Muscular Christianity Six Pack Seminar | Trainers Needed!

Screen Shot 2017-05-23 at 8.29.49 AMGentlemen!

Friday, August 4th from 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM, there’s going to be a group of approximately 200 men of varying ages gathered together for a massive group fitness class. It’s going to be conducted in a way that’s similar to a military format, as far the exercises, the number of reps and the pace all being dictated.

It’s going to be one, phenomenal sweat fest!

Click on the video to the right to hear the “pitch!”

This is Part I of the “Muscular Christianity Six Pack Seminar” that’s happening on August 4th and 5th. Friday nite, we’re going to need 20 or so individuals on the floor to walk around and:

  • keep everyone motivated
  • provide instruction on how to do the exercises should someone have questions
  • be ready to demonstrate modified versions of the exercise so everyone stays challenged but not defeated

We’re going to get together Sunday, June 11th and July 16th at 2:00 in the afternoon in the “Jungle Journey” room.  We’ll he going over the exercises as well as talking over the content that will be discussed during the

hendersonTake a look at your calendar, determine whether or not you’re available on the 4th and 5th of August as well as the aforementioned Sundays in June and July and then shoot me an email confirming your availability.

There’s three things I’ll need:

  • I need you to be familiar with, and be able to get through, The Henderson. Even if you’re doing a modified version of Burpees, this is one of the more challenging workouts in the program and a good place to start. Click here to download the tracks.
  • Read through the material and do the three days covered in the Sample Pack. Click here to download everything. You’ve got a portion of the book, 3 demos and 3 workouts as well as 3 days worth of Diet Worksheets
  • $20.00 to cover the cost of the “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan” book and a “staff” T Shirt

Email me at Let me know you’re in and buckle up!

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