He Needs to be Guilty

hollywoodFor two years, opponents of President Trump have been salivating over the Mueller Report, believing that he would find what they were hoping for: A legitimate reason to believe that Trump wasn’t duly elected.

He had to have cheated. There’s no good reason to believe that the American public believes that Obama’s political paradigm is no longer welcome. The ideology that fuels the Progressive movement must remain intact at all costs…

Then we learn that the dossier that initiated the suspicions and the subsequent two year investigation was paid for by the DNC, approved by Obama and his administration and executed by biased characters in the FBI that are supposed to be about the dispassionate pursuit of justice rather than the prejudiced destruction of political opponents.

As a quick aside, Hillary’s resume of legitimate crimes resonate as treacherous. That’s not an exaggeration. And Obama is being revealed more and more as a sinister character that, not only doubled our national debt and put our country at risk in the context of the Iran Arms Deal, but also abused his authority and committed crimes in the context of attempting to demonize Trump using the Department of Justice, the FBI and the media.

What irks me about the way that some Hollywood types are responding to all this is the way in which they turn a deaf ear and a blind eye to all that is just and noble and continue to insist that they’re right and everyone else is just trying to catch up.

The one thing that encourages me, however, is the fact that the more they yell, the more it becomes obvious that the machinations driving this investigation are not only bogus, but they are criminal in and of themselves. Furthermore, the celebrities and politicians that are applauded and encouraged to be outrageously vulgar and ridiculously biased, I believe, are going to find themselves in the very difficult position of having to admit they are on the wrong side of history.

I don’t think that’s going to happen in their lifetimes, however.

I say that because Trump needs to be guilty. If not the Mueller Report, then his tax returns. If not his tax returns then it must be something else. Never mind the idea of putting America first by building a wall and working to solve the problem of illegal immigration. Never mind the strong economy, the rational foreign policy and the notion of putting America first in the context of security, financial solvency and overall welfare. It’s about an amoral, godless, humanistic agenda that cannot be halted let alone threatened.

He needs to be guilty.

But he’s not and those who insist that he is reveal themselves to be committed to a moral and spiritual paradigm that is as toxic as it is irrational.


f179bf74-9bc3-43c1-a51e-6691cfde2508_1.6149eab516ad9c7305839c582070fb6eThe “Waterdare” (pronounced Water Dare) is nothing more than a group exercise where you’re resolving to drink a gallon of water in the space of 12 hours.

That’s 32 oz every 3 hours! That’s nothing, right?

It isn’t really. But for whatever reason, it doesn’t always happen. And that’s why asserting an element of accountability can be so effective in order to ensure that come bedtime, you’ve hydrated yourself in a big way!

If you’re interested in participating in this, text me and let me know. I’ll include you in the group text that goes out every three hours and invites everyone that’s participating to text what they’ve consumed up to that point. Just knowing you’ve got a dynamic that’s looking over your shoulder that encourages and expects some kind of progress does amazing things as far as reinforcing your resolve.

Sound good!

Holler at me and let’s get it done!

The Waterdare!

Gun Control – Locks Don’t Stop Thieves

636021398453257851-561132371_GunControl-800x445I remember in Boot Camp my Drill Instructor once said that locks don’t stop thieves, they just keep honest people honest.

I had to think about that for a minute, but once I got my mental arms around what he was saying, I realized he had a point.

Locks are like laws. They don’t prevent a crime. They don’t even do much to make it more difficult, at least from the standpoint of the criminal who’s resolved to take something that doesn’t belong to him, whether it’s a life, a piece of property or even the truth. The lock is simply an inconvenience, not a barrier.

Most of what is immoral can be boiled down to the practice of taking something. When you lie, you’re “taking” the truth. When you steal, you’re “taking” a thing and when you kill, you’re “taking” a life. And regardless of how many “locks” you put in place – irrespective of how threatening or difficult you attempt to make a particular behavior appear – the only people that are impacted by your efforts are those that are predisposed to obey the law and value the practice of being moral.

