
Fools, Fiends and Hypocrites

maxresdefaultA couple of quick observations about the current government shutdown and the dispute over the wall that Trump is insisting on in order to alleviate the inherent problems of illegal immigration.

  • Unlike a recent USA Today article that stated that stated that most Americans are against the wall, the fact is, the majority of America is in favor of a wall and that comes from a recent CBS poll . USA Today is lying. Either that, or they’re being very calculated in the way they structure their polls.
  • The wall is something that Trump promised as part of his campaign to become President. It represents .0998% of the total federal budget.
  • Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer have asserted themselves in ways that are inconsistent with they way they’ve voted and communicated in the past as far as their SUPPORT for a wall. It’s ironic that Pelosi would refer to wall as immoral when only five years ago, she was praising it as “every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support.”
  • Some have criticized Trump’s claim that Mexico would pay for the wall, implying that he’s either lying or ignorant. Fact is, Mexico will pay for the wall. They’re not going to be cutting us a check, but through different trade agreements and various penalties exacted according to the illegality of Mexican Visas and other such criteria. Click here to read more. Bear in mind, that should you google any information about this particular topic, you will have to sort through at least two pages of results that are damning the President as a liar. You have to dig in order to see anything that even remotely reveals a more comprehensive perspective.
  • 1 in 5 Federal Prisoners are illegal aliens, and illegals are rushing the fence that separates California and Mexico every day. According to Senator Barack Obama, “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants into this country.” It it is a problem. Legally, ethically, financially and from a security standpoint, the fact that you’re here illegally demonstrates a willingness flaunt the law which, by definition, categorizes you as a criminal. And as far as families being separated, that’s not the doing of the Trump or a cruel side affect of a system that needs to be fixed, that’s a predicament that you have put yourself in because you chose to come here illegally.
  • Finally, Pelosi demonstrates a bizarre perspective on her station and her platform by attempting to reschedule his State of the Union address. Citing previous presidents and political paradigms, she uses that to suggest that, “…we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th.”

Note, she says, “in writing.” She’s basically saying that he will not be allowed to address Congress in person. Rather, he will submit his speech as a piece of paper to be read by someone else.

Madame Speaker…just who do you think you are, anyway?

She blames the President completely for the shutdown. He’s attempted to negotiate, but she has refused – most likely because she knows that he’s not going to budge. Her “suggesting” that he submit his speech in writing and that it’s postponed until the shutdown that she holds him responsible for is resolved, is belligerent, disrespectful and completely nonsensical given the fact that she’s the one who stands in the way of what most America has voiced their support for.

Pause for a moment and consider the hypocrisy of Pelosi’s stance. While she bemoans the people who are without a paycheck because of the shutdown, she’s taking off to Europe for a “public relations” tour instead of remaining in Washington to work towards a solution.

I’m convinced the history will look back on this time and see Pelosi as toxic, Trump as strong and the American populace as a group of people that are slowly yet surely seeing the champions of the Democrat party for who and what they are: Fools, Fiends and Hypocrites that can be subtle in the way their true identity is perceived only because of the media that works in concert with their agenda.

The Today Show – June 19, 2018

d-today-bw-logo-4_3It never ceases to amaze me that policies put forth by the Trump administration are demonized because he’s Trump. If you go back to his democratic counterparts, you see the same dynamics. The only difference is they’re applauded whereas Trump is reacted to as though he was a villain.

One other observation: I caught a snippet of the Today Show this morning. They had audio sound bytes of children who had been separated from their parents as a result of mom and dad being deported back to their country. On the surface, you’re compelled to feel compassion for the kids and you want to stop whatever it is that’s making them cry.

But wait.

If your mom and dad knowingly broke the law in the way they came over here and then put you at risk every day by attempting to remain below the legislative radar, who do you hold responsible when they’re caught and told to go back to their home country? Do you direct your indignation to the one who is enforcing the law, or do you indict the ones who broke the law to begin with?

Let’s think of it another way: Imagine a person breaks the law and has to go to prison. Do we play sound bytes of his children crying as he’s getting ready to be incarcerated as a way to gloss over the fact that he’s committed a crime that’s punishable by imprisonment? No. But the media has no problem in attempting to cite “compassion” as a way to minimize the problem of illegal immigration. Compassion in the absence of wisdom is nothing more than a subsidy and this nonsense has to stop.

Over 60% of illegals are on some kind of government subsidy. Couple that with the amount of crime being committed by illegals, the drain they inflict on the economy and the security issues that arise as a result of poor border security, you’ve got a real problem. It’s not a problem, however, from the standpoint of opportunistic democrats who deny them citizenship but will simultaneously given the the ability to vote (and what party do you think those illegals will vote for?).

And one other observation that I just came in contact with. The 2002 Homeland Security Act talks about children being separated from their parents and the accommodations that will be made for them. This has been addressed and it was made into law and…

…it was passed by a Democratic congress.

