
A Tale of Two Gyms

tripod-turnstileThere once were two gyms.

Both of them had great facilities, but at one point, Todd, the owner of one of the gyms, decided he wanted to create a situation that would help those who were overweight and out of shape by creating a turnstile that deducted a portion of the muscle-building, calorie=burning result from everyone that had just worked out and made it available to those who hadn’t exercised.

It really was revolutionary! Those who couldn’t afford a gym membership or had been injured and couldn’t workout could now simply walk through this turnstile and experience a change in their body as a certain number of calories were automatically burned and a muscle group of their choice was improved. They didn’t have to put forth any effort – all they had to do was simply walk through the turnstile and just like that, their bodies were adjusted as though they had just perspired and trained for a full 90 minutes.

It was a huge success! Suddenly people who had been struggling with a weight problem were able to see a difference in the way their clothes fit and those who had never had any real muscle tone to speak of were seeing a difference in their strength and endurance.

Meanwhile, Nathan, the owner of the other gym, continued to do business as usual. Some of his customers changed their membership and went over to Todd’s facility, but Nate didn’t seem to be overly concerned. It was as though he was waiting for something.

After about a month some of Todd’s members were noticing a problem. Some of those who were walking through the turnstile because they couldn’t train were heading down to the “Gut Bomb” restaurant down the road immediately afterwards and consuming an exorbitant number of calories. And them some of those who could workout were simply choosing not to and instead just walking through the turnstile. Those that were still motivated and disciplined were just as consistent as they had been before, but they were getting frustrated to see the fruit of their labor being distributed to a group of people, some of whom were not putting forth any effort on their own and were instead just benefiting from the efforts of others.

“Todd, we’ve made a decision,” said Rick, one of the members speaking for a small group that had assembled in front of Todd’s office.

“Great,” said Todd. “What’s on your mind?”

“We’re headed over to Nate’s gym.”

“Why would you do that?” said Todd. “You guys have been coming here for years.”

‘It’s your turnstile, man,” said Rebecca, of the other members. “We’re tired of training as hard as we do only for that work to be divvied up and distributed to some who either don’t work at all or are taking advantage of the fact that they can workout for 10 minutes and walk through your turnstile and, just like that, they’ve exercised for over an hour and a half. It’s not fair and we’re done.”

“But some of these people need help,” pleaded Todd.

“Then help them, “said Rick. “But help them with your resources. Don’t force upon your members a situation that assumes everyone is working as hard as everyone else, because they’re not.”

For a moment, Todd looked skeptical. “I don’t know if I agree with that,” he said.

“Well, you’re not the one on the treadmill. You’re not the one working out and cranking out all the reps,” said Rick.

“Have you been paying attention to your Group Fitness Classes,” asked Rebecca, another one of the members that had congregated around Todd’s office.

“What do you mean?” asked Todd.

Rebecca paused, as though she was having a hard time believing that Todd hadn’t noticed.

“You used to have 20-30 people in your classes at any given time. Now you’re lucky to have five or six. Does that not tell you something?”

Todd was getting a little indignant. “Well, what should it tell me?” he asked.

Rick paused for a minute, recognizing that the tone of the conversation was getting ready to become more heated than it needed to be.

“Todd,” said Rick in a very measured tone. “Look. We love you, we love your facility, but we’re weary of having to support others who, in some cases are unwilling to support themselves. It’s not a question of being open to helping someone as much as its being willing to subsidize someone’s bad habits.”

Todd was still not convinced there was a valid point being made.

“I really don’t know how you could feel that way,” he said.

“Well,” said Rick, “it’s pretty easy. I get done with a workout and I watch some of the beneficiaries of the work that I’ve just done on their behalf walk through your turnstile and then head on down to the ‘Gut Bomb.’ You don’t value what you haven’t earned. Consequently, they have no problem believing that they can outrun their fork. So, while I’m watching what I eat, they’re just eating what’s in front of them and pretty much destroying all the good that was done for them by others in the gym just a moment ago.”

Rebecca chimed in. “And Todd, I’ve seen it too. I know you want to help people, but you’ve got to be smart in the way you help them and not just generous.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Rick.

“Saying you want help implies that you’re making an effort and you’re needing assistance,” said Rebecca. “But you can get in line with those who are genuinely working to improve their situation and, while you look identical on paper, there are some who are actually working out on their own and watching their diet and there’s some who are expecting you to do everything for them.”

“Well,” said Rick, “I’ve got to tell you that I’m really surprised, folks. To me, you all sound very selfish and…I don’t know what to say.”

“Todd, let me ask you something,” said Rick. “How often have you worked out yourself since you installed those turnstiles?”

For a moment, there was an awkward silence in the room.

As the group started to make their way out of Todd’s office, Rick lingered and stuck his hand out to shake Todd’s hand.

“No hard feelings, Todd” said Rick.

Todd shook Rick’s hand but didn’t say anything.

Outside Todd joined Rebecca and the others and made their over to Nate’s gym. As they walked in, they were greeted by the customary sound of weights being moved around and the muffled din of hype music being played over a speaker in the corner.

“Hey, guys! Can I help you?” said Nate.

“I believe you can!” said Rick. “But, first I was wondering if we could sit down and talk with you for a little bit. I think I speak for everyone here – we’ve got a couple of questions.”

“Let me guess. You’re coming over from Todd’s place, aren’t you?” asked Nate.

Rick looked at him with a bit of an incredulous look on his face. “How did you…?”

“I’ve had several people come over with some concerns. Do y’all want to come in the conference room?” asked Nate.

One of the group members gestured to Rick and told him that he could speak for the group. It was obvious the others were interested in looking around. Rebecca, on the other hand, remained.

“I’d like to be a part of this conversation,” she said.

