Your Spiritual Sixpack

Muscular ChristianityWhat’s true in fitness is just as true when it comes to spiritual fitness – eliminating the “excess” that would otherwise keep you from hearing and obeying your Heavenly Father.

When you train spiritually, you’re studying the Word of God and spending time talking with your King. You’re listening to His Counsel and being aggressive when it comes to being obedient.

Muscular ChristianityBefore you start though, you want to clarify your “Inspiration.” Why are you getting up extra early to read God’s Word? Are you just going through the motions to pacify an otherwise guilty conscience, or is it because you want to ensure you’re hearing and obeying your Heavenly Father in order to experience the benefits of Joshua 1:8?


Muscular ChristianityWhen you train, are you focused? Are you getting “through it” or are you getting “to it?” Are you really listening and benefitting from what you’re hearing in the context of the time you spend with your Heavenly Father, or are you just going through the motions?


Muscular Christianity2 Corinthians 3:18 says “And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness with every increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.” Is that true? Is there a stronger Presence of Christ in our lives than there was last week or even this morning?


We’re not necessarily in a position to know, in that we’re not the best judge of our own heart (Jer 17:9-10). But we can look back over the ground we’ve covered and notice how God has taught us and how our perspective has changed (1 Jn 2:12-14).

Ultimately we do all things for the same reason: To be like Him and make Him look good in the process (Col 3:17). We want His Purpose, His Peace and His Power working through us to the point where others are drawn to it and become curious (Matt 5:16).

We do this, not just in terms of spiritual disciplines, but in all things including the gym and the dinner table. The result is a more “muscular” Presence of Christ in every area of our lives and that is “Muscular Christianity!”

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