
The 90-Day Bible Study Guide | Answer Key

If you’ve accessed this page, chances are pretty good you’ve purchased the “90 Day Bible Study Guide” and you’re needing the Answer Key to those questions that represent a 90 day “tour” of God’s Word.

To download the Answer Key, click here.






Bruce Gust

90 Day Bible Study Guide

The 90 Day Bible Study Guide

51i7RDuPgGL._SX322_BO1,204,203,200_The Bible can be a little intimidating.

Big book, not a lot of pictures…

And there’s no denying that some of the passages, without some kind of context, appear to be kind of dull.

“The 90 Day Bible Study Guide” is designed to walk you through every book of the Bible in a way where you can get your arms around what each book is bringing to the table in terms of Israel’s history, Old Testament Law, poetry, music, drama, sin, grace and how it all points to Jesus.

When you are able to process the book of Nahum as a prophecy that spells out in detail how one of the greatest cities in the ancient world was going to be conquered, Nahum suddenly takes on a different look. When you recognize howthe book of Isaiah articulates specific information about the Messiah that would come to pass centuries later in the Person of Jesus Christ, Isaiah is now much more than a lofty sounding piece of spiritual literature.

Even Leviticus. Old Testament Law is a laborious topic. But when you realize that there are three types of law and that two of those dynamics were fulfilled in Christ – now it’s legitimately interesting if for not other reason than to see how Grace has uncoiled what would otherwise be a tangled assortment of legal requirements – none of which could be obeyed to the degree that merited a truly righteous status before God.

With the “90 Day Bible Study Guide” you’re spending just under 30 minutes each day on Scripture readings and corresponding Bible study questions designed to guide you to a better understanding of the personalities, the history, the conflicts the miracles and the Truth that is the Christian faith.

If you’re getting ready to wrap the “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan,” this is a great way to follow things up.

Click here for more information!