“C’mon in,” said Nate, as the three of them started over to the glass enclosed conference room. As they sat down, Nate closed the door.

“Do you know Todd at all?” asked Rick.

“We were college roommates,” said Nate.

“Was he talking about his turnstiles back then?” asked Rebecca, sarcastically.

Nate hesitated for a moment. “Todd’s a good man with a big heart,” said Nate. “But he and I differ as far as how to best help people get fit.”

“How do you mean?” asked Rick.

“Fitness isn’t something that you can give someone. Being out of shape isn’t an ailment that you can remedy with a gift certificate or a free jar of protein powder. Ultimately, it’s an extension of a person’s sense of discipline,” said Nate.

“So, you don’t agree with his turnstiles?” asked Rick.

“I don’t agree with the notion that you’re helping someone by suggesting that you can present them with something that can’t be given,” said Nate.

“That’s one of the most sensible things I’ve heard in a while,” said Rebecca. “And I think I understand what you’re saying, but explain it. What do you mean?”

“Fitness is more than just your appearance or your ability to perform,” said Nate. “Like any other kind of success, it has as its basis a mindset that’s resolved to make wise choices and, in some cases, some sacrifices that aren’t especially convenient. While I can provide you a facility and teach you some training techniques and dietary practices, I can’t give you either the resolve or the ambition you need to put those disciplines into practice.”

“But what do you say to someone like Todd who’s determined to give people who can’t afford a gym membership the chance to be fit?” asked Rick.

“Well,” said Nate, “there’s a difference between an opportunity and an outcome. I can’t give you a college degree without an education, just like I can’t give you the status of being an accomplished musician if you’ve never practiced. Todd’s not wrong in wanting to give people the chance to succeed, but there’s a difference between giving them a chance and giving them the result.”

“Well,” said Rebecca, “I would add that you can’t give away something that’s not yours.”

Rick smiled.

“No, I’m serious,” said Rebecca. “Todd’s whole system was based on the efforts of others. There were some that walked through those turnstiles that had no intention of working out or keeping their diet intact. It’s not that they ‘couldn’t,’ as much as they ‘wouldn’t. And, frankly, that’s why I’m here. I got tired of paying into a system that wasn’t helping people as much as it was subsidizing a bad work ethic.”

“You’re preaching to the choir,” said Nate. “Todd and I talked about this a lot. If you want to know the truth, it’s why we didn’t go into business together. I give people who can’t afford their membership dues a break on the amount. Sometimes, I even let them come in for free. But I don’t try to give them something they have to earn.”

“Because they don’t value it, right?” asked Rick.

“It’s more than that,” said Nate. “You can still enjoy something you don’t especially appreciate. I can enjoy the taste of a meal that I didn’t make. But if I want to eat that meal again, I’m either going to be completely dependent on whoever it is that made that meal, or…”

“You have to learn how to make it yourself,” said Rick.

“Exactly,” said Nate. “And I’m not going to learn how to make it myself as long as there’s an option to simply let others do it for me. That doesn’t make me a bad person, necessarily, it’s just human nature to default to the lowest common denominator and the path of least resistance.”

“And Rebecca, I agree with you,” continued Nate. “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, Todd’s a good man. But when you put yourself in a situation where you decide who gets the handout and who has to provide the handout, you’re placing yourself in a spot that’s vulnerable to corruption and compromise. What Todd is doing is attempting to deploy a Socialist approach to physical fitness and it’s just like Margret Thatcher said, only a little different – it will work until you run out of somebody else’s sweat and muscle. Todd has to be judge and jury, as far as determining who’s deserving, and he also has to ensure that he has resources to distribute. Those turnstiles will cease to make a difference if he doesn’t have motivated members continuing to supply him with the workout capital he wants to give to other people.”

“And when he runs out…” started Rick.

“When he runs out, not only is his little charity done, but his business is going to be bordering on collapse as well,” said Nate. “And the extent to which he wants to pursue this will determine the sort of tactics he’ll use to keep people feeding into the system and, ultimately, keeping him in business.”

“That sounds shady,” said Rebecca.

“Well, if it’s not shady, it certainly isn’t smart,” said Nate.

The three of them sat in a contemplative silence for a minute.

“Well,” said Rebecca. “I’m going to go and engage a capitalistic approach to physical fitness and go work out! Only I’ll be training knowing that I don’t have to give anything up for a turnstile afterwards!”

“Please do,” said Nate as the three of them got up and started heading for the door. “And as long as we’re talking about capitalism, don’t forget to come by my office so I can sign you up as a paying member. I wouldn’t want you to feel neglected!”

Rebecca smiled. “No, we wouldn’t want that…”

Sugar & Salt | Part Two

saltshakerIt’s Sad

The thing that’s sad about all this is that sugar, salt and fat can combine into some truly tasty combinations.


And here we are talking about sugar and salt as though they represent these monster ingredients that threaten one’s very life…

Here’s the thing…

While you don’t want to process all of what can translate into a good tasting bowl of joy and good times into something evil, you do want to be aware of what you’re putting into your body so you can prevent what’s designed to be a treat from becoming an unhealthy staple.


We talked about sugar in Part One. Now, we’re wrapping it up by talking about Salt, or, more specifically, Sodium.

The Business of Balance

Your body is in the business of constantly seeking to establish a sense of balance. You burn calories, your body signals you that you need some food. You perspire and your body signals that you need some sodium / electrolytes to replace what it uses in the context of keeping your body cool. Eating and drinking is needful in order to stay healthy. The challenge is recognizing the difference between what’s healthy and what’s not. Because of the way the typical American diet is set up, it’s easy to slip into some harmful habits and not even be aware of it. I mean, some of this stuff tastes great, right? But like we discussed in Part One in the context of sugar, you’re not doing yourself any favors if you gloss over the nutritional grenades you’re putting into your system, regardless of how good they taste. And what applies with sugar also applies when it comes to sodium.