That’s what my Drill Instructor was saying. And what’s significant about that is the way it resonates with the Ultimate Truth communicated in Scripture in Romans 8:3. The law is “powerless” to prevent bad behavior. It outlines punishment but it doesn’t provide the necessary moral disposition required to qualify as a law abiding citizen.

From a cultural and political viewpoint, it can get really frustrating when you hear people insist that if we only had more laws on the books, there would be less crime. This doesn’t bear up under the scrutiny of history, human nature or even some of the recent attempts made by other nations, as far as gun control laws are concerned.

Australia is often touted as a sterling example of how gun control laws reduced the number of killings. According to Vox, between 1996 and 1997, the Australian government confiscated 650,000 guns and murders and suicides plummeted. But that’s not the whole truth. Gun related suicides dropped, but Lifeline Australia reports today that suicides in general are at a ten year high. In addition, manslaughter (murder), sexual assault, kidnapping, armed robbery and unarmed robbery all saw peaks in the years following the ban.

Can you smell  what’s on the stove?

Locks don’t stop thieves, they just keep honest people honest.

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” (John Adams)

Gun Control laws are powerless to stop criminals from killing other people, they simply find another way to get it done. And you don’t want to institute any legislation that prevents those who would otherwise be victims from being able to repel a thug with nothing more than a good sounding argument.

That’s something to ponder.

Most violent crimes are committed with a handgun. Right now the focus is on assault rifles, but the real source of trouble is represented by hand held guns. Should the second amendment be compromised in any way, it’s just a matter of time before all guns are considered against the law and the only ones who are now armed, apart from the military and law enforcement, are those that have no regard for the law to begin with.

So, what’s the answer?

  • Stop evaluating a system according to the way it’s abused or ignored
  • Stop looking to the government for that which needs to be done in the home and in the community and…
  • Start holding individuals accountable for their behavior

In other words, stop asking, “Is it legal?” and ask, “Is it right?” And start asking those questions before the individual in question has resolved to commit a crime. In other words, focus on the person pulling the trigger rather than the trigger itself. Only then do you arrive at any course of action that is effective let alone wise.


As a sidebar, there are elements within our political infrastructure that would use this issue to undermine the Oval Office, the Republican party and anyone who doesn’t agree with reducing the scope of the Second Amendment. The press is attempting to blame President Trump for the shootings in Florida because of a bill that he signed back in February of last year that supposedly made it easier for people with a mental illness to acquire a gun. What the press will not tell you is that the Obama era rule was instituted in the context of the government deciding if you were mentally ill, which is a violation of both your second and fourth amendment right. Click here to read more. In addition, there are other sinister dynamics at work in that the media is, apparently, hiring people to pose as victims in order to proliferate the notion that those who oppose Gun Control are heinous. Click here to read more.

This is Not Politics

f87de1210cfa5bd7ca3b1fd2648f6e73“Politics” can be used as a catch all term to define the self-absorbed elements that often inspire personalities in government to behave the way they do. They’ll make promises they have no intention of keeping, they pass laws that benefit their financial backers and they refrain from making decisions that require moral courage in order to maintain a peace that is devoid of justice and strength.

It can also be used as a way to sidestep moral imperatives in the interest of accommodating profits and the involvement of popular players who have no regard for any kind of absolute save the absolute of themselves.

When Colin Kaepernick first chose to kneel rather than stand during the National Anthem, he based his convictions on some judiciously selected facts while simultaneously turning a deaf ear to those in the law enforcement community who reached out to him in an effort to show him the training and the nature of a policeman’s job. Kaepernick refused.1 In so doing he revealed a deplorable lack of credibility and the fact that he would condemn the very paradigm that gives him the right to speak out makes him a truly heinous individual. 