Go, Trump! That’s all I’ve got to say. It’s hard to be just when your counterparts have been lackadaisical in their application of the rule of law, but what’s right is right and let the naysayers on the Today Show and the liberal media continue their rant and all that they do to further their own demise.

Go, Trump!

Reich and Immigration

reichRobert Reich is an American political commentator, professor, and author. He served in the administrations of Presidents Gerald Ford, Jimmy Carter, and Bill Clinton. He was Secretary of Labor from 1993 to 1997. He was a member of President-elect Barack Obama’s economic transition advisory board. Recently, he put out a video in association with that accused President Trump of lying about immigration and he sets out to destroy several of Trump’s statements as myths.

The problem is that Reich overlooks a lot of research and statistics that reinforce Trump’s stance and, given the obvious left-leaning political disposition of Reich, you can’t help but want to pop the hood on what he’s saying to see if he has a point.

You be the judge…

I) Immigrants Take Away American Jobs

This is the first lie that Trump is supposedly circulating. Reich insists that immigrants add to economic demand and therefore create the need for more jobs.

On the surface, that might seem like a credible perspective, but here’s the problem: It’s not the number of jobs, it’s the fact that immigrants are willing to work for a lot less than their American counterparts. As a result, illegal immigrants are working those jobs that would otherwise be staffed by American citizens.

It’s interesting because back in 1995, Reich himself  said, “Undoubtedly access to lower-wage foreign workers has a depressing effect [on wages].” If an employer is looking at two equally qualified candidates and one is willing to work for $7.00 an hour and the other isn’t willing to work for less than $10.00, who do you suppose gets the job?

II) We don’t need Any More Immigrants

Reich says America is aging and we therefore need more people to support those will be retiring. The problem with that idea is that 52% of legal immigrant households with children are on government assistance. In all, nearly 60% of immigrants – illegal and legal – are on government assistance compared to 39% of native households. It’s virtually impossible to be supporting other people when you can’t support yourself.1

III) Immigrants are a Drain on Public Budgets

Here, Reich attempts to combat this reality by saying that undocumented immigrants paid 11.8 billion dollars in state and local taxes in 2012 and that would increase another 2.2 billion assuming comprehensive immigration reform would occur.

Champions of illegal immigration will quote statistics like the fact that in 2014, the IRS collected over 9 billion dollars in income tax from those filing using an ITIN (Individual Tax Identification Number). This coming from roughly 4 million illegals. On the surface, that doesn’t look especially unhealthy. However, when you consider the number of illegal immigrants that live in this country, that figure becomes disconcerting.

The number of illegal immigrants is a figure that comes from census data. In other words, it’s assuming that an illegal immigrant is answering a survey. People who have left their families, paid hefty sums to smugglers, travelled thousands of miles and have broken American law in order to enter this country have little incentive to answer a US government questionnaire.

When you look at bank deposits going from the US to Mexico, when you consider the number of housing permits that are being granted, when you look at school enrollment – when you consider information beyond statistical info based on surveys of people who don’t want to answer surveys, you come up with a much larger number.

Bear Stearns is a global investment bank. In 2005, they had some financial interests that were linked to, what needed to be, an accurate number of illegal immigrants in this country. Unfettered by any kind of political agenda, analysts Robert Justich and Betty Ng estimated the total number of illegal immigrants at being around 20,000,000. Bear in mind, they were advising clients about something important: their money!2

The very next year, Donald L. Barlett and James B. Steele – two Pulitzer-prize winning journalists for Time magazine, did their own study and concluded that “the number of illegal aliens flooding into the U.S. this year will total 3 million – enough to fill 22,000 Boeing 737-700 airliners, or 60 flights every day for a year. It will be the largest wave since 2001 and will roughly triple the number of immigrants who will come to he U.S. by legal means.”3

That was 2006. So assuming that number has stayed consistent, that means today we have an additional 36,000,000 illegals in this country. So, let’s not be too excited or too casual when we hear that we’ve collected 9 billion dollars from 4 million illegals. That’s a toxic number when you compare it to the actual number of illegals that are living in this nation.

IV) Legal and Illegal Immigration is Increasing

Reich says that he net rate of illegal immigration into the US is 0%. Again, this is going to be based on census data which is not reliable. As the aforementioned analysts Justich and Ng told the Wall Street Journal, “the assumption that illegal people will fill out a census form is the most ridiculous concept I have ever heard of.”4


Reich concludes his video by suggesting that Trump, or anyone who thinks like him when it comes to illegal immigration, are looking to blame immigrants for the economic tensions facing the middle class. He says it’s all part of a game that’s rigged to favor the wealthy and the better approach is to work towards “comprehensive immigration reform” that gives illegals a pathway to citizenship.

Question: What is it that makes illegal immigration so difficult to define as a problem when the facts are so obvious? And bear in mind, we’re just looking at what the Left chose to address in the context of Reich’s video. We’re not looking at the criminal activity that’s happening within the ranks of illegals. It truly is a problem! Who is it that gains by defending illegal immigrants?

This comes from the “Center for Immigration Studies” in an article entitled, “Immigration, Political Realignment, and the Demise of Republican Political Prospects” written in 2010.

