Entries by Bruce Gust

Two Headlines – the Essence of Fake News

24 Enemies disguise themselves with their lips, but in their hearts they harbor deceit.25 Though their speech is charming, do not believe them, for seven abominations fill their hearts. 26 Their malice may be concealed by deception, but their wickedness will be exposed in the assembly. (Prov 26:24-26 [see also Prov 6:26])But in your hearts revere […]

About Those Subpoenas…

Trump is being charged with “Obstruction of Congress” based in part on his unwillingness to comply with several subpoenas that target several of his subordinates. There’s more to this than what meets the eye from my standpoint, however… Imagine you’re arguing with someone at work and while the topic of your disagreement has nothing to […]

The Arrogant Drum Student

What follows is an exchange I had on Facebook with someone who was brought up in a Christian environment, but decided later to side with those who see Christianity as ridiculous if not toxic. His comments and his indictments are loaded with vitriol – which is not uncommon for a person who’s as determined as […]

What If…?

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a resource out there that got your entire congregation genuinely interested in studying the Word of God, spending time in prayer and being genuinely engaged and not just present when it came to church attendance? I want to believe that what I’m getting ready to propose could do […]

Impeachment Pop Quiz

Below is a series of questions designed to cut through the din of information and get to some simple bottom lines. The answers to these questions are at the end with links to the various sources that validate them as accurate. Here we go! 1) What are the Democrats accusing President Trump of that constitutes […]

You Are Responsible For Your Actions, But…

I’m a firm believer in that you are responsible for your actions, You can play the victim card as convincingly as you want, but in the end if you do the crime, you do the time. But… There are a couple of videos that make me weep because I see in them a sinister seed […]

I Was Only Joking…

Joy Behar, Bill Maher and Kathy Griffin are some of the comics that come to mind that will say and / or do some truly heinous things when it comes to the topic of President Trump and those who support him. What makes it reprehensible is the way they will sometimes assert the idea that, […]

Vocabulary Test

Hate, Fear, Propaganda, White Supremacy, Judgmental, Homophobe, Islamaphobe, Misogynist, Social Justice, Compassion Imagine you’re back in school for a moment and the teacher has just announced that you’re going to take a “pop quiz” on some vocabulary words as they’re used by the Left. The words you’re being tested on are above. Are you ready? […]

I Want Hillary as President (said the Kremlin)!

Do you know anything about Uranium One? Here’s the way it looks: Uranium One is the name of a Canadian company with uranium-mining stakes all over the world including the western part of the United States. In 2010, the US Regulatory Commission estimated that Uranium One had extraction rights to 20% of the uranium embedded […]