2)

Joshua Chamberlain

In his book, Andrews demonstrates how the same phenomenon exhibits itself in people. He uses the story of Joshua Chamberlain, the commanding officer of the 20th Maine Regiment who was tasked with protecting the left most flank of the Union lines at the Battle of Gettysburg. His role was crucial in that should his position be overrun, the Confederates would be able to envelop the entire Union army from a tactically superior position. Read more

The God Gap


god_gap_smallThe Traveler’s Gift

“The Final Summit” is a book by Andy Andrews. He’s an author that has a fascinating testimony of how he went from being homeless, living under a pier in the Gulf Shores area, to a best-selling author.

His first book, “The Traveler’s Gift,” chronicles the story of a man named David Ponder who has recently taken several hits. He’s lost his job, his daughter has been recently diagnosed with a medical problem that requires a trip to the hospital that he can’t afford – he feels surrounded by an ocean of disasters and obligations that he cannot rise above.

Feeling desperate, he puts his foot on the gas and navigates his vehicle in a way that sends him into a tailspin. As he’s careening out of control, his last thought it that perhaps his life insurance will fill in the financial gaps that he can’t address. He slips into unconsciousness and wakes up…

…in the presence of Harry Truman. Read more