Welcome to the "Muscular Christianity Profile Page!"

Here you're going to document a fitness goal for yourself. It can be as incremental or as grandiose as you want it to be. Maybe you want to do five more pullups than you can right now. Perhaps you want to lose 25 pounds. Whatever your goal is, here is where you'll write it down.

After you document it, you'll get to work. You'll want people to know what you're doing, so send them the link and let them see the progress you're making.

Once you realize your goal, you'll need to validate it by videoing yourself and embedding the video into your "goal" section so everybody can celebrate with you.

At the end of every week, the "Featured Hardcharger of the Week" is selected based on the number of page views your profile has received. Did you reach your goal? Did you have a bunch of folks come out and give you a digital pat on the back? You may very well be mentioned on the "Muscular Christianity" show on the Fish in Nashville, TN!

Are you ready? Let's get started!

Bruce Gust