
The Today Show – June 19, 2018

d-today-bw-logo-4_3It never ceases to amaze me that policies put forth by the Trump administration are demonized because he’s Trump. If you go back to his democratic counterparts, you see the same dynamics. The only difference is they’re applauded whereas Trump is reacted to as though he was a villain.

One other observation: I caught a snippet of the Today Show this morning. They had audio sound bytes of children who had been separated from their parents as a result of mom and dad being deported back to their country. On the surface, you’re compelled to feel compassion for the kids and you want to stop whatever it is that’s making them cry.

But wait.

If your mom and dad knowingly broke the law in the way they came over here and then put you at risk every day by attempting to remain below the legislative radar, who do you hold responsible when they’re caught and told to go back to their home country? Do you direct your indignation to the one who is enforcing the law, or do you indict the ones who broke the law to begin with?

Let’s think of it another way: Imagine a person breaks the law and has to go to prison. Do we play sound bytes of his children crying as he’s getting ready to be incarcerated as a way to gloss over the fact that he’s committed a crime that’s punishable by imprisonment? No. But the media has no problem in attempting to cite “compassion” as a way to minimize the problem of illegal immigration. Compassion in the absence of wisdom is nothing more than a subsidy and this nonsense has to stop.

Over 60% of illegals are on some kind of government subsidy. Couple that with the amount of crime being committed by illegals, the drain they inflict on the economy and the security issues that arise as a result of poor border security, you’ve got a real problem. It’s not a problem, however, from the standpoint of opportunistic democrats who deny them citizenship but will simultaneously given the the ability to vote (and what party do you think those illegals will vote for?).

And one other observation that I just came in contact with. The 2002 Homeland Security Act talks about children being separated from their parents and the accommodations that will be made for them. This has been addressed and it was made into law and…

…it was passed by a Democratic congress.

Go, Trump! That’s all I’ve got to say. It’s hard to be just when your counterparts have been lackadaisical in their application of the rule of law, but what’s right is right and let the naysayers on the Today Show and the liberal media continue their rant and all that they do to further their own demise.

Go, Trump!

Illegal Immigration Q&A

POST-STANDARDThere was a video on Facebook that was highlighting some of the heartbreak a town was feeling in light of their illegal immigrant neighbors having been deported.  Some of the comments made were critical of Trump and accused him of being a Nazi – as though enforcing immigration law was akin to fascism.

Here’s my rebuttal to those who would insist that the US is being cruel in processing illegal immigrant in a manner that is consistent with the law.

Question: Did any of these people immigrate here legally?

Answer: No, they didn’t.

Question: So, what does that mean, exactly? Why is their being here illegally constitute a problem?

Answer: Three reasons: First and foremost: Border Security. While you’ve got a lot of people crossing over into America illegally who aren’t wanting anything more than more opportunites for themselves and their families, you’ve also got a sinister dynamic that’s coming over here for the sake of terrorism and / or general criminal activity. If you want to read more about the criminal dynamic, click here to see some statistics that talk about illegal immigrant crime statistics.

As far as terrorism, again, you don’t have to dig very far. Click here to read, “Zero Islamic Terror Attacks: What London and America Need to Learn from Japan”
to learn more about how our current immigration policies are in desperate need of overhaul.

Secondly, illegal immigrants typically work for much less than their blue collar counterparts and create more unemployment problems. Again, this is documented and isn’t a “conservative talking point,” it’s math.

Finally, an illegal immigrant doesn’t pay taxes the same way you and I do. We’re talking billions of dollars that have to be made up elsewhere. The Washington Examiner covers this in great detail and is a good read.

If you’ve ever been to Auschwitz and seen the room that’s filled with human hair and heard how the Germans used hair from Jewish prisoners to create pillows, you would realize that there’s nothing about what Trump is doing that even comes close to that kind of garbage. It’s basically the battlecry of a party that defaults to manipulation in order to secure what it couldn’t earn or steal in the last election. Racism is nothing short of evil. Referring to America as a country steeped in racism conveniently glosses over the fact that we’re the only country in the history of the planet that fought a war in order to end the institution of slavery. The Progressive charge of “racism” champions the idea that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was anything other than a regurgitation of amendments made to the Constitution by the Republican party in the immediate aftermath of Civil War. It also skips over the fact that had Republicans votes for the Civil Rights legislation in the same proportions that the Democrats cast their votes, the law would’ve never passed (see Dinesh D’soua and Wikipedia).


