Entries by Bruce Gust

100% Charged

A musician who checks his gear before walking out the door to make sure he has everything for the gig is 100% charged. A pilot who checks his flight plan before taking off is 100% charged. You’re getting ready to make a presentation. You pause long enough to check your notes, ensure you have enough […]

The Guy With the Five Talents

  Have you ever considered the individual featured in the Parable of the Talents who was given five talents, invested them and was able to report to his master a return of five more? It’s in Matthew 25:   “The man who had received five bags of gold brought the other five. ‘Master,’ he said, […]

Christ’s Mass

Christmas literally means “Christ’s Mass.”1 It’s a church service that commemorates the birth of Christ. I remember the first time I put those two words together and it was one of those “Ohhhh,” kind of things where it just made sense. But here’s one thing I didn’t know: The word “Mass” is derived from a […]

Science 231

When I was in 8th grade, I was given the opportunity to participate in an accelerated program that gave future freshman the chance to take “Introduction to Chemistry and Physics.” It was also called “Science 231” and was a required course to take if you were going to move on to Chemistry and Physics etc. […]

Before There Was Insurance…

“My success so far has only been won by absolute indifference to my future career.” (Theodore Roosevelt) Theodore Roosevelt is one of my favorite Presidents. He won the Medal of Honor as well as the Nobel Peace Prize. Before his fiftieth birthday he had served as a New York state legislator, the under-secretary of the Navy, […]

What Would Your Billboard Say? (Part II)

Last time we talked about “Billboard Christianity,” we talked about one possible tag line being “It’s All Good” meaning that, as a believer, you have access to a perpetual Source of optimism because you  know Who’s in charge your sense of fulfillment isn’t based on goalposts that never stop moving This week we’re looking at […]

It’s Ain’t Just Heaven

In one sentence or less: What does it mean to be born again? Some confuse saying a pre-manufactured prayer in the midst of an emotional moment to being saved. They catch a glimpse of hell and they sign up for a “get out of jail free” card in order to reserve a spot for themselves […]

What Would Your Billboard Say? (Part I)

If you were tasked with creating a billboard that promoted the advantages of being a Christian, what would it say? Let’s take it a step further and say that you can design it however you want, but you have to leave out the idea of eternal life as well as the notion that says “He […]

The Law Must Serve The Truth

Intro In California there’s a law that allows transgender students to choose which restroom they want to use – either the boys room or the girls room. “The law, which will take effect Jan. 1, gives students the right “to participate in sex-segregated programs, activities and facilities” based on the gender they identify with as […]

My Birthday

It seems the older you get, the more common it is for people to accompany their birthday salutations with a collection of condolences. Stuff like, “It’s only a number!” or “You look good for your age…!” It’s all cool, but lurking behind some of that is a cultural phenomenon that isn’t always healthy. Our society […]