“Spotlights” – Special Offer

“Spotlights” is a 90 day tour Scripture – it’s a great way to get your feet wet!

Over the course of 13 weeks, you’ll do a daily “fill in the blank” as you read through a portion of every book in the Bible. You’ll be exposed to a number of Biblical gems as the study “spotlights” the more familiar stories as some of the foundational Truths the Christian faith is built upon.

Theodore Roosevelt once said, “A thorough knowledge of the Bible is worth more than a college education.” As a Youth Pastor, a Dad and a Bible Study leader, I heartily agree. My intent behind putting “Spotlights” together was to present the Bible in bite sized portions that gave the reader a chance to not only better understand and appreciate the location and background behind the more well known stories, but also to inspire a hunger for the Word of God. In that way, what begins as a 13 week overview segues into a lifetime study of God’s Word.

It comes with a “Final Exam” in the back that you can use for giving yourself a personal challenge or use it as the basis for a group study.

If you’re looking at this page, that means you’ve been given a chance to download the entire “Spotlights” resource for free. You must know somebody! Click on the image to download your free copy of “Spotlights!”

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