  • security
  • the increase of unemployment amongst American blue collar workers and
  • the way in which illegals are using tax funded services, yet not having to pay taxes the same way an American citizen might

In short, it boils down to a security risk as well as a financial debacle. And, of course, it’s against the law to begin with.

Question: Do you not have any pity for those who are being deported?

Answer: However heart wrenching these stories may be, the burden of responsibility is not on those that are enforcing the law, it’s on those who broke the law. If you hear kids crying, look to their parents and ask them why they chose to enter this country illegally and subject your kids to the nonsense they’re having to contend with now.

Question: But doesn’t this smack of Fascism and the way the Germans forcibly removed Jews from their homes?

Answer: It’s a cheap and reprehensible tactic to use words that carry a historical stigma that is nothing short of horrific to bolster a platform that is lacking in both common sense and moral responsibility.

Fascism is what Progressives call Democracy when they’re not in charge just like they use the term “racist” to describe anyone who exhibits a behavior or perspective that threatens the prospect of a minority voting for their Democratic candidate. Other terms like “Homophobe” or “Islamaphobe” are deployed for the same reasons, as far as demonizing any intellectual paradigm that acknowledges a moral absolute beyond one’s self in order to secure votes, power and money.

Bottom line: What Trump has done and what Trump is doing is in line with his campaign promises.

The economy is better than it’s been in a decade. Compare that to your champion Obama who has the distinction of being the only president in the history of our nation who never saw a full year of 3% growth. Trump beat that in the first two quarters.

We’re building a wall, our foreign policy is based on strength and not a perpetual apology and we’re now enforcing the Constitution rather than ignoring it…

No. Trump is not a Nazi and deporting illegals is not Fascism. It’s enforcing a law that’s in place, not because of racial or religious prejudice, but because it protects our nation on several fronts. As an aside, Fascism is facilitated exclusively through a government that is established through force and not via a democratic process. On every level, you’re wrong in using the term “Fascism” to describe Trump to the point where you don’t want to dignify it with a response. And doesn’t it strike you as odd that the ones wearing masks these days are not those that voted for Trump, but those who disagree with him…

Illegal Immigration and the Bible

AAEAAQAAAAAAAAaTAAAAJGM0YjE5ZmZjLTU3NmYtNGM4Yy04ODI3LTg2ZDI1MTFkMjYwYwDanny Zucker is a producer and writer best known for the show “Modern Family.” Recently, he addressed Christians as a whole by saying that if they approved of Trump’s recent dismantling of Obama’s DACA legislation, their faith was garbage. He didn’t say, “garbage.” He was downright foul in what he had to say and he concluded his tweet with something even more crass. Click here to read his tweet.

Here’s the thing:

DACA is the “Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals” provision that Obama put into place that allows for children of illegal immigrants to remain in this country rather than be deported. On the surface, it may resonate as gracious and accommodating – especially given the fact that you’re talking about children that had no say in the way their parents chose to enter the country illegally.

But it’s more than minors.

Individuals are able to request DACA status if they were under the age of 31 on June 15, 2012, came to the U.S. before turning 16 and have continuously lived in the country since June 15, 2007. There’s about 800,000 people that fall under this category. 

On one hand, you’re drawn to the idea of almost a million innocent “dreamers” who want nothing more than to remain in this country and contribute as an honorable citizen. Mental images of crying children being separated from their parents, hardworking young adults being discharged from their jobs…

But on the other hand, you’ve got the stance of President Trump who said, “There can be no path to principled immigration reform if the executive branch is able to rewrite or nullify federal laws at will. The temporary implementation of DACA by the Obama administration, after Congress repeatedly rejected this amnesty-first approach, also helped spur a humanitarian crisis — the massive surge of unaccompanied minors from Central America including, in some cases, young people who would become members of violent gangs throughout our country, such as MS-13. Only by the reliable enforcement of immigration law can we produce safe communities, a robust middle class, and economic fairness for all Americans.”

Those like Zucker who disagree with Trump illustrate the problem represented by asking the wrong questions and inevitably arriving at all the wrong conclusions. However productive or sentimental the situation might appear to be, the fact of the matter is that those who were brought here illegally may not be guilty of breaking the law themselves, but they have nevertheless inherited the status of an illegal immigrant because of the criminal actions of their parents. Whatever indignation that is rightfully felt either by the offspring of those who entered the US illegally or those who would feel sorry for them, is valid only if it is directed towards the parents who put their children in this position in the first place and Barack Obama for ignoring the Constitution. Otherwise, you’re promoting a form of injustice and compromising what needs to be a strong immigration system. The question isn’t: “Is the situation not unfortunate?” The question is: “Are the parents guilty of breaking the law and putting their children in jeopardy?”