If he wants to question the justice system, he needs to target those specific individuals that represent the problem and not demonize the ideal that is America. It is irresponsible, it is nonsensical and it is a slap in the face to every veteran, every law enforcement officer and especially to those who are currently standing in harm’s way overseas.

What is truly sinister is the way in which the actions of police officers who have shot and killed black suspects are never viewed in the context of protecting and serving. All that matters in the eyes of the media and activists is the enthnicity of the criminal. All of the rhetoric that you’re hearing in the news about “injustice” and “police brutality” rarely represents a comprehensive perspective on what really happened and when you pop the hood on all of the factors involved, it is truly pathetic to see how a thug breaking the law is suddenly made into a martyr for a cause that has no real substance.

This is the platform of those like Colin Kaepernick champion by refusing to stand for the National Anthem. They are wrong in their perspective, they are wrong in their actions and they are wrong when they say to anyone who disagrees with them that they are succumbing to the world of “politics.”


1. Letter to NFL Commissioner from Martin Halloran, President of San Francisco Police Officers Association 

Empty Squad Bay

444193217_f9017d1e20_zFor two years I was stationed in Hawaii. It was a great duty station, but regardless of where you’re stationed, coming back to base after a great time with your family isn’t something you look forward to.

It’s especially difficult when you’ve got an empty squad bay. You’re one of the first to get back. There’s no one to talk to and the silence of an empty building just makes your desire to be home among your friends and family that much more intense. Those feelings will get reigned in somewhat once you’re engaged and you’re back into the rhythm of your responsibilities and you’re surrounded by other people that you know and appreciate. But until then, it’s an empty squad bay…

It can be even worse when it’s not empty, but you don’t know anyone and nobody seems to be that interested in including you in their conversation.

So, what do you do? How do you negotiate those feelings of loneliness and homesickness?

First off, don’t deny yourself what equates to a healthy response to a difficult situation. In other words, don’t try to convince yourself that you shouldn’t feel lonely. Everybody has to walk through these kind of scenarios. It’s not pleasant, but in the end it obligates you to build some spiritual / social muscles that otherwise would remain dormant.

Secondly, approach your dilemma from a position of strength. You need fellowship. You need someone to come alongside you and engage you in some healthy conversation and authentic activity. Be that person for someone else. In that moment, you’re serving them while simultaneously diverting the mental energy that would otherwise be directed towards your feelings of loneliness.

Feeling alone is tough. Scripture records several individuals who had to deal with loneliness and sadness to the point of some truly serious levels of despair. David and Paul both had to contend with some intense isolation and disappointment (Ps 91:15; 2 Cor 1:8; 2 Tim 4:16-17). Jesus Himself had to walk through some outrageous amounts of abandonment and heartache (Mk 14:50 ; Lk 22:54).

But in the end, you can rest assured that God will never abandon or forsake you (Is 41:10; 43:1-5; Matt 28:19-20). Let that Truth lift you up to the point where you can look at your situation squarely in the face and force those clouds of sadness to break to the point where the sun of God’s Truth can break through and provide the perspective that results in a legitimately cheerful disposition.

Empty squad bays will happen on occasion. They’re never pleasant but they become easier to negotiate after you’ve had the chance to experience the remedy represented by looking for opportunities to engage other people who are feeling the same way. It’s not a “trick” or a “gimmick.” It’s placing yourself in a position of strength that stems from the Truth of God’s Love and Power that lives in you.

Go get ’em!

The Six Pack Seminar – For Coaches and Athletic Directors

sixpack_emblem_rgbKeep training your team even after they leave practice…!

6:30, Friday nite on the 4th of August at Thompsons Station Church…

The Muscular Christianity Six Pack Seminar is a monster group workout that uses the “Loose Cannon Fitness” audio workout system – a phenomenal tool that you can use as a highly effective extension of your physical training program. In addition, the Muscular Christianity Six Pack Seminar equips your players with the knowledge they need in order to eat, train and think in a way that will benefit them, not only on the field, but in everything they do in life.