With sugar, you’re requiring your pancreas to do some heavy lifting if you’re exceeding what would be considered a healthy amount. This is what leads to Diabetes as well as a physical disposition that makes weight loss more challenging than it should be,

With sodium, the glands that are being taxed are your kidneys which can lead to hypertension which affects your heart. And, depending on the extent to which the arteries leading to your heart are damaged as a result of  too much salt, your brain can actually be damaged as well. Here’s how it works…

Your Kidneys

Your kidneys filter as much as 120 quarts of blood every day. Your kidneys are using a process called “osmosis” to pull from your blood extra water and waste products that ultimately exit your body as urine.  This process involves a complicated chemical exchange that requires a balance of sodium and potassium to make it happen. Eating too much salt throws this balance out of kilter and can lead to kidney disease. But even without your kidneys being completely compromised, their efficiency is nevertheless diminished and you now have more water in your blood than what your body is comfortable with.

Think of a water hose that’s been hooked up to fire hydrant. Get the picture? That water hose is a good illustration of your arteries which are now being stretched as a result of the increased volume of fluid that comprises your blood flow because of the way your kidneys can’t filter out the extra water. Your arteries respond by becoming stronger and thicker, but this only makes the space inside your arteries smaller which is why you now have less blood flowing to your heart and your brain.

And that’s not good.

So, how much sodium is too much?

How Much is Too Much

The US Food and Drug Administration recommends no more than 2,300 mg of salt per day. That’s one teaspoon. The American Heart Association says no more than 1,500 mg. Now, before we even begin our inventory, know that most dietary sodium comes from eating packaged and prepackaged foods. So, right out of the chute, you can know that it’s not about the salt you’re adding to your food that’s problematic as much as it’s the salt contained within the prepackaged things you’re buying in the grocery store.

The biggest tool that you access to is the “Nutrition Facts” that are on the label of every food item you purchase. As far as the aforementioned “nutritional grenades,” here’s a few items to be aware of:

Pizza: 760 mg

Soy Sauce: 879 mg (1 Tablespoon)

Chick Fil A sandwich: 1350 mg

Soup: 940 mg

One of the greatest burger restaurants on the planet, in my mind, is Red Robin. While a single serving of fries is 224 mg, the “Black and Bleu Burger” delivers a whopping 4,496 mg of sodium! So, in one visit there’s a good chance that you are tripling your sodium intake for one day.

The Difference Between a Treat and a Staple

Now, none of this means that you can never have a burger or a piece of pizza ever again. What it does mean is that you don’t want to establish any of these food items as “standards” in your diet. An occasional treat? Sure! But be careful when you find yourself eating these things consistently.




One other word of caution about sports drinks like Gatorade. Gatorade has 450 mg of sodium. That’s close to a third of what the American Heart Associate recommends for the day. In addition, in a 20 oz serving, you’ve got 34 grams of sugar. That’s 3 grams less than what the American Heart Association recommends for a day!

A day!

So, be aware. Gatorade is great when you’re engaged in an hour and a half of intense exercise, but that’s not the kind of drink you want over lunch in the cafeteria.

The NFL Protesters – You Are Not Brave…

jenkinsMalcom Jenkins is a member of the Philadelphia Eagles. He tweeted this yesterday before the game:

“Before we enjoy this game lets take some time to ponder that more than 60% of the prison population are people of color. The NFL is made up of 70% African Americans. What you witness on the field does not represent the reality of everyday”

“America. We are the anomalies…”

Why? Why are you the anomalies? Why are the people of color you are referencing in prison to begin with?

First of all, if you’re certain that the reason behind this statistic is that the law enforcement community is prejudiced and embraces every opportunity it’s presented with to either harrass, arrest or kill a minority, then you need to take that to your police department and get a bottom line. Ride with the officers that are on patrol. Take advantage of the offer the San Francisco made to Colin Kaepernick when they offered to let him participate in any simulations or observe their training. Make a point of researching what it is that you’re protesting beyond the headlines that rarely give a full account of what happened when an officer drew their weapon.

Secondly, know a little bit about the history of this great nation. We are the only country in the history of the planet that fought a way to end slavery. While you want to invoke the phrase “systemic racism” at every opportunity, be ready to explain how a system is to blame for 41% of black kids dropping out of High School or how a system is to be held accountable for over 70% of the babies born to the black population are born out of wedlock. Be prepared to elaborate on how the lack of a High School education or the responsibility of having to raise a child while you’re still a teenager doesn’t result in a scenario where your ability to secure a good paying job (in the absence of a college education or a marketable skill), however difficult that may be, is not the problem. Rather, it’s an infrastructure that’s determined to keep people of color poor.

Third, you tend to side with Democrats, believing them to be the true champions of racial equality. Do you know that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 was nothing more than a regurgitation of amendments ot the Constitution which were already in place? It was a completely pointless piece of legislation because all of the dynamics contained within were already referenced in the Constitution (13th, 14th and 15th Amendments). And where did those amendments come from? They came from a Republican congress in the immediate aftermath of a war that cost the lives of over 360,000 people, most of whom were white. And by the way, however redundant the Civil Rights Act was, had the Republicans voted in favor of the Act in the same proportion that the Democrats did, it never would’ve passed.

  • Your indignation would be better directed to those within your community that are perpetuating the crimes rather than the ones who are tasked with maintaining law and order.
  • You would be wise to consider the whole of American history and not just those headlines crafted by journalists who are more preoccupied with their agenda then they are the truth.
  • It would be prudent to analyze the legacy of the Democrat party and understand that those who are historically guilty of prejudice and racism constitute a small percentage of our population and are not indicative of the nation as a whole.
  • And if you still feel like you have a point to make, be smart enough not to disrespect the National Anthem which represents the very paradigm that gives you the right to protest to begin with.