A comparison of voting patterns in presidential elections across counties over the last three decades shows that large-scale immigration has caused a steady drop in presidential Republican vote shares throughout the country. Once politically marginal counties are now safely Democratic due to the propensity of immigrants, especially Latinos, to identify and vote Democratic.


You be the judge.




1. “Adios America”, Ann Coulter, Regnery Publishing, Washington, D.C. 2015, p15

2. Ibid, p74

3. Ibid, p74

4. Ibid, p73

Illegal Immigration Q&A

POST-STANDARDThere was a video on Facebook that was highlighting some of the heartbreak a town was feeling in light of their illegal immigrant neighbors having been deported.  Some of the comments made were critical of Trump and accused him of being a Nazi – as though enforcing immigration law was akin to fascism.

Here’s my rebuttal to those who would insist that the US is being cruel in processing illegal immigrant in a manner that is consistent with the law.

Question: Did any of these people immigrate here legally?

Answer: No, they didn’t.

Question: So, what does that mean, exactly? Why is their being here illegally constitute a problem?

Answer: Three reasons: First and foremost: Border Security. While you’ve got a lot of people crossing over into America illegally who aren’t wanting anything more than more opportunites for themselves and their families, you’ve also got a sinister dynamic that’s coming over here for the sake of terrorism and / or general criminal activity. If you want to read more about the criminal dynamic, click here to see some statistics that talk about illegal immigrant crime statistics.

As far as terrorism, again, you don’t have to dig very far. Click here to read, “Zero Islamic Terror Attacks: What London and America Need to Learn from Japan”
to learn more about how our current immigration policies are in desperate need of overhaul.

Secondly, illegal immigrants typically work for much less than their blue collar counterparts and create more unemployment problems. Again, this is documented and isn’t a “conservative talking point,” it’s math.

Finally, an illegal immigrant doesn’t pay taxes the same way you and I do. We’re talking billions of dollars that have to be made up elsewhere. The Washington Examiner covers this in great detail and is a good read.

If you’ve ever been to Auschwitz and seen the room that’s filled with human hair and heard how the Germans used hair from Jewish prisoners to create pillows, you would realize that there’s nothing about what Trump is doing that even comes close to that kind of garbage. It’s basically the battlecry of a party that defaults to manipulation in order to secure what it couldn’t earn or steal in the last election. Racism is nothing short of evil. Referring to America as a country steeped in racism conveniently glosses over the fact that we’re the only country in the history of the planet that fought a war in order to end the institution of slavery. The Progressive charge of “racism” champions the idea that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was anything other than a regurgitation of amendments made to the Constitution by the Republican party in the immediate aftermath of Civil War. It also skips over the fact that had Republicans votes for the Civil Rights legislation in the same proportions that the Democrats cast their votes, the law would’ve never passed (see Dinesh D’soua and Wikipedia).


  • security
  • the increase of unemployment amongst American blue collar workers and
  • the way in which illegals are using tax funded services, yet not having to pay taxes the same way an American citizen might

In short, it boils down to a security risk as well as a financial debacle. And, of course, it’s against the law to begin with.

Question: Do you not have any pity for those who are being deported?

Answer: However heart wrenching these stories may be, the burden of responsibility is not on those that are enforcing the law, it’s on those who broke the law. If you hear kids crying, look to their parents and ask them why they chose to enter this country illegally and subject your kids to the nonsense they’re having to contend with now.

Question: But doesn’t this smack of Fascism and the way the Germans forcibly removed Jews from their homes?

Answer: It’s a cheap and reprehensible tactic to use words that carry a historical stigma that is nothing short of horrific to bolster a platform that is lacking in both common sense and moral responsibility.

Fascism is what Progressives call Democracy when they’re not in charge just like they use the term “racist” to describe anyone who exhibits a behavior or perspective that threatens the prospect of a minority voting for their Democratic candidate. Other terms like “Homophobe” or “Islamaphobe” are deployed for the same reasons, as far as demonizing any intellectual paradigm that acknowledges a moral absolute beyond one’s self in order to secure votes, power and money.

Bottom line: What Trump has done and what Trump is doing is in line with his campaign promises.

The economy is better than it’s been in a decade. Compare that to your champion Obama who has the distinction of being the only president in the history of our nation who never saw a full year of 3% growth. Trump beat that in the first two quarters.

We’re building a wall, our foreign policy is based on strength and not a perpetual apology and we’re now enforcing the Constitution rather than ignoring it…

No. Trump is not a Nazi and deporting illegals is not Fascism. It’s enforcing a law that’s in place, not because of racial or religious prejudice, but because it protects our nation on several fronts. As an aside, Fascism is facilitated exclusively through a government that is established through force and not via a democratic process. On every level, you’re wrong in using the term “Fascism” to describe Trump to the point where you don’t want to dignify it with a response. And doesn’t it strike you as odd that the ones wearing masks these days are not those that voted for Trump, but those who disagree with him…