
Who’s In Charge?

Who’s in charge?

The Oval Office?

It changes every 4-8 years.

How about the Supreme Court?

They can reverse their decision.1

When our Founding Fathers delivered their Declaration of Independence to King George, they began by answering that question by saying our rights were not dispensed by a monarch, rather they were guaranteed by God.2

Throughout the war, Congress would continue to answer that question by proclaiming a national day of prayer and fasting on sixteen different occasions.3

John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”4 James Madison insisted that before anyone could be “…considered as a member of Civil Society, he must be considered as a subject of the Governor of the Universe.”5

Who is in charge?

This is the question you need to ask the person who wants your vote, your subscription or your support.

How you answer that question either puts your name alongside those who signed the Declaration of Independence and ratified the Constitution, or…

…it defines you as someone who wants to replace the One Who is in charge with someone who looks a lot like themselves.



1. “Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, ending right to abortion upheld for decades”, NPR, Nina Totenberg, Sarah McCammon, June 24, 2022,,half%20century%2C%20no%20longer%20exists, accessed March 10, 2024

2. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”, “Declaration of Independence – A Transcription”, National Archives,, accessed March 10, 2024

3. From July 20, 1775 to August 3, 1784, Congress called for a National Day of Prayer and Fasting. You can read the text as it’s preserved in the Library of Congress and see who it was that drafted each of the Proclamations by reading “The Finish Line,” which you can access by heading out to

4. “From John Adams to Massachusetts Militia, 11 October 1798”, “Founders Online”,, accessed March 10, 2024

5. “Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments, [ca. 20 June] 1785”, “Founders Online”, accessed March 10, 2024

I Got COVID. Here’s What I Learned…

Physicians as Subordinates

It started with an innocent cough. I didn’t think anything of it, but it wore me out to the point where I was looking for a chance to take a nap anytime the opportunity presented itself.

Then I lost my sense of smell.

Ivermectin was awarded the Nobel Prize in 2015 for the way it was refactored in a way that helped human beings battle parasitic diseases. You can click here to see the studies that reveal Ivermectin to be an effective preventative measure as well as a effective medication when it comes to COVID-19.

India went against the instructions of the WHO and mandated the prophylactic usage of Ivermectin. They have almost completely eradicated COVID-19. The Indian Bar Association of Mumbai has brought criminal charges against WHO Chief Scientist Dr. Soumya Swaminathan for recommending against the use of Ivermectin.

At that point, I reached out to a Doctor I had corresponded with in the past. By this point, both my bride and I had COVID so we were looking to get some medication in us and get past this ASAP. Dr. Denise Sibley prescribed some Ivermectin for both of us and it wasn’t lost on us that not every medical facility in the country would even consider that route, and for that we were very grateful to have access to her.

She asked me to make a call to local pharmacy because not every pharmacy would fill a script for Ivermectin. I knew this from various headlines I’ve read, but this was different in that I’m the one now needing the medication and I’m the one having to foot the bill.

It was over $400.00.

There was what appeared to be a far more affordable option at Walgreen’s. I called to see if they would fill the prescription and while the person on the other end seemed hesitant, they reluctantly said they would do it.

When my Doctor called it in, they refused her and treated her like a subordinate.

What Pharmacist tells a Physician how to treat their patient? And why am I having to pay 400% more for a prescription that works?

I was able to get my meds, and after five days my situation improved dramatically.

Now, if you’re convinced that Ivermectin is, “horse paste,” you need to back up and take an inventory of what it is you’re allowing yourself to listen to.

First of all, you don’t help yourself to any kind of therapeutic without a prescription. That’s just ridiculous. And then to turn around and fault the medication because you gave yourself an unhealthy dosage…? What kind of nonsensical dirtbag uses that kind of rationale to evaluate the efficacy of a particular medicine?

And then, what kind of journalistic community gives credence to that rationale by publishing it as something representative of the drug as a whole?

It doesn’t stop there, either.

It’s Not a Respiratory Disease

COVID-19 is not a respiratory disease, it’s a circulatory disease. The pneumonia that it triggers is secondary to the assault the virus launches on the lining of blood vessels – specifically the pulmonary alveolar (al-VEE-lir) capillaries. For the layman, what this means is this:

The Alveoli – the tiny sacks located at the end of your bronchial tubes throughout your lungs – have tiny sacs called Alveoli. Within the walls of the Alveoli, you have capillaries that facilitate the exchange of carbon dioxide and oxygen. It’s here where COVID-19 becomes a problem in that it attacks the lining of those blood cells and compromises the ability of the body to breathe. It’s also why those who have comorbidities such as hypertension, obesity and diabetes are more susceptible to COVID-19 because of their respiratory system already being compromised and therefore more vulnerable to infection.