I’m thankful for a President that recognizes the fundamental flaws of the platform these players champion as well as the disgraceful manner in which they go about championing it. If this is the true nature of the NFL – players who waste more than most people make, players who are protected by the very profession they demonize, players who enjoy all the benefits that go along with living in a country that is free – yet decide that they are justified in demonstrating a belligerent disdain for an iconic symbol of this nation and those who died to establish it – you’re wrong, you are not brave and you’re destroying the very stage you want to use to publish your rhetoric.

Frankly, the only thing you’re doing is making it more difficult for any real change to occur.

And what is that change?

Let’s just say it has very little to do with those who wear a badge. It’s got everything to do with the family unit that exists with the inner city. And that comes from Barack Obama. Those who insist that it’s not absentee fathers and blame institutionalize dynamics because it’s easier to pose as a victim and not have to take responsibility for your actions. Head out to Racism – Absolutely Not! to read more.

Bruce Gust SSGT USMC (1981-1990)
father incarcerated my senior year of High School
earned my degree by attending night school six of the nine years I served
make my living as a PHP Developer, a skill I taught myself – not something that was financed or a result of a grant

What’s the Prize?

blue_ribbonYou Gotta Push

I maintain that a large part of the reason why many people fail to realize their fitness goals is because they don’t reinforce their resolve with something greater than themselves. I use the illustration of sports and the military to prove that idea by underscoring the way in which both athletes and service personnel will push themselves, not because they’re concerned about their waistline, as much as they are promoting the reputation of the uniform they wear.

Fact is, we have access to the same kind of motivation, but only better in that its influence is not limited to a season or a tour of duty. It’s perpetual and because it works from the inside out, its affect is even more substantial.

Discipleship, as a form of motivation, can be a hard sell because of the way Bible study and prayer are traditionally processed as things that are either reserved for crisis situations or scenarios that are overtly ministerial.

Even by highlighting verses such as 2 Corinthians 9:8 and Colossians 3:17 which show how nothing is untouched or unchanged by the Power and the Grace of God, you’re still leaving your audience hanging unless you can somehow prove that the “prize” referenced by Paul in Philippians 3:14 is just as much of a motivator as a state title or a personal decoration.

Here’s what Paul said to the church in Philippi:

I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. (Phil 3:14).

An athlete can envision a championship, a soldier can see themselves being decorated, but what kind of an incentive does a believer reach for? What’s the prize?

For What?

In short, the prize is the reward you get for being obedient (1 Cor 9:24-25). But not just obedient in the context of things you do at church. That’s where a lot of folks fail to connect the dots as far as the way in which the “prize” is both practical and profound simultaneously.

Every Time You Get Up to Bat

Scripture is frequently punctuated with admonishments to knock it out of the park every time you get up to bat, no matter what it is that you’re doing (see Prov 16:3; Ecc 9:10; 1 Cor 10:31; Col 3:17; 23). When you’re resolved to reek of excellence in everything that you do, inevitably your work ethic, your performance and your attitude is better than it would be otherwise. Hence, your chances to succeed are far greater. But you’re not only gaining whatever accolades are associated with the successful completion of your goal, you’re also putting some eternal points on the board in that you’re being obedient to God’s command to be “excellent.”

Not Just What You’re Doing, it’s Also How You’re Getting it Done

Bear in mind, though, it’s not just a matter of getting things done. It’s in the way you think (Phil 4:8), in what you say (Ps 19:14) as well as what you do (Col 3:17). The idea is that you’re operating in a way where His Name is being stamped on every aspect of your existence, the end result being the kind of overall quality that inspires both admiration as well as interest in what it is that makes you tick (Matt 5:16).

If your focus is on yourself alone, Scripture says that you’ve received your reward in full and you’re not to expect any kind of eternal prize points (Matt 6:2). There’s more to being obedient than simply being passionate in what you do. But that shouldn’t resonate as a burden. Rather, being humble (Lk 14:10; Phil 2:3-4) and gracious (1 Thess 5:16-18) is just another plus being observed by those on the outside looking in. Regardless of how you look at it, being obedient to what your King commands results in nothing but good things both here in this life and the one in the hereafter.

Do you see where this is going?

Paul uses the illustration of a crown in 1 Corinthians 9:25 to illustrate the kind of trophy that awaits us when we cross the finish line up in heaven. That crown is the sum total of the eternal accolades attached to every earthly goal, task, gesture or trophy that was won or accomplished as a result of being obedient. That same crown, unlike the rewards that fade in this life, will never lose their significance or their luster. And that’s why Paul positioned his goals the way he did: By lining them up as a series of rungs in a ladder leading to his true and final Accolade, he stayed motivated, and energized resulting in his being able to accomplish more than he would’ve otherwise.

You’re not “using” God, you’re “choosing” God. It’s not your agenda, it’s His Agenda as He manifests it through your ambitions and preferences (Jn 4:34; Phil 2:13). Are you accomplishing your goals? Yes! Are you maintaining a healthy set of priorities as you’re getting it done? Yes! Are you enjoying the thrill of achieving your goals? You better believe it! Are you making your King look good in the way you’re working and the results you’re producing?

Yeah, you are!

Getting it Done

In terms of strength, significance and success, there is no life greater than the one God offers in exchange for your obedience (Jer 29:11; Rom 12:2). To live out that Reality, simply maintain a constant line of communication with your King and let the thought of His Signature of Purpose being fixed to every waking moment of your life inspire you to be and do more.

Don’t just try. Win!

You’re constantly confronted with a version of yourself that’s inclined to make mistakes and concessions. Instead of “trying” to defeat that beast, win (Eph 6:12)! Keep your eyes on the finish line and the pat on the back that’s coming from your God when it’s all said and done (Rev 20:12). Reinforce your resolve and keep your brain free of obstructions with a steady diet of Scripture and frequent conversations with your King.

