What Others Are Saying

This book was life changing. It took me on a physical journey while strengthening my spiritual life. This book will help you build a great temple of the Lord in body. It was a struggle for me at first being 68 but with the support of Bruce and a coparticipant friend Bryan I finished the 90 days in amazing shape. The exercises, scriptures, nutrition plans and accountability to others in the program sets you up for success. No reason to be satisfied with where you are. Build a temple within that makes you proud to invite the Lord. Good luck!

I’ve finally found a book/ program that pushes you in such a way that you see results, quickly! And not only for your body, but your belief system. What I love… the workouts don’t require you to go to a gym, invest lots of money in equipment, etc. Difficult, but do-able, calisthenics and weight training (as Bruce says, pick up some $10 dumbbells at a garage sale). I’m still working my way to keeping up with the program, but I feel completely inspired in that I’m seeing results in a short amount of time AND I feel that it’s a lifestyle change that I can maintain. Just as important (or more so) are the daily Bible studies that go along with the physical training. And it’s not just a “here’s your happy verse and thought for the day” study… it’s very practical and focused. “So, this is what you believe? Prove it!” And Bruce does a fantastic job of bringing the beliefs of Christianity to the 21st century in an everyday way. This is a book that I’ll go through again and again. And it would be fantastic as a program to implement in churches for guys or gals that wish to challenge their bodies, as well as their faith!

A very practical and helpful book, not only on the physical fitness, but from a spiritual point of view. Bruce Gust has wonderful insights into the life of Jesus Christ, his life, message and hope that he brings. This book really gave me food for thought and encouraged me in my walk with Christ. I really like the style and common sense Christianity Bruce brings has he writes about faith in Jesus. You benefit from reading things from his point of view. The physical aspect in amazing. It is a most helpful book in both the spiritual and physical aspect of life. Great book!!

I started the program in June 2022. Not only have I experienced weight loss, but I have also enjoyed way more energy and flexibility. Thanks Bruce for helping to create an atmosphere of discipline and perseverance. Would highly recommend!
This book has been a game changer for me! For years, it has been difficult for me to stay accountable to myself and my own desire to be healthy and fit. This book reminds me that I am not alone or just accountable to myself, and challenges the reader to walk like Christ. If we reflect the Christ we follow, there is a deeper calling and deeper reasoning for taking care of our bodies. Thank you for this book, Bruce. It has helped me immensely in mental discipline and commitment. I love the way Scripture and the life of Jesus are put into a health perspective in Muscular Christianity. I’m more pumped and more directed than ever to live a physical and disciplined Christ-like life.

I purchased this book unsure of my ability to workout because it had been so long. But with the Christian-themed workouts, it surely empowered me to not only enhance my faith but get stronger. I highly suggest anyone who loves Jesus and Fitness to purchase this book.