You get 12 individual workouts that your players import into their iTunes. While they now own a cutting edge workout program that is as effective as it is creative, as a coach, you now have an adaptable fitness strategy that you can use to target your players’ upper body, core, lower body or all three. You have access to workouts that utilize weights or calisthenics or you can create your own custom workout and target specific area for specific individuals.

Rather than say, “Go home and do some pushups!” You can say, do “The Henderson” and know that you’ve just improved the performance of your athlete by giving them a round of quality, physical training they can do either on their own or with a teammate in way that’s got a high level of accountability built into it that you can track and measure.

You and your players will learn all about these exercisse Friday nite, August 4th at Thompsons Station Church from 6:30 – 8:00 by doing them! You’ll learn modified versions of the exercises, you’ll take a knee from time to time and get short, memorable tips on the difference between eating light and eating right as well as how to realize your goals and not simply pursue them.

Muscular Christianity:90 Day Workout PlanFinally, you’ll be exposed to the Biblical mandate to reek of excellence in everything  you do, think and say. That includes your performance on the field as well as off!

It’s a win-win for everybody! You’re getting a tool that you can deploy in a way that gives your team an edge over the competition, they’re getting some great instruction on how to better maintain and improve their bodies which improves their performance and everybody’s getting a motivating reminder that they were put on this planet to make a difference and not just an appearance – that we’re never on the bench!

Seminar begins at 6:30 on Friday nite and goes till 8:00 pm.

That’s August 4th at Thompsons Station Church! Cost is $25.00 a person! Group discounts are available! Print off your email receipt and bring that as your ticket! 

Do you smell that? That’s the aroma of some great training and a potentially life changing encounter with your King!

For $25.00, you’re getting:

  • monster workout session Friday nite
  • instruction on how to train and eat so you’re realizing your fitness goals rather than merely pursuing them and performing better, faster and longer than your competition
  • learning how in Christ you are never on the bench, you are always on the field and empowered to reek of excellence in everything you do, think and say in order to draw attention to your King
  • over $50.00 worth of downloads
  • copy of the book, “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan

Be there, be stoked and be ready! 

Click here to register!

Very Pleased to Meet You, Ms. Paglia

Yesterday I was listening to the Sean Hannity show as he was interviewing Camille Paglia. She’s a Democrat and has recently authored a book entitled, “Free Women, Free Men: Sex, Gender, Feminism.”

While she is a staunch supporter of candidates such as Bernie Sanders and is sitting on the other side of the ailse from Sean on a great many issues, she is, neverthless, the kind of political opponent that you can’t help but admire. Reason being is that she is…

…wait for it…


The thing that’s truly inspiring and encouraging about her platform is that she champions the talking points of the Democrat party sans the toxic waste that use see with the violence, the demonstrations and the rhetoric coming from Hollywood and even the leaders of the Democrat party. She’s no turncoat, she’s simply recognizes the lethal absudity that inevitably surfaces when you allow your platform to deteriorate into scenarios such as severed heads, staged assasinations and even, like what we’ve recently seen, murder.

It was great to hear a Democrat voice their convictions without insinuating that Trump should either be impeached or killed. Here’s a snippet from a recent article in the Washington Times:

“In an abject failure of leadership that may be one of the most disgraceful episodes in the history of the modern Democratic party, Chuck Schumer, who had risen to become the Senate Democratic leader after the retirement of Harry Reid, asserted absolutely no moral authority as the party spun out of control in a nationwide orgy of rage and spite,” she said in the interview published Thursday. “Nor were there statesmanlike words of caution and restraint from two seasoned politicians whom I have admired for decades and believe should have run for president long ago — Senator Dianne Feinstein and Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

“How do Democrats imagine they can ever expand their electoral support if they go on and on in this self-destructive way, impugning half the nation as vile racists and homophobes?” she said.