That’s why you read your Bible and that’s why you pray (2 Tim 3:16-17; Jas 1:5). It’s not just for the sake of being moral or being kind. That’s the shallow end of the pool! You want to get in over your head and apply God’s Word, His Power and His Perspective in everything you do so the end result is an accomplished goal, an admirable character and an eternal blue ribbon.

That’s the prize!

Get it done!



Spiritually Ripped. Physically Fit. Fully Equipped.


Let’s Talk About Fitness

Fitness is a multi-billion dollar industry because most people love the idea of being fit. The problem is most people wind up pursuing their fitness goals rather than realizing them because they fail to reinforce their resolve with something that goes beyond themselves.

If that doesn’t immediately resonate in your mind as logical, think about this:

Reinforce Your Resolve With Something Greater Than Yourself

In High School, I remember guys on the Wrestling Team would fast for an entire day leading up to their meet so they could qualify for what amounted to be the most strategically advantageous weight division. They weren’t concerned so much about their vanity as much as they were wanting to promote the success of their team. You see it in virtually every team oriented sport where athletes will subject themselves to an exhausting training regimen in order to be the fastest and the strongest they can possibly be. Again, it’s not because they’re looking to “lose weight,” as much as they’re determined to make a positive contribution to the overall team effort.

You also see it in the military.  Recruits will subject themselves to 90 days worth of discomfort and humiliation in order to rate the privilege of wearing that uniform. And then once they’ve earned that privilege, they continue to build themselves physically so can be truly combat ready. Again, it’s not so much about the way their uniform fits as much as it’s what that uniform represents that fuels their resolve.

What Branch?

I can testify. I was in the Marines and what’s significant is that even though I was discharged several years ago, I still feel obligated to maintain a certain physical standard given the fact that I served in the Corps.

I’ll give you an example: Recently I was running a race where there were several obstacles involved along with multiple hills that compelled a number of participants to cease running and slow down to a run accompanied by some labored breathing. Some of the obstacles involved a combination of upper and lower body strength which, combined with the challenge of the hills that had to be negotiated, resulted in several individuals to forgo the obstacle altogether and simply go around it and continue walking.

I was determined to run the whole thing and do it right. At one point I wound up running alongside a high school student who’s pace happened to match mine. We struck up one of those conversations where you’re talking in between occasional gasps for air as you’re grunting your way through an intense workout. He picked up on the fact that I served in the military and he asked, “What branch?”

In that moment, you want to be able to say, “USMC” and not feel like you have to make excuses as to why you’re not looking the part at that point.

But here’s the thing: When I was on active duty, fitness was compulsory. I was in uniform everyday, and while I may still feel somewhat obligated to maintain a good uniform appearance, the fact is my Dress Blues are in my closet, I’m not having to stand inspection everyday nor am I expected to take a Physical Fitness Test every six months.

That’s the problem with activities that motivate you from the outside in. They tend to be seasonal and their influence endures for only as long as you’re actively participating. While you can’t deny their effectiveness in reinforcing your determination, the fact that they’re temporary can be problematic if you’re looking for something to impact your resolve on an on-going basis.

From the Inside Out

What would be ideal is if you had access to something that not just motivated you, but genuinely inspired you and did so from the inside out. Moreover, to have access to it indefinitely as opposed to something that was available temporarily – now that would be phenomenal!

Fact is, you have that Resource. You’ve got that dynamic in you and although we’re talking about fitness, you can unleash this beautiful machine in the context of any discipline or challenge that you might face.

It’s called Discipleship.

Reek of Excellence

You might be thinking, “How did we go from pushups to Bible Study?”


Look at Colossians 3:17:

And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. (Col 3:17)

First of all, consider the phrase, “…whatever you do.” That’s going to include what you’re doing in the gym and at the dinner table.

Secondly, ponder what it means to do it, “…in the name of the Lord Jesus.” That means you’re doing what He wants, the way He wants it done. And how does He want to see it done?

kalos-> excellent [Matt 5:16]

beautiful, handsome, excellent, eminent, choice, surpassing, precious, useful, suitable, commendable, admirable

beautiful to look at, shapely, magnificent
good, excellent in its nature and characteristics, and therefore well adapted to its ends


Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. (Col 3:23-24 [ESV])

...with all your might…

Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might, for in the realm of the dead, where you are going, there is neither working nor planning nor knowledge nor wisdom. (Ecc 9:10 [live each day as your last])

...with excellence…

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt 5:16)

We are to reek of excellence in everything we do, think and say.

Now I know what you want to say. While this might be somewhat inspirational, in many ways it’s nothing more than yet another directive to “straighten up and fly right.” But when you pop the hood on all that Scripture is advocating in this context, you’ve got something here that  will fire you up when you deploy it the way that it was intended.

There are two primary reasons why God would have you knock it out of the park every time you get up to bat:

Promote the Reality and the Power of God (Matt 5:16) So you can win (1 Cor 9:24; Eph 6:12-13)

People are drawn to quality. If you’re good at what you do, not only do they admire your talent, they’re also interested in what makes you tick. That’s why Scripture is so frequently punctuated with admonishments to be on top of your game, whatever your game might be. That’s the sugar that makes your witness sweet!

The other piece of why you want to focus on being excellent is because when you do so you place yourself in a position of strength.

The Two Versions of You

There are two versions of you:

❯❯ the version of you that tries
❯❯ the version of you that wins

The version of you that wins is that version that triumphs over every impulse you have to make mistakes, make compromises, quit and ultimately fail.

