
If this is your first time here at “Muscular Christianity,” welcome! Below you’ll see an overview of the resources that comprise the “Muscular Christianity” suite of products and services designed to help you be spiritually ripped, physically fit and fully equipped!

If you’re already purchased the “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan” and you’re looking for the “download page” that has all of the downloadable resources that go along with the program, head out to muscularchristianityonline.com/downloads.


Muscular Christianity:90 Day Workout Plan

Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan – this is the flagship resource of the “Muscular Christianity” strategy. 90 days of inspiration, perspiration and transformation! Available at amazon.com, this fitness program is crafted by a former Marine and it will change your approach to exercise, teach you how to eat and give you that spiritual six pack that allows you to make a difference and not just an appearance!

Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan |  Training Schedule – get a breakdown of what your typical training day looks like. Download the list of workouts, demos and supplementary material that comprise the “Muscular Christianity” program.

Loose Cannon Fitness – a resource that will change the way you exercise! Your workout is a playlist that you import into your iTunes. Each “song” is the voice of a Marine accompanied by a drum that track that together establishes the exercise, the number of reps and the pace of those repetitions. Your workout never sounded so good and you’ve never seen results like these!

The “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan” includes over 50 complimentary tracks and several pre-manufactured workouts. For more information, click here!

The Accountability Machine – eating “right” and not just eating “light” is crucial to any workout plan. And planning your meals / caloric intake before the day begins makes for a much more intentional strategy. Combining that with the accountability you receive by having someone look over shoulder equates to an approach that breeds success. That’s the “Accountability Machine!” Click here for more information!
Muscular Christianity Blog – In addition to providing support for the “Muscular Christianity: 90 Day Workout Plan,” you’ll also find all kinds of articles pertaining to:

…and more!

90 Day Bible Study Guide – three months of daily readings that have you reading through a portion of every book in the Bible. A great way to familiarize yourself with the whole of Scripture by focusing on the “highlights.” Click here for more information.

Muscular Christianity Curriculum – Bible Studies designed to motivate and educate – all part of the relentless pursuit of excellence that defines the true “Hardcharger!”Click here to learn more.

If you have any questions, please email Bruce at bruce@muscularchristianityonline.com.

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