When your Alveolar Capillaries are under attack, among the ways in which your body reacts include Sepsis (a renegade chain reaction when chemicals released in the bloodstream to fight an infection trigger inflammation throughout the body), Hypoxia (high-POX-ee-ah [insufficient amounts of oxygen at the cell level]), Coagulopathy (co-ag-u-LUHP-ah-thy [the body’s inability to form healthy blood clots]) and ARDS (Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome – where the body allows fluid to leak into the lungs).

In instances of severe Hypoxia, you run into a problem in the ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate –  the chemical that fuels contraction in muscles and cells) is broken down into Hypoxanthine (HIGH-poh-ZAHN-thene). Hypoxanthine is naturally occurring, but…

…when you throw a bunch of oxygen into the mix (i.e. a respirator), you trigger the creation of Xanthine Oxidase which, in turn, produce tons of highly damaging radicals that attack tissue.

This is why a lot of people who go on Respirators die.


Myocarditis (my-oh-car-DIE-tihs) is an inflammation of the heart muscle. My father was a victim of this that lead to a full year in the hospital before passing away as a result of a virus that wouldn’t even spike a temperature in a normal human being.

I have this in my genes. I’m controlling my blood pressure through lifestyle and diet under the supervision of a Cardiologist.

The vaccine is being reported as causing Myocarditis in males between 16 and 29 years old.

Still, experts insist that you’re better off getting vaccinated.


Leaky Vaccines and Bogus Logic

The vaccine doesn’t prevent contraction or transmission and you’re actually a more effective carrier of the virus as someone who’s been vaccinated than someone who hasn’t…

The vaccines for COVID-19 are not sterilizing and do not prevent infection or transmission. They are “leaky” vaccines. This means they remove the evolutionary pressure on the virus to become less lethal. It also means that the vaccinated are perfect carriers. In other words, those who are vaccinated are a threat to the unvaccinated, not the other way around. (America’s Frontline Doctors)

Because of COVID-19, we’re being told:

Today, President Biden launched his mandate that all companies of 100 employees or more require their staff to be vaccinated or prove that they’re not infected by being tested weekly. Several weeks ago, youtube announced that it will ban all information pertaining to the ineffectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines.

Studies have shown that natural immunity is far more effective than any vaccine. India has all but eradicated COVID-19 using Ivermectin. As of September 10, 2021, 33 districts in Uttar Pradesh are now COVID free and this is because of Ivermectin

…and yet, you’ve got sites like this who insist that there’s no data to suggest a link between the meds that are being used and the progress that’s being made.

Having had COVID and had to spend an exorbitant amount of money on an effective medication in the context of a pharmacy that refused to fulfill the prescription and treated my doctor as a subordinate, I’m now more confident than ever that this virus is not a “killer,” it’s an excuse to make it look worse than it is in order to implement programs and campaigns designed to destroy Western Civilization.

Truly Evil

Medical Professionals who are risking their reputations, their livelihoods and, in some cases, even their lives are coming out and reinforcing the obvious: It was engineered, it’s treatable and anyone who hides behind its manufactured fear factor is truly evil.

Here are the questions that you need to start asking:

  • If I’m struggling with COVID-19, am I being treated using medications that work or treatments that often make a bad situation worse?
  • If COVID-19 truly is a killer virus, why are recoveries and effective therapeutics ignored and even demonized?
  • Do I consider the perspective of medical professionals who risk their lives and reputations to proclaim a different perspective on COVID-19, or have I allowed myself to be conditioned by a media that insists there is no response save the one they’re willing to endorse?

For further reading:


COVID-19-The-Spartacus-Letter-V2-2020-09-28 – “Damn You to Hell, You Will Not Destroy America”



You Have to Talk to Thomas

thomasApart from first hand knowledge, everything we know about the world is based on what we’ve been told.

Provided your resources are credible, you’re on solid ground in the way you formulate your convictions.

But when there’s more than one perspective being circulated and it all seems to be based on something authoritative, what might otherwise be a consensus is now a disparate group of passionate voices all convinced that they’re right and everyone else is just trying to catch up.

In such a situation, it’s difficult to separate fact from fiction and what’s true becomes defined more by one’s philosophical preferences than actual events and whole conversations.

In the end, the truth is going to be defined by evaluating all the facts. That, as opposed to scenarios where the commentator is manipulating just some of the facts.

Take, for example, the Resurrection of Christ.

You could talk to Pilate and get one perspective. You could talk with John and get something entirely different. If those two individuals are your only sources of information, in the absence of something undeniable, you will be drawn to the personality championing the platform more so than the platform itself.

But at some point, you have to talk to Thomas.

Pilate sentenced Jesus to death, John saw Him die but it was Thomas who refused to believe anything as nonsensical as Jesus having come back to life unless…

…unless he was able to physically touch where the spikes had gone through His wrists and put his hand into the wound created by the spear that had punctured His side.