Fact is, your greatest adversary is not that person you’re competing with for a job promotion or some other kind of accolade. Your biggest opponent is the one that’s staring back at you in the mirror every morning. That’s the beast you need to tame! The Bible calls it your “earthly nature” in Colossians 3:5. In addition, anytime you’re getting ready to do something that has the potential to serve as a good commercial for the Strength and the Substance of your King, the devil is rolling up his sleeves and saying, “Oh, no you don’t!”

Ephesians 6:12 says:

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Eph 6:12)

The “position of strength” that was referenced earlier is a mental posture where you’re intentionally acknowledging the Signature of Divine Purpose that’s stamped on every waking moment of your life. (Ps 139:16).  There’s nothing random or insignificant about your circumstance regardless of where you’re at or what you’re doing. And you’ve got a choice to either fly solo, contend with your own shortcomings coupled with the schemes of Satan and settle for what God allows, or to grab a hold of the True Muscle of Christ and perform in a manner that God prefers.

You can either try or you can win.

You are at your strongest when you’re processing things and operating in concert with God’s Reality and Power (1 Jn 4:4). And you’re far more likely in that moment to be asking for and receiving the Resources God would give you to ensure that you’re performing at a level that’s better than your best (Matt 7:7-8; Phil 2:13; Jas 1:5).

That’s how you win! That’s your key to success! That is you reinforcing your resolve with Something greater than yourself and that is you reeking of excellence!

All Day Every Day

While some of this may sound familiar, the tendency is to reserve these kind of spiritual strategies for crisis situations, moral dilemmas or when the topic is overtly ministerial.


Look at 2 Corinthians 9:8:

And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that in all things, at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.  (2 Cor 9:8).

This is for your approach to fitness, this applies when you go to work, this can be deployed even when you’re mowing your lawn. There’s nothing that’s untouched or unaffected by the Power and the Grace of God. It is simply a matter of making use of those Resources and enjoying the benefits of a successful outcome, a healthy disposition and a powerful witness.

Folks, this is why we read our Bible! This is why we pray! So that we can win over those things that stand between us and the excellence that we’re capable of in Christ.

All things at all times – all day, every day!

Physical Fitness is no less grueling nor less inconvenient even when we’re doing it as a form of discipleship. But when we reinforce our resolve with a determination to honor our King and make use of all that He offers to help us get it done – it’s a completely different dynamic. And again, this isn’t just about fitness. This is every discipline, every goal, every challenge. So, reinforce your resolve and empower your efforts with the Rocket Sauce of the Holy Ghost and buckle up!

Let’s get it done!

Youth and Consequences

youthI saw this trailer and while I’m not sure what the overall message of the plot may be, it’s hard not to think of the way in which the Left has so effectively used students to give more visibility and credibility to their spin on gun control in recent days. Here’s what I’m thinking…

So, you give someone who hasn’t been on the planet for more than a decade and a half and you convince them that they know more than their adult counterparts…

Then you finance them and give them the opportunity to broadcast their platform – whatever it may be – in a way that includes a subtle dismissal on any kind of authority save their own…

Encourage them to engage their audience in a manner that is belligerent, hyper-confident and even sinister and what do you have…?

A entire demographic that sneers at any conviction that doesn’t match their own coupled with an unwillingness to consider a more comprehensive perspective on themselves and the world around them.

Because they’re minors, the law doesn’t apply in the same way and they’re able to hide behind their immaturity should they find themselves being called on the carpet for their manner or their fundamentally flawed mindset.

The only people who are affected by any kind of legislation are those who have a healthy regard for the rule of law. Criminals, by default, have no such regard. Hence, the only people that are impacted by stricter gun control laws are the victims of random shootings and not the culprits. It’s not that legislation accomplishes nothing, but in instances such as these, you’re basically trying to eliminate drug abuse by making certain drugs illegal. Or you’re attempting to reduce the number of lies being told by officially declaring falsehoods are illegal…It’s the person who pulls the trigger and not the trigger itself. Click here to read more about the issue of Gun Control and the voices that would insist that the Constitution needs to be amended.

Both the Left and their media pawns are using this resource more and more.

And it’s an easy strategy to deploy. Most of the information that is being dissimenated these days is in the context of headlines and bullet points. 3 minute broadcasts or articles that can be digested in a matter of seconds are now substitutes for real research, careful analysis and true wisdom.

A kid watches a youtube video and suddenly they feel informed and even confident in sneering at their parents, scoffing at their pastors, challenging the government and even questioning God.

So, what do you do?

Lead by example.

Nothing is more compelling than the Truth. You hear somebody screaming their poison and challenging what’s right all under the heading of “protest,” be ready to answer and convince them that there’s more to what they’re championing than what they want to acknowledge.

And remember that rarely are going to engage someone according to their logic alone. Convictions are convoluted coctails of fact and passion. While you may not be able to change their mind in the context of a single paragraph, you can nevertheless make an impact by allowing the Rocket Sauce of the Holy Spirit to shake their heart with tremors of Truth.

Fact is, that’s the only thing that’s going to make a difference.


f179bf74-9bc3-43c1-a51e-6691cfde2508_1.6149eab516ad9c7305839c582070fb6eThe “Waterdare” (pronounced Water Dare) is nothing more than a group exercise where you’re resolving to drink a gallon of water in the space of 12 hours.

That’s 32 oz every 3 hours! That’s nothing, right?

It isn’t really. But for whatever reason, it doesn’t always happen. And that’s why asserting an element of accountability can be so effective in order to ensure that come bedtime, you’ve hydrated yourself in a big way!

If you’re interested in participating in this, text me and let me know. I’ll include you in the group text that goes out every three hours and invites everyone that’s participating to text what they’ve consumed up to that point. Just knowing you’ve got a dynamic that’s looking over your shoulder that encourages and expects some kind of progress does amazing things as far as reinforcing your resolve.

