
An Open Letter to Liberals


Trump has been out of office for several months. But you would think that he was still in the Oval Office given the way the press and the Liberals continue to criticize him.

Fact is, whether it was Trump or someone else, it’s his platform and the philosophical scaffolding that supports it that Dems can’t tolerate. And it’s that context that something far more sinister than an absentee vote lingers.

Between Howard Zinn and Saul Alinski you have a paradigm committed to present America and the spiritual foundation that it’s built on as nothing more than a bunch of greedy Caucasians who built a self serving empire on the backs of slaves on land stolen from the Indians.

Whether it’s the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution, everything is now processed as racist and cruel and it’s only the poetic machinations of Socialism that can make things right.

Conservatives need to be ready with a defense of what they believe and why. From the standpoint of your faith, you’ve got 1 Peter 3:15…

…that’s a no-brainer.

But when you reflect on the way today’s politicians are constantly positioning themselves as society’s theologians, oftentimes we’re not talking “policy” as much as we are “theology.” At that point, your ability to dialogue and reprove arguments that are ultimately an affront to God is a part of your witness.

Abortion is in the Bible. Dishonest scales are in the Bible. Homosexuality is in the Bible.

And attempting to justify remaining removed from the conversation or to go as far as saying that we should avoid political discourse because of the way it distracts from one’s ability to speak about Christ is to reduce your credibility when it is time to speak out because of your having previously chosen to remain silent about things that cause pain and lead to ruin.

When “politics” is being engaged according to where a stop sign should be positioned on a busy intersection or what the fine should be when a person is caught speeding, invoking Scripture may or may not be appropriate. But when you’re talking about morality

I Like Trump Because of What He Did

  • I was in the Marines for nine years and I liked his approach to North Korea. He was able to stare down someone who would’ve otherwise been accommodated in the context of the kind of diplomacy that tyrants thrive on that could very well have resulted in an armed confrontation.
  • I like the fact that he brought troops home who would’ve otherwise been embroiled in a war based on centuries worth of inner turmoil between different Islamic factions.
  • I like the fact that he removed our country from a bogus agreement between Iraq and ourselves that actually gave them money to build a nuclear program.
  • I like the fact that he built a wall that makes it more difficult for people to enter our country illegally. Your situation may be desperate, but your willingness to start your tenure as an American citizen by breaking the law and theoretically placing yourself in the same category as a terrorist is no way to kick things off.
  • I like the fact that he removed the teeth from Obamacare so if you want a different approach to healthcare, you’re not having to deal with a tax penalty.
  • I like the fact that we stopped funding international abortion.
  • I agree with recognizing Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
  • I like the dynamics of the new trade agreements between Mexico, Canada and China. I like what he did as far as cleaning up the VA.
  • I love his aggressive approach to getting a vaccine in place for COVID-19 and…
  • I like a strong economy based on real industry and ambition as opposed to something that’s propped up with a bunch of government subsidies.

Here’s What Bugs Me…

  • The strategy used by parties who pose as victims in order to prevent anyone from disagreeing with them.
  • The fact that, to a bigot, everything is a racist issue.
  • The creed that advocates Socialism by insisting there are no fools, only those who have things and those that don’t.
  • Accusing anyone of believing that individuals are responsible for their actions as being guilty of fear and hate. Disguising one’s inability to defend their argument in the context of a name, a person and a choice by constantly using labels, mobs and crowds.
  • Perceiving American history according to the distortions authored by Howard Zinn.
  • Equating one’s right to be happy with the authority to redefine moral absolutes.
  • The nonsensical resolve to defund law enforcement in cities that have the highest crime rates.
  • Dismissing extortion being done on an international level as being inconsequential when the guilty party is a Democrat, but spending millions of dollars to indict a Republican based on a fictitious charge according to a manufactured dossier.
  • Evaluating the Constitution according to the flaws of those that wrote it rather than the substance of the document itself.
  • The idiocy represented by refusing to stand for the National Anthem in that you’re demonizing the symbol of the institution that’s giving you the right you’re exercising in that moment.
  • Championing mail in voting when it was denounced by your own party in 2008.
  • Applauding the dismantling of the Keystone Pipeline despite the way it increases gas prices and kills jobs.
  • Ignoring the immoral and financial perversion represented by the leadership of the Lincoln Project and…
  • …the belief that the greedy and sinister quest for power can be made to look noble by using words like “social justice,” “national security” and “protection of democracy.”

But You Know What Really Frustrates Me…?

The way in which voter fraud was supposed to be evaluated on January 6th, but then it’s suddenly a moot point because a crowd of idiots comprised of individuals who had engaged in criminal activity before Trump uttered a word, were now being filmed breaking into the Capital. Suddenly, over 1,000 affidavits from six different states are shelved and anyone who supports Trump, or at least has questions about the election, are defined as fools and fiends that threaten our democracy and must be banned from Social Media.