The NIV Text Note for this particular verses says, “Hardheaded skepticism can scarcely go further than this.”1

Unless you talk to Thomas, or at least objectively consider his experience, your take on Jesus having conquered death is going to be based more on what you want to believe than what’s actually the case.

You have to talk to Thomas.

And the same thing applies to similar situations where you have a variety of viewpoints.

You have to consider all of the players involved and give extra consideration to the one that represents, not just an eyewitness, but someone whose testimony makes no sense apart from it being absolutely true.

And when you encounter a differing viewpoint who would accuse you of being biased in an effort to make their perspective appear more credible, figure out who the “Thomas” is, make sure you’re familiar with what “Thomas” said, and then say to your opponent…

You have to talk to Thomas.


1. NIV Study Bible, Zondervan Publishing House, Grand Rapids, MI, 1985, p1637

Because That’s What You’ve Been Told

toldFor the last four years, you were convinced that regardless of what President Trump accomplished or said, he was a fool and a fiend. Therefore, anything he did was suspect and could be comfortably categorized as either irrelevant or detrimental…

Because that’s what you’ve been told.

His election wasn’t credible. He colluded with Russia. We spent two years and 32 million dollars investigating a claim that turned out to be untrue. But in your mind, he’s still guilty and the 2016 election wasn’t legitimate…

Because that’s what you’ve been told.

He should’ve been removed from office. He made a call to the President of the Ukraine and you sat glued to the TV watching a parade of unelected officials insist that Trump was guilty of abusing his authority. The Ukrainian President himself insisted that the call in question was devoid of any such conversation, implied or otherwise. But you still believe that Trump was guilty and the only reason he wasn’t removed from office is because the Senate refused to do their job.

Because that’s what you’ve been told.

COVID-19 has a 98% recovery rate and of those that have passed away as a result of the virus, 94% had, on the average , 2 potentially life-threatening pre-existing conditions. The CDC has said it’s not an airborne disease. Yet, you still wear a mask and support the idea of staying distant, closed and compromised and believe anyone who wants to get the vaccine and move on is reckless, selfish and even cruel.

Because that’s what you’ve been told.

There’s over 1,000 signed affidavits and sworn testimonies testifying to the fact that this past election was fraudulent. The State of Texas has a publicly accessible pdf that details why Dominion’s software is not a secure voting mechanism. President Trump delivered a speech that detailed several instances of suspicious activity. It wasn’t aired on any major network because several courts and attorneys insisted that none of what had been submitted constituted any real evidence. You’ve not read any of the testimonies yourself, you weren’t in any of the swing states to observe what went on, but you nevertheless believe that President Biden’s election was honorable and accurate.

Because that’s what you’ve been told.

President Trump said nothing that could be construed as a call to violence on January 6th. A transcript of his speech is available for public review. Anderson Cooper from CNN interviewed someone posing as a cameraman merely filming what was going on in the Capital. It turns out, however, he’s part of a BLM group and was caught on film agitating the crowd and urging people to “Burn this sh** down!” Yet, any questions pertaining to the true political convictions of those who broke into the Capital and evaluate them on an individual basis as opposed to labeling the entire crowd as insurrectionists is dismissed as pointless. This would be a healthy and logical step to take to find out how multiple peaceful rallies held both in Washington and throughout the US suddenly took a violent turn. But it doesn’t matter. You believe Trump and anyone who supports him is violent, godless, racist and a threat to Democracy…

…because that’s what you’ve been told.

Freedom of Speech is now determined by what party you support. Arguments are won not according to the substance of your content, but on the effectiveness of your methods. American interests and security concerns are prideful restrictions that only people who lack compassion would even consider. Moral Absolutes are cruel and antiquated traditions that need to give way to open dialogue and the right to be happy. And you heartily agree with all of this..

Because that’s what you’ve been told.

With few exceptions, none of us have actually worked with Trump, we’re not on a first name basis with Biden, we’re not experts in viruses and even when we attempt to google things and seek out additional information, we’re still drawn to those sources that possess a philosophical bent that leans in our preferred direction. In other words, we are what we eat and we’re hesitant to listen to anything or anyone that doesn’t agree with our worldview.

When you think of the current political climate, then, it’s not so much about what’s true as much as it’s about who we believe is telling the truth.

Is it Anderson Cooper or Rush Limbaugh? Is it Newsmax or NBC?

Are we listening to media committed to informing public opinion or are we listening to resources determined to shape public opinion? How can we tell?

One thing that can used as a good indicator is to ask the question, “Am I being presented with a commentary on what’s being done or who’s doing it?”

For example, Moral Failings are heinous. But the public reaction to those indiscretions is bound to be different if one instance is presented as a misstep and the other situation is displayed as grounds for dismissal. If the activity is the same, but the reporting is completely different based on the personality involved, you’re not listening to “news” as much as you’re listening to a “campaign.” You’re not hearing topics as much as you’re hearing tactics, regardless of what the headline says.