“Ms. Paglia said President Trump can be accused of “fanning the flames” of opposition, but in general he “seems to be methodically trying to fulfill his campaign promises.””

Camille is not a supporter of Trump, but she can appreciate a leader laboring to fulfill his campaign promises, even if they’re not consistent with her convictions. Moreover, she can respect the rule of law, specifically in the way it’s manifested in the context of the Electoral College and can appreciate that if you want to win the White House you have to do so with ideals and not just ideas and you can’t convince anyone your ideas have any merit as long as your means of communication is puntucated with murder, false accusations and violent protests. In that context, you don’t have a point, you simply have a problem.

Very pleased to meet you, Ms Paglia…

Gun Control or Self Control

Here’s what I’m thinking:

How do you envision someone who has no regard for the rule of law to suddenly be willing to abide by it? What is so exasperating about the topic of Gun Control is that it doesn’t take into account the mailice and the lack of character represented by the one wielding the weapon – only the weapon itself. Do you really believe that someone who is intent on killing in the context of a criminal action is going to refrain from getting a gun simply because it’s illegal to do so? It’s not the availability of weapons, it is the character of the one pulling the trigger. It isn’t Gun Control, it’s Self Control – that is the issue.

This is the mantra of the Liberal mindset: It is never about personal responsibility. The blame is always fixed on outside factors. That way you are able to avoid any notion of a Moral Absolute. By insisting that your situation is a result of what has happened to you, rather than what has occured because of you (poor decision making, bad work ethic, deplorable morals), you can now reasonably insist that it is someone else’s responsibility to clean up your mess, legitimate success is only possible by taking advantage of others and crime is nothing more than an oppressed victim giving vent to their indignation.

On the other hand, if you don’t work, you don’t eat (2 Thess 3:10). You are responsible for your actions…

4 Each one should test their own actions. Then they can take pride in themselves alone, without comparing themselves to someone else, 5 for each one should carry their own load (Gal 6:4-5 [see alsoProv 6:6; 10:4; 12:15; Heb 9:27]).

…and you’re not fooling anybody when you do something heinous and then attempt to blame something bogus as a way to justify your actions (Job 34:11).

Again it isn’t Gun Control, it’s Self Control and there’s no amount of legislation that can facilitate a change in one’s character. You can punish a lack of it, but you can’t dispense a replacement for it.


Do Christians Promote the Banning of Muslims?

170129105148-donald-trump-extreme-vetting-executive-order-01-27-2017-large-169There was a sign being held up by one of the demonstrators who was protesting President Trump’s recent Executive Order that banned Muslims from certain countries from entering the United States that read, “Christians Don’t Ban Muslims.”

I would like to offer a little bit of an edit.

Yeah, they do.

If the Muslims in question are coming from one of the seven countries that were identified by the Obama administration as being a threat to national security. This isn’t a ban on Muslims in general, it’s a wise move to restrict Islamic immigrants coming from countries that have gone out of their way to define themselves as threats to our safety and way of life. That’s not demonstrating a lack of compassion, that’s being wise.

There’s a difference between loving your enemy and enabling them. Understand too that the First Amendment represents two clauses: “The Establishment Clause,” which states that Congress can make no law that establishes a specific doctrine as a national religion. And the “Free Exercise Clause,” which allows a person to practice their religion provided it doesn’t adversely affect the safety and well-being of the community. If you choose to be a Muslim, you’re a conflicted Muslim if you believe that you’re not justified and even commanded to kill those who are not Muslims. According to the Quran:

And fight them on until there is no more tumult or oppression, and there prevail justice and Faith in Allah; but if they cease, let there be no hostility except to those who practise oppression. (sura 2:193)

And you also have men like Muhammad ash-Shawkani –  a respected Islamic cleric who lived from 1759 to 1834 and an authority on Islamic doctrine and law. Among his writings is a book entitled, “Alsaylu Jarar” which states:

Islam is unanimous about fighting the unbelievers and forcing them to Islam or submitting and paying Jiziah (special tax paid only by Christians or Jews) or being killed.   [The verses] about forgiving them are abrogated unanimously by the obligation of fighting in any case. (“Beyond Jihad: Critical Voices from Inside Islam” [p63])

Then of course you’ve got the directive authored by Osama bin Laden and endorsed by five Islamic caliphates which ordered the killing of all Americans. This is not a nonsensical interpretation of Islamic thought. It’s simply a practical application of the Quran. In other words, you don’t have to an extremist to be a terrorist, you just have to be orthodox in your interpretation of your creed. 

So, Trump’s actions are both reasonable and wise. Those who disagree, such as those in the Entertainment industry, are not reviewing all of the facts, only those that help promote a critical assessment of the Trump Administration. Truth is, if you’re willing to lump all immigrants in a hypothetical pool regardless of their stance on terror, you’re both foolish and irresponsible and therefore not qualified to pass judgement what’s coming out of the Oval Office where this issue is concerned.

So, do Christians promote the banning of Muslims?

If they’re Muslims coming from countries that sponsor terror in the name of Allah?

You better believe it! And should there be any indignation on the part of those who feel like that’s an unfair directive, I would recommend that you direct your frustration in the direction of those who engage in terrorist activities and not those who are responsible for national security.

Satan Loves Stragglers

30A7E4CD00000578-0-image-a-12_1453977911321[1]Sundays aren’t always riveting. Depending on your perspective, church can be a chore that you do out of a sense of obligation. Some will dismiss it from their schedule altogether insisting that it’s corrupt, impersonal, unnecessary, laborious…the list goes on and on.

From Satan’s standpoint, that kind of disposition constitutes a golden opportunity. Mind you, he’s not looking to hit a home run, necessarily, he just wants to get a man on first. If he can get his foot in the door, he knows it’s just a matter of time before he can get his subject to entertain compromises they wouldn’t otherwise consider.

While there are any one of a number of tools Satan has at his disposal, the instrument of Isolation is a real favorite. “Isolation” not so much in the context of making his target feel alone, although that can be effective. On a grander scale, it’s the dark art of encouraging a person to focus on themselves.

It’s impossible to be arrogant without placing yourself above others (Phil 2:3). It’s impossible to despair without positioning your assessment of your circumstances over the Perspective of your King (1 Kings 19:4; 2 Cor 1:9; 1 Thess 4:13-18). It’s impossible to give full vent to your emotions without being preoccupied with your feelings of indignation (Num 2:11-12; Prov 29:11).

Moreover, as an individual, you’ve been given a suite of gifts and abilities that are designed to be deployed in the context of a comprehensive whole (1 Cor 12:7; 1 Pet 4:10). Yours is a role that’s been uniquely tailored for you and when you remove yourself from the production, not only are you leaving a gap, but you deny yourself the fulfillment that comes from being a part of something Amazing (Acts 12:5).

If Satan can get you off by yourself, not only has he neutralized whatever God would’ve otherwise accomplished through you in the context of a group dynamic, he has also introduced the notion that the only standard that you have to be concerned with is the one that meets with your approval and is line with your preferences. While that may not be the way it’s defined, it is nevertheless the way it plays out. And what begins as something noble, inevitably deteriorates into something either sinister or powerless.

Satan loves stragglers. The Bible is frequently punctuated with the phrase “one another” and “each other” for a good reason: The well-being of the individual and the health of the church (http://www.memoryverses.org/smc/oneanothers.htm). Regardless of how practical or intellectual your reasoning may sound, God commanded us to be engaged and involved in a local community of believers (Heb 10:24-25). Being disobedient never lands in a good place and when you consider the practical consequences of letting Satan convince you it’s ok to “wander off,” saying “No” to church is neither wise nor healthy.