Donald Trump isn’t creating a problem. He’s rectifying a legal debacle created by his predecessor. DACA is a result of several Executive Orders that Obama authored back in 2012. And the problem isn’t Obama’s use of the Executive Order. Andrew McCarthy’s article in the National Review explains: “The problem is the substance of executive action. DACA is defective in two ways. First, it presumes to exercise legislative power by conferring positive legal benefits on a category of aliens (the “dreamers,” as concisely described in Yuval Levin’s Corner post). Second, it distorts the doctrine of prosecutorial discretion to rationalize this presidential legislating and to grant a de facto amnesty. These maneuvers violated core constitutional principles: separation of powers and the president’s duty to execute the laws faithfully.”1

Eligible to Vote: Obama Administration Allowed Thousands of DACA Recipients to Receive Green Cards, Leading to Citizenship

According to information released Friday by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, the Obama administration not only gave protection to millions of illegal immigrants through DACA, but also allowed DACA recipients to obtain green cards. As a green card holder, you’re now eligible to vote. It’s interesting to speculate how DACA can create a whole new crop of voters who are now, by default, inclined to vote for the Democrat party…

click here to read more

However penitent Obama should feel for putting the current president in the situation he’s in, you won’t see or hear any such remorse. If anything, you hear the all to familiar tactic he uses to minimize the Absolutes America is founded on by camouflaging injustice and political gain as “compassion.” Consider a recent post of his on  Facebook:

This is about young people who grew up in America – kids who study in our schools, young adults who are starting careers, patriots who pledge allegiance to our flag. These Dreamers are Americans in their hearts, in their minds, in every single way but one: on paper. They were brought to this country by their parents, sometimes even as infants. They may not know a country besides ours. They may not even know a language besides English. They often have no idea they’re undocumented until they apply for a job, or college, or a driver’s license.

He goes on to say:

What makes us American is not a question of what we look like, or where our names come from, or the way we pray. What makes us American is our fidelity to a set of ideals – that all of us are created equal; that all of us deserve the chance to make of our lives what we will; that all of us share an obligation to stand up, speak out, and secure our most cherished values for the next generation. That’s how America has traveled this far. That’s how, if we keep at it, we will ultimately reach that more perfect union.

At no time does he refer to anything pertaining to the rule of law. If you begin your journey as an American by demonstrating a lack of regard for its laws then you’re in violation of the Oath of Allegiance you’re required to agree to as part of becoming a citizen. That’s not being overly particular, that’s being just. And “compassion” extended in the absence of justice is nothing more than favoritism.

When Christ extends mercy to a sinner, He’s not ignoring the debt incurred by sin (Matt 6:12), He’s able to demonstrate compassion because He paid the debt of sin (1 Pet 3:18). Obama isn’t being generous or compassionate, he’s taking advantage of a situation that involves innocent parties and rather than holding those who are guilty of breaking the law accountable, he violates the Constitution, cheapens the value of authentic citizenship nad creates a security risk all the while cultivating a new crop of voters who are now positioned to vote for the Democrat party.

Zucker is a tragic figure in that he chooses to be a belligerent fool. Rather than using his platform to support a needed return to the rule of law and the elimination of the financial burden caused by illegals, instead he clings to a mindset that, like Barack Obama, says neither the Constitution nor the immigration process represents an absolute (click here to read how Obama has a real legacy when it comes to violating the Constitution). What they call “compassion” is nothing more than preferential treatment that is neither wise nor fair to those who bear the cost of those who come here illegally and the foreigners who honor American enough to obtain their citizenship properly and legally.

The Bible commands believers to abide by the rules of the land (1 Pet 2:13-17), not ignore them. Zucker would accuse Christians of possessing an illegitimate faith apart from supporting DACA, but his argument is flawed in that it’s not so much about giving people the opportunity to dream as much as it’s a strategic use of noble sounding verbiage used to camouflage a compromise of national security, an endorsement of financial irresponsibility and a dismissal of the Constitution. Given those kinds of dynamics, my refusing to applaud or support those who endorse DACA is not a violation of my faith, it’s an expression of it.

1. National Review,, accessed September 7, 2016