In that moment, you have legitimate cause for concern. Reason being is that among the strategies typically used by sinister elements who are promoting an agenda is to silence their opposition by casting them as villains. By doing so, anything that person champions is now associated with something reprehensible and whatever platform is being proposed as an option now looks far more appealing regardless of how toxic it may be.

Does this sound familiar?

How many times have you seen a person been excoriated for their behavior while their political counterpart isn’t even criticized? How many times has a particular issue been promoted by implying that anyone who doesn’t agree doesn’t just have a different opinion, but they are immoral?

Truth is not how certain facts are manipulated, it’s how all the facts are evaluated. And you don’t arrive at the truth without seeking both sides of an issue and dismissing those accounts that are focused more on personality than principle.

We’re at a point where we can no longer allow our convictions to be dictated by media outlets that are focused more on who said something as opposed to what was actually said. We’re all dependent on the headlines to some extent. But we can choose who to listen to. We can seek out second opinions and we can resolve to filter out those voices that are more preoccupied with assaulting someone’s character than objectively examining their content.

You’ve got to be like the Bereans that Paul talks about in Acts 17 – people who examined what was being said to find out if it was true and not let the personality speaking be more of a priority than the point they’re making. That’s how you arrive at a legitimate bottom line.

Now, you may not agree with any of this and if you’re determined to trade truth for accuracy and gossip for substance, chances are you’re doing so because you’re convinced that any news or information coming from anything or anyone other than those who share your worldview are bogus.

And why do you feel that way?

Because that’s what you’ve been told.

There Have to be Divisions

division1 Corinthians 1:10 says:

Now I urge you, brothers, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that all of you agree in what you say, that there be no divisions among you, and that you be united with the same understanding and the same conviction. (1 Cor 1:10)

I’m hearing a lot of biblically based admonishments to be pursuing unity and to be sensitive to how Satan uses volatile subjects such as Politics and Race to divide God’s people.

They’re right.

You can get into some pretty passionate conversations when it comes to Black Lives Matter and the lines that distinguish the difference between Democrats and Republicans and if you go by 1 Corinthians 1:10, it’s hard not to agree with the idea that you either…

  • keep your opinions to yourself
  • keep current events at an arms distance and not “watch the news”
  • be like Jesus and “love everyone” and not let our respective differences inspire any tension

But does 1 Corinthians 1:10 represent the whole of what the New Testament has to say about “divisions?” Are cultural trends and current events supposed to be categorized under the heading of  “loving one another”and all differences swept under the carpet in order to “get along?”

Is that the Message of Scripture?

Look at this:

No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval. (1 Cor 11:19)

Any attempt to foster good will and collaboration in the absence of wisdom is ultimately a poison. “Unity” becomes corrupt, “Diversity” becomes toxic and “Peace” becomes sinister. Reason being is that sin doesn’t sit still – it doesn’t merely “co-exist (Matt 16:8-12; 1 Jn 1:6).” It either grows or it dies. So, when you make philosophical concessions and allow evil elements to exist by labeling their presence as an innocent variety, you’re being disobedient and destroying the good that might otherwise occur (1 Cor 5:13).

When there are flawed convictions being either promoted or subscribed to, we are commanded to speak up in a way that facilitates learning and a positive result. That’s what Scripture is referring to in Ephesians 5:11, Galatians 6:1 and James 5:20. It’s not your “opinion” being expressed if you’re accurately quoting God’s Word and however it applies to the issue in question. Failing to speak up or push back in the name of “unity” is like watching a person drive down the wrong side of the road and not saying anything and justifying it by saying, “They’re in a hurry.” They’re hurting themselves and putting others at risk at the same time – something that’s true of sin in general. If you choose to not say anything, that’s not love…

That’s neglect.

There are well meaning people as well as some genuine fiends who proclaim their perspective on things in a way that translates to a bad influence and a lethal result (Prov 14:12). To not respond in order to avoid “division” not only makes a bad situation worse, but it also makes true Unity impossible.

There have to be divisions.

When Christ prayed for unity in John 17, His prayer was for a unified commitment to the Truth as opposed to a group of fractured believers committed to personal preferences.

When you encounter those who champion a mindset that deviates from the Truth, you want to speak up in order to promote unity. By remaining silent you destroy it.

There have to be divisions in order to clearly see who’s got the better handle on God’s Perspective. It’s not a competition, it’s the manifestation of God’s command to be capable of “correctly handling the Word of Truth (2 Tim 3:16-17).” If that is both our starting point and our fuel, then Unity is a natural byproduct. Otherwise, not only is it a house built on sand, it’s a house divided. Either way it will collapse. The only way to avoid it is to identify where the discrepancies are and process divisions as warning signs and respond accordingly.

There have to be divisions.