Sound good!

Holler at me and let’s get it done!

The Waterdare!

The $20,000 Question: Did Jesus Rise?


The $20,000.00 question is, and always will be, “Did Jesus die and come back to life?”

To your right, you see a screenshot of Bishop John Shelby Spong. He’s an Episcopal bishop who’s made a name for himself by condemning much of what evangelical believers subscribe to as basic tenants of their creed; the Resurrection and the inerrancy of Scripture being among them.

Speaking about the Resurrection, he says:

At its very core the story of Easter has nothing to do with angelic announcements or empty tombs. It has nothing to do with time periods, whether three days, forty days, or fifty days. It has nothing to do with resuscitated bodies that appear and disappear or that finally exit this world in a heavenly ascension.1

In his book, “Resurrection: Myth or Reality,” he says:

If the resurrection of Jesus cannot be believed except by assenting to the fantastic descriptions included in the Gospels, then Christianity is doomed. For that view of resurrection is not believable, and if that is all there is, then Christianity, which depends upon the truth and authenticity of Jesus’ resurrection, also is not believable.2

Couple those statements with the substance of the interview featured in the youtube video to the right, and you’ve got a version of Christianity devoid of the virgin birth, the Resurrection of Christ and much of the miraculous dynamics communicated in Scripture.

What Bishop Spong wants to suggest is that the vast majority of Scripture is fiction which includes the whole gospel narrative. In short, Jesus’ Resurrection never happened.

If Jesus didn’t rise from the grave, then all religions are basically the same in that you’ve got your one principal character and a collection of various behaviors and expectations. They may differ to some extent, but it boils down to pretty much the same kind of thing.


If Christ did rise and come back to life, then He validated everything He ever said as being absolutely True and everything the Bible articulates in terms of sin, grace and redemption are now religious tenets that are as distinctive as they are unchanging.

This is why not all religions are the same. As a matter of fact, should you talk to an orthodox Muslim, they’ll let you know in no uncertain terms that Christianity is especially heinous because of the way they believe that Christ was another prophet and anyone who subscribes to the idea that He died and rose again is cursed.

“The Jews call ‘Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth!” (sura 9:30) (see also Coexist…/)

So, again, if the Resurrection did happen, then that’s a gamechanger and you can’t logically subscribe to the idea that everyone’s headed in the same spiritual direction, they’re just using different maps. Either Christ is Who He claimed to be and proved it by dying and coming back to life or He didn’t. If He didn’t, then it doesn’t matter. But if He did, then nothing else matters.

…and that includes bogus doctrine coming from the mouths of guys like this. Look, if hell doesn’t exist then there’s really no need for Judgment (Heb 9:27). And if there’s no Judgment, then what’s the problem with sin? And if sin isn’t an issue, you certainly don’t need grace and if grace is off the screen then why did Christ die?

Granted, we weren’t there to take selfies of us standing next to Jesus as He emerged from the empty tomb. We’ve got to base our faith on 2,000 years worth of art, architecture, archeology, literature and history along with two millemiums of dramatically changed lives. All of that, of course, is based on Truth of Scripture. This gentleman doesn’t subscribe to the inerrancy of God’s Word. If He sees it as Inspired at all, he’ll assert that’s it’s been corrupted over the years, hence the substance of his argument.

Here’s the thing: If God went to the trouble of initiating all the content in Scripture (2 Tim 3:16-17), do you really think He would allow it to be dilluted or compromised? Do you really think He would be that careless? And if you want to believe that it’s just a big marketing campaign used by religious authorities to fool the masses, than it’s one pathetic recruiting tool. I mean, who wants to “deny themselves” (Lk 9:23)?

The Bible is the best and most well attested work of antiquity in all of ancient literature. When you hold a Bible in your hands, you can be confident that you’re holding the Word of God as it was dictated to the various authors over the centuries it was compiled. Whether you’re looking at the Old Testament and considering the extreme degree of diligence that was used to copy and preserve the text or the criteria used to identify the credibility of an apostle in the New Testament – taken together, it is truly phenomenal the way the Bible was written, preserved and championed. To read more about this see “The Accuracy of Scripture | Part One: The Old Testament” and “The Accuracy of Scripture | Part Two: The New Testament.

All this to say, the “gospel” is a word that literally means, “good news.” It’s awesome! It’s not about guilt, it’s about grace. The emphasis is not so much the penalty of sin as much as it’s the fact that the penalty’s been paid. Do you smell that? That’s the aroma of something incredible! But it fails to resonate as such as long as you’ve got guys like this who want to reduce hell, heaven, grace, the crucifixion and the sobering realities of God’s Wrath to something that doesn’t exist. If it wasn’t real, then the whole point of Christ’s birth, life, death and resurrection is moot.

But He was born, He did live, He did die, and He did rise!

Bring it!

1. Bishop John Shelby Spong, Resurrection: Myth or Reality? (San Francisco: HarperCollins, 1994), p. 12.

2. Ibid, p. 238.

For more info about John Spong, click here.

Popping the Hood on Your Diet

IISTD Hood OpenIt can be both defeating and frustrating when you’re “cutting back” and not seeing any real improvement in the way your pants fit. Especially if you’ve been on a specific routine for a couple of weeks, all the while telling yourself, in the absence of any visible results, that you’re making progress. But now, it’s been long enough and nothing has changed. Even the most positive spin on things can’t manufacture the affirming dynamic that you need and expect, so you’re better off relieving the tension of unmet expectations and just quit.

That’s what you’re thinking.

But do this…

Take a step back for a moment and take a wise inventory of where you’re at because it’s at this point that a great number of people actually do pack it in and you don’t want to do that.


First of all, ANY kind of effort inevitably leads to more information and a more informed approach is far better than an ignorant attempt. So just because you’re not where you want to be, despite a quality effort, don’t feel like anything has been wasted or you’re better off quitting altogether. You’ve got a good idea of what’s not working.  You need to tweak something. Let’s do that rather than sitting in front of the TV with a half gallon of ice cream muttering to yourself that, “You don’t care…!” You are making progress, you just need to change some things up a bit.

So, what do you need to change?

“I don’t know,” you say to yourself. How many books, videos, guides, apps does one need? How many diets are out there? Where do you begin? When does it stop?


To lose weight you need to burn more than you consume. The human body is an amazing machine and you can approach that one, simple truth in any one of a number of ways. But, however you want to do it, what you’re attempting to do is not complicated, nor is it especially difficult. You just need to be aware of what you’re actually putting into your body.

You need to be aware of what you’re putting into your body.

You need to be aware of what you’re putting into your body.

Like a lullaby that sings your better judgement to sleep, you get locked into a pattern that doesn’t produce the kind of results that should be occurring. You think to yourself, “I just need to tighten it up, a little!” but there’s more going on under the hood than what you’re aware of and it’s not until you actually calculate the number of calories you’re consuming that good things actually start to happen.

For guys, a good starting point is less than 2000 calories. Even if you want to cut back even further, that’s a healthy place to start. I figured I was close, but when I actually did the math, I found that I was exceeding that amount by several hundred calories. The good news is that I made some changes and I’m not having to restrict my diet to tooth picks and water to make it happen.

I’ve got a spreadsheet attached to the bottom of this post that you can use to calculate what you’re eating so you can ensure that you’re staying in your zone. Try it and see just what can happen when you “pop the hood” on your diet!

Go get ’em!

Diet Spreadsheet

Don’t Doubt Him, Don’t Rush Him and Don’t Miss Him

41cEZElvVwL._SL500_AC_SS350_We are poised on the threshold of great things, are we not? Here it comes! 2018! A new year, a fresh start and a clean slate!

Now, here’s the thing…

Maintaining that kind of disposition is more a matter of choice than it is a matter of circumstances. At least for a lot of us. While some can look over the landscape of their current situation and see nothing other than dreams and goals that have been realized and a total absence of frustration and longing, most of us have a list of things that we’ve been praying about that have yet to come to fruition. And to make matters even more exasperating, the things that we’ve been praying over – rather than there being any improvement, it would seem that the sense of urgency has become even more intense.

So, how then, can we be “poised on the threshold of great things?” Where’s the rationale for phrases like a “fresh start” and a “clean slate” if, in many ways, we’re just going back to the same old grind and praying over the same situations?

I’ll tell you how.

Don’t Doubt Him

God is not human, that he should lie, not a human being, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill? (Num 23:19)

For no matter how many promises God has made, they are “Yes” in Christ. And so through him the “Amen” is spoken by us to the glory of God. (1 Cor 1:20)

We’re not waiting on a bank’s decision or a supervisor’s favor. We’re not depending on a paycheck or a specific diagnosis. Our hopes, our dreams, our provision, our prosperity – all of it – is something that comes from the Hand of our King.

His Hand, while it is sometimes clenched in a fist in the contest of wrath and justice, is open and generous when it comes to hearing and answering prayer. More than that, He is absolutely and utterly dependable. There’s no reason to doubt Him.

Don’t Rush Him

The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the Lord; in its time I will do this swiftly.        (Is 60:22 [see also Hab 2:3])

Isaiah wrote during the expansion of the Assyrian empire. These are the peoples that would conquer the Northern Kingdom of Israel and threaten King Hezekiah at one point (Is 36:1). Israel is in a very precarious position and their total destruction can be seen on the horizon. To speak of any kind of restoration, let alone prosperity is ludicrous.

But the wall would be rebuilt, the Temple would be restored and the exiles would return. In a similar way, a group of believers that numbered no more than 120 (Acts 1:15) grew to a number of churches that covered the planet.

And it did happen “swiftly..!”

Not only does God keep His promises, but He delivers on those promises at just the right time.

Dr Tom McCoy once preached a sermon where he mentioned how with God, it’s never a question of “time,” in terms of Him being either slow or punctual. Rather, it’s all about “timing.”

Whatever it is that you’re waiting on, rest assured that there’s a million different variables being orchestrated in a way that translate to the best possible outcome. Don’t rush the process and don’t allow yourself to think that God is dragging His feet. He’s moving and whatever it is that you’re waiting on, it’s coming and it will be worth the wait.

Don’t Miss Him

 Oswald Chambers once said that the greatest strain in life is waiting on God. He’s not wrong. As human beings, we’re wired for the empirical. Faith isn’t always easy to come by when circumstances point to something that is the polar opposite of what we’re praying and hoping for.

Yet, we can trust Him and while that’s not always an easy or a logical choice, there it is. So, we put aside our tendency to question Him and we subordinate our inclination to take matters into our own hands and we move forward.

But we don’t have to be stressed or agitated while we’re waiting.

If you’ve ever engaged in any kind of weight loss program, you know the motivating dynamic that occurs when you notice some progress. However laborious or inconvenient it may be to abstain from certain foods, that sacrifice becomes far more palatable when you start to see the results you’re working towards.

You are always being moved forward when you’re putting your self and your situation in His Hands.


In his defense Jesus said to them, “My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I too am working.” (Jn 5:17)

Nothing is wasted. Not a single moment, not one sacrifice, not one disappointment, not one sanctified effort. It’s all a part of what God is doing and when you make a point of processing your situation through the lens of God’s Sovereignty and Activity, you can experience the kind of optimism that’s characteristic of someone who knows that their situation is being handled by the One that all situations answer to.

Smell that?

That’s the aroma of a happy new year!

Don’t doubt Him, don’t rush Him and don’t miss Him!

Go get ’em!