But here’s the kicker…

What’s really exasperating…

The way you’ve been conditioned to process everything I’ve just written according to my ethnicity, my gender and my faith.

Why Would You Impeach President Trump?

accomplishmentsWhy would you impeach President Trump? For doing the very things that he promised he would do as a candidate? For reducing the number of regulations that our industries have had to contend with under Obama resulting in one of the strongest economies we’ve had in a long time? For recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital?

He’s effective and the Dems can’t stand it. And the fact that he won the election fair and square can’t be admitted because that means their platform is no longer in sync with public opinion let alone what’s consistent with what’s best for America.

The impeachment process will be a theatrical production. There is no substance to their accusations just like there was no collusion with Russia. But it’s the only card they can play because they don’t have the majority and they don’t have any plan or theme apart from regaining power.

Think about it. What would the Dems promise? A strong economy? We have it. A solid foreign policy? We have it. A group of Supreme Court justices that interpret the Constitution rather than try to rewrite it? Perhaps not all Dems want that, but we have it.

The Dems don’t have anything they can present to our country save a Socialist agenda disguised as social justice and compassionate. But even that is wearing thin as their true colors become more apparent every day.

Impeachment is their last, desperate attempt to regain the momentum they had with Obama. He has a great gift for communicating something vile, yet making it sound patriotic. Trump is not a politician. He’s one of country’s most successful businessmen who gauges success by action and not intention. And the Dems can’t fight that with anything other than accusations, law suits, innuendos and…

…impeachment proceedings.

Most of America…

IMG_2879WASHINGTON – You might assume a government shutdown that is about to set an unwelcome record and is being battled over funding for a border wall most Americans oppose just might leave President Donald Trump itching to make a deal.

You would be wrong.

That is the opening line of the front page article in USA Today on the 11th of January. The verbiage that got my attention was, “a border wall that most Americans oppose.” It’s a total of seven words, but in its own subtle way, it sets the tone for the rest of the article and, depending on your perspective, the debate as a whole.

Is the wall something that “most Americans oppose?”

No doubt, there are polls out there that reinforce USA Today’s statement, but…

In a recent CBS poll, 51% of Americans believe that the wall is a good idea.

Moreover, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi recently took to the airwaves and accused Trump of misinformation, withholding the “critical services” that serve and protect the American people and withhold the paychecks of “800,000 innocent workers – many of them, veterans.”

At one point, Nancy Pelosi states that, “the women and children at the border are not a security threat, they are a humanitarian challenge.”  She goes on to say that this challenge has only been made worse by Trump’s, “cruel and counterproductive policies,” and that Trump is “holding the American people hostage.”

Schumer then jumps in and, more or less, accuses the President of lying by saying that Mexico would pay for his, “ineffective, unnecessary border wall.” He continues by saying that, “unable to convince the Congress or the American people to foot the bill, has shut down the government.” He stated that no President should govern my “temper tantrum,” and that throughout his administration, President Trump has “appealed to fear and not facts.”

The Senate Minority Leader elaborated by saying that people are about to miss a paycheck, families can’t get a mortgage to buy a new home, farmers and small businesses won’t get the loans they desperately need. “Most Presidents,” he said, “use the Oval Office for noble purposes. This President just used the backdrop of the Oval Office to manufacture a crisis, stoke fear and divert attention from the turmoil in his administration.”

Is he manufacturing a crisis?

In Trump’s address, he says:

“Everyday, we are encountering thousands of illegal immigrants trying to enter our country.”

Is that true?

Many of Trump’s critics will rush to criticize Trump by saying his numbers are inflated. For example, says, “In October and November, Border Patrol made 102,857 apprehensions at the Southwest border, according to data from Customs and Border Protection. That works out to roughly 1,700 apprehensions each day.” 

OK. That’s 51,001 in October and 51,856 in November. I guess that’s supposed to be encouraging…?

And those stats are referring to those who are being apprehended. They don’t include the mobs that are rushing the Mexico – California border every day.

Trump is not lying.

Here are a couple of things to keep in mind:

  • Number #1: If you ask the wrong questions, you inevitably arrive at all the wrong conclusions.
  • Number #2: Citing a fact is not the same thing as telling the truth

The question isn’t: “Why are families being separated at the border?” The question is, “Why did you choose to put your family at risk by coming here illegally?”

The question isn’t: “Why is Trump willing to shutdown the government over the border wall?” The question is, “Why are the Dems that supported the wall five years ago suddenly opposed to it?”

The fact that children of illegal immigrants are still not considered citizens as a result of their “green card” status doesn’t change the truth that they’re still allowed to vote.

The fact that illegal immigrants do pay some taxes doesn’t change the truth that they receive more benefits than what their tax dollars pay for to the point where illegals cost the US over 54 billion dollars a year.

It’s a problem, it’s a risk, Trump is not lying and the media is not helping.

