The Guy With the Five Talents



Have you ever considered the individual featured in the Parable of the Talents who was given five talents, invested them and was able to report to his master a return of five more? It’s in Matthew 25:


“The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, ‘you entrusted me with five bags of gold. See, I have gained five more.’” (Matthew 25:20)

While the man who received five bags of gold is praised for his diligence and, indirectly, his business acumen, it strikes me that even that diligence is a trait that came from his master.

John 15:5 says that apart from Christ we can do nothing. Revelation 4:11 says that through Him, all things move and have their being.

We don’t navigate the decisions we’re confronted with apart from the will and the purpose of God Himself. Whatever triumphs we enjoy, we enjoy because of Him. Whatever setbacks we endure, we overcome because of Him.

If only the sales and the contracts we pursue could be achieved simply by being disciplined and ambitious. Alas, there’s a world of variables out there that can neither be controlled nor anticipated.

Still we have an ace that can be played. We have access to wisdom and energy that far exceeds the utility of any human resource simply because it’s coming from a Perspective that knows what tomorrow holds (Prov 27:1Jas 4:131 Jn 3:20).

But it’s a Resource that must be chosen and therein lies the essence of a truly wise man. Recognizing that every nuance of his existence and success stems from that which God blesses and allows, he seeks Him out and appeals to His knowledge and His Abilities.

Are things going well? Give Him your praise. Are things going south? Give Him your attention. But regardless of your status, give Him His due.

Take your cue from the wise men that not only saw His star, but sought His Presence. It’s only then that talents we seek to invest yield the kind of return that is truly profitable.


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