“Most of America” is not opposed to the wall and while you might be able to find loaded polls and surveys that contradict that statement, again it goes back to asking the right questions and refusing to settle for judiciously selected facts that are intended to silence the truth.

Build the wall!

Post Script

You have to do a lot of digging in order to verify whether or not Mexico is going to pay for the wall as President Trump has repeatedly stated. Given the way in which the majority of the media outlets are determined to undermine and demonize the Command in Chief at every turn, you have to sift through pages of negative press in order to find something that even attempts to explain what the President meant.

Mexico is paying for the wall, but not in the context of them writing a check to the US Treasury. The bottom line is that they’re paying indirectly through the new Trade Deal that Canada, Mexico and the US recently signed (USMCA) as well as some other fees and fines that are outlined in an August of 2015 memo the Trump campaign crafted during his candidacy..

  • impound all remittance payments derived from illegal wages (money that is being sent home by illegal immigrants);
  • increase fees on all temporary visas issued to Mexican CEOs and diplomats (and if necessary cancel them);
  • increase fees on all border crossing cards – of which we issue about 1 million to Mexican nationals each year (a major source of visa overstays);
  • increase fees on all NAFTA worker visas from Mexico (another major source of overstays);
  • increase fees at ports of entry to the United States from Mexico (Tariffs and foreign aid cuts are also options)

These are all very do-able and while the naysayers are incessant in their criticisms and insults, the bottom line is that Trump is going forward and he will do what he said he will do and the more his detractors yell, cuss and scream, the easier they make it for the voters to choose substance over sensation in 2020.

Build the wall!

Fools, Fiends and Hypocrites

maxresdefaultA couple of quick observations about the current government shutdown and the dispute over the wall that Trump is insisting on in order to alleviate the inherent problems of illegal immigration.

  • Unlike a recent USA Today article that stated that stated that most Americans are against the wall, the fact is, the majority of America is in favor of a wall and that comes from a recent CBS poll . USA Today is lying. Either that, or they’re being very calculated in the way they structure their polls.
  • The wall is something that Trump promised as part of his campaign to become President. It represents .0998% of the total federal budget.
  • Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Shumer have asserted themselves in ways that are inconsistent with they way they’ve voted and communicated in the past as far as their SUPPORT for a wall. It’s ironic that Pelosi would refer to wall as immoral when only five years ago, she was praising it as “every piece of this legislation has had bipartisan support.”
  • Some have criticized Trump’s claim that Mexico would pay for the wall, implying that he’s either lying or ignorant. Fact is, Mexico will pay for the wall. They’re not going to be cutting us a check, but through different trade agreements and various penalties exacted according to the illegality of Mexican Visas and other such criteria. Click here to read more. Bear in mind, that should you google any information about this particular topic, you will have to sort through at least two pages of results that are damning the President as a liar. You have to dig in order to see anything that even remotely reveals a more comprehensive perspective.
  • 1 in 5 Federal Prisoners are illegal aliens, and illegals are rushing the fence that separates California and Mexico every day. According to Senator Barack Obama, “We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants into this country.” It it is a problem. Legally, ethically, financially and from a security standpoint, the fact that you’re here illegally demonstrates a willingness flaunt the law which, by definition, categorizes you as a criminal. And as far as families being separated, that’s not the doing of the Trump or a cruel side affect of a system that needs to be fixed, that’s a predicament that you have put yourself in because you chose to come here illegally.
  • Finally, Pelosi demonstrates a bizarre perspective on her station and her platform by attempting to reschedule his State of the Union address. Citing previous presidents and political paradigms, she uses that to suggest that, “…we work together to determine another suitable date after government has re-opened for this address or for you to consider delivering your State of the Union address in writing to the Congress on January 29th.”

Note, she says, “in writing.” She’s basically saying that he will not be allowed to address Congress in person. Rather, he will submit his speech as a piece of paper to be read by someone else.

Madame Speaker…just who do you think you are, anyway?

She blames the President completely for the shutdown. He’s attempted to negotiate, but she has refused – most likely because she knows that he’s not going to budge. Her “suggesting” that he submit his speech in writing and that it’s postponed until the shutdown that she holds him responsible for is resolved, is belligerent, disrespectful and completely nonsensical given the fact that she’s the one who stands in the way of what most America has voiced their support for.

Pause for a moment and consider the hypocrisy of Pelosi’s stance. While she bemoans the people who are without a paycheck because of the shutdown, she’s taking off to Europe for a “public relations” tour instead of remaining in Washington to work towards a solution.

I’m convinced the history will look back on this time and see Pelosi as toxic, Trump as strong and the American populace as a group of people that are slowly yet surely seeing the champions of the Democrat party for who and what they are: Fools, Fiends and Hypocrites that can be subtle in the way their true identity is perceived only because of the media that works